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Old 01-17-2012, 08:31 AM
fish gunner fish gunner is offline
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Originally Posted by ltw View Post
I have been out there but not for several years.

There will actually be two or three of us together with boats. The one we have is a 20' jet, nice high sides and set up good for fishing, just not a deep v. The other boats that would be going are similar size but are true fishing boats with outboards.
I dont recommend jets on the salt unless they have a deep v .can be dangerous if you lose power. my friends trued last year they were lucky, some one else near bamfield was not .dont think any body was killed but boat and fishing gear is on the bottom. jets unless designed for salt are river boats.if you study your charts I see no reason you cannot stay in sheltered waters and be safe.just remember if you get over brave the weather will murphy has been many years since I have been on the work channel. one suggestion I have, wait till we have open water ,find a day with poor weather troll family around gull all day call it training, oh and dont forget kill the motor for 10 min to add realism.
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