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Old 01-09-2012, 04:41 PM
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The Fisherman Guy The Fisherman Guy is offline
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Default Shared Inventory Update!

Willowtrail: Two deep fryer setups for boiling hot chocolate.
Horsetrader: 1 six man tent, 2 two man tents, and 2 Fish Cameras.
Silverdoctor: 1 four man tent.
WayneChristie: 1 four man tent, one Fish Camera.
TheFishermanGuy: 1 six man tent, 1 - 14 x 16 ft Wall tent if needed and not too windy.
CommanderB: 1 four man tent, 2 tip ups, 1 Flasher, 1 Fish Camera
Kokanee9: Snowblower
Ogre: 1 three man tent, 1 Fish Camera.
Dago: 1 three man ice tent.
Mudslide: 2 four man ice tents and 1 double flip over ice tent, several tip ups and 3 Flashers and 3 Fish Cameras.
New Hunter Okotoks: 1 two man tent and 6 tip ups.

More tents are needed to keep the kids warm! Please if you have a tent that you are able to share for the day, please bring it!

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