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Old 01-06-2012, 07:57 AM
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Daceminnow Daceminnow is offline
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Originally Posted by Daceminnow View Post
hello all,

we've done these before on OA and i'm wanting to start and look after one this winter. i'm thinking a dozen members and trout flys as the theme. if i can fill the dozen spots within a week or so say Jan 15th., i would want all flys mailed out by the participants one month later by Feb 15th. you tie 12 flys and send them to me along with a self addressed and stamped envelope and i mail you back 12 different flys tied by our talented members. i don't tie but Dace JR. has offered to tie up one of his creations for the swap. you've seen many of his ties pictured hanging out of fishes yaps this past year on the fishing forum pages. if interested, please put your OA handle and the fly name you wish to tie and we'll see if there's enough interest to do this.



1. Dace JR - BH white bunny leech
2. npauls- BH Evil Weevil
3.FH7 - catonic leech gunner- floro fin,mickey fin variant
5.GaryF - crystal caddis
6.bigtoad - foam boatman
7.icefever - zonker
8.wbaj- stimulator
9.uplander-cutthroat candy
10.Trapshooter - Ant Pattern
11. Kingfisher - Prince Nymph
12.Tallieho - night fighter

Tallieho grabs the last slot with the "night fighter". cool. well that filled up real quick, thanks to all the participants. with the great response to this swap maybe another member should look at firing another up. i will PM my addy out to all this evening. remember to include with your dozen flys a self addressed and stamped envelope so i can return to you, your new bugs. i will mail all envelopes out once the last batch of flys has reached my door. feel free to post a pic of one of your flys once completed in this thread.

thanks again to all the participating members, i look forward to seeing everyones creations in the next couple weeks. time to hit the vices.

1. Dace JR - BH white bunny leech
2. npauls- BH Evil Weevil
3.FH7 - catonic leech gunner- floro fin,mickey fin variant
5.GaryF - crystal caddis
6.bigtoad - foam boatman
7.icefever - zonker
8.wbaj- stimulator
9.uplander- cutthroat candy
10.Trapshooter - Ant Pattern
11. Kingfisher - Prince Nymph
12.Tallieho - night fighter

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