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Old 01-04-2012, 10:06 AM
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The Fisherman Guy The Fisherman Guy is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Calgary
Posts: 3,858

Time is flying by as we close in on the event. A tremendous amount of support has been committed by many, in the form of donations of cash and prizes, time, and gear. I would like to post up what everyone is bringing for gear so that we have an idea of what is being lent to the event, and where we will be deficient with certain items, such as tents.

**Please remember to label your items with your name and phone number to ensure you get your gear once the event is finished.

Seeing as commitment is difficult to confirm, please PM me with what you are committing to the event for use. I will update the list as the PM's float in.

Willowtrail: Two deep fryer setups for boiling hot chocolate.
Horsetrader: 1 six man tent, 2 two man tents, and 2 Marcum cameras.
Silverdoctor: 1 four man tent.
WayneChristie: 1 four man tent, one Fish Camera.
TheFishermanGuy: 1 six man tent, 1 - 14 x 16 ft Wall tent if needed and not too windy.

Folks if you would like to lend anything to the event, tent's are in short supply. If it is windy and cold, your tent will help the little ones stay toasty warm and make the event that much better for them. If you would like to lend your tent to the event, please send me a PM with your commitment and I will add you to the list!

Thank you everyone for your help and generosity.
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