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Old 01-04-2012, 08:44 AM
SLH SLH is offline
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Posts: 770

Originally Posted by chuck View Post
I am convinced that it is a big part of it. I started a thread on some such issue not long ago and was absolutely blasted for it.

I don't know who is to blame and I can see both sides of the fence. It's an interesting "problem".
So we need to figure out why this is happening. Is it lack of effort on measuring sheep, is it lack of funding in the offices to take short sheep cases to court, is it the courts being liberal, is it a lack of support from SRD for the field personel taking these cases forward.

It would seem fairly straight forward to me if you have a harvested ram that is short you lose the ram to the crown, you lose one year hunting privleges as a fine and you get fined accordingly to the extent to which you screwed up honest mistakes maybe nothing more, complete disregard for the system and the animal lifetime bann and huge cash.
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