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Old 12-30-2011, 06:29 PM
Lonnie Lonnie is offline
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Originally Posted by surface2feather View Post
Im not implying that anybody can pick up a handgun and be a marksman, but what I am saying is that they can be shot more readily then a rifle. I've probably only shot 50 rounds with a handgun in my life, and 1000's with a rifle and shotgun. I didn't have any expectations when I shot one based on video games or tv shows, I respect weapons to much to make a decision like that, and play enough video games to know that they are certainly not based on any sort of reality.

Though they wouldn't be accurate shots I think most people could be sending bullets in the direction of the intended target in a shorter time with a pistol then with rifle or shotgun.

I do also feel like that policing this would be difficult. It would open up a ton of grey areas where people are traveling with hand guns. If all a person had to do was buy a deer tag to travel around the country with a pistol in their truck that could open up a world of disasterous scenarios. That doesn't mean such things can't happen now, and I am certainly not trying to draw a negative view on hunters as I know that many of you are law abiding and would never in your lives have negative intentions in mind while carrying a pistol. But with that, their is always that group of people that leech on these grey areas, and open up that opportunity for disaster. Even for something as basic and simple as an irresponsible idiot shooting up roadsigns, or poaching. (I would not consider such people hunters at all, but they like anybody else are allowed to buy tags) And though that is an example of something that can be done with any weapon, I do believe that it would be more 'fun' and more likely to happen if pistols were legal to carry. I think that a pistols use can be more influenced by impulse then a long barrelled weapon where a simple miscommunication or altercation between 2 people could more easily escalate to a fatality.

I can't be the only one that feels this way, or some derivative of what I'm saying...because if I were the only one handguns probably wouldn't be restricted as it is.

It is ok for us to disagree, I'm not trying to make you believe my opinion, I just hope you understand mine.
escalate to a fatality, the same can be said for base ball bats ,knives, cars, and the list goes on forever, handgun is a piece of equipment like any other piece of equipment if you don't know how to use it you cuold hurt your self or some body else & your not the only one to feel that way most that don't understand a piece of equipment have irrational fears of it.
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