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Old 12-23-2011, 11:11 AM
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Huntnut Huntnut is offline
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Originally Posted by Justin.C View Post
Yes that sure sounds like they are really trying to push this though. I just dont understand how people can have there eyes closes so much....Anybody that sheep hunts know that a huge amount ofd people apply for tags that dont even hunt sheep....The numbers speak for them self... Almost 12000 applicants and only 2200 tags bought annually... Pretty simple math to me. 12000 applicant means we will be waiting 7+years just to have a chance to draw a tag... Also this does not mean you will kill one either...Than another 7+ year wait.... I agree with the last post it will probably turn into a once a life tag.... To bad outfitters still will have a free run like always...Same guy will come up every year and kill a ram and resident get screwd again....... And we wonder why there is a poacher problem in our province...

If they go through with this it will be a sad sad state for Alberta sheep hunters. I know I've sent in my questions and stated my outrage by these proposals-wheater you sheep hunt or not you should do the same because this could be just the beginning.
Hunting isn't a matter of life and's more important than that
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