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Old 12-22-2011, 01:44 PM
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Speckle55 Speckle55 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
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say that the Province has 5000 sheep

of them what percent are rams that are legal

so how do you want to hunt them

the way it was before draws was everyone had the same chance buy tag hunt if 300 legal rams were shot it was done ( it did not happen 300 shot in one year)

Now on Draws in some areas still have the same number being shot as before..

so now lets change that and make more draws but the number of sheep killed stay the same ?

so now lets make it so the good die hard hunters have to wait a few years after they kill?

there still is only X number of legal sheep and there are more hunter's than legal rams ..

now lets getting more into sheep Game Ranching and selling tags to the American's or higgest bidder like we have been doing the last 20 or so years and oh we will allow Albertans to have a draw too in that Game Ranch area .. but hey DO NOT CALL CADOMIN A GAME RANCH just because we feed them and they do not leave much or they have so much human animal exposure that you shoot them with one hand as you pet them with the other.. and just because they have a horn rot issue at the Mine sites(industry spills etc) and hooves that are 6inches long and one has had high Selenium in blood sample (google selenium kill sheep 160 dead in 6 hrs)

in sheep hunting you have to put in X number of days to get a legal sheep does any one one here know what that number is and are we here in Alberta trying to make is easier than mother nature does allready..

Are we in Alberta throwing away our conservation and nature's balance


The Rich ..who are content to buy what they have not the Skill to get by their own exertions..these are the Real Enemies of the game !!
Theodore Roosevelt
Principles of the Hunt

Food for Thought
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