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Old 12-22-2011, 11:22 AM
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PoppaW PoppaW is offline
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Originally Posted by Pudelpointer View Post
Whenever this is brought up, we hear the same concerns: We don't want people running around shooting at deer with their Glocks! Handguns are not accurate enough! Handguns are not powerful enough! Handguns are dangerous and scary!

There is a simple solution to your (and a lot of other people's) concerns (well, except for the scary part):

1. Regulate what are considered appropriate cartridges (ft/lbs, minimum calibres, whatever...) for the species in question.

2. Create a "________ Handgun License" for whatever species, deer, elk, moose, antelope, etc. with which you can ONLY hunt with a handgun.

IMO a Handgun specific hunting license would weed out those who are not serious; most hunters feel limited while hunting with a rifle, so if you tell them "yes, you CAN hunt a WT Buck with a handgun, but if you want to you will ONLY be able to use a handgun for hunting WT Bucks that season" the vast majority of hunters will say "no way".

Again, IMO the only people who would bother are those of us who thrive on challenge. The type of people who practice diligently all year so they can make the shot when it is required. These are the same people who will hunt with a longbow or recurve with no sights, or drag a flintlock around the mountains hoping the powder stays dry.... enough.

Most people do not hunt with traditional archery equipment, or muskets, or flintlocks, because it makes killing an animal much more difficult.

What about it Scar; would you forego hunting with a rifle to try taking a deer with a handgun? (I am betting he would - cause so would I)

Eloquent solution to a minor issue.
This power qualification would be hard to do. We don't want to say under 45 is a no go as a lot of old antiques are 44 and 41 etc. Most 45 colt antiques are not sought after up here as they need licensing.
As it applies to Restricted modern guns, Some of the same problems apply. I hate to make rules but we have the bigger than 23 caliber for rifles. I figure for big game 10mm and up works if done right. We would have to get rid of the ATT. YES! And if done right the law would read 'restricted' and not say hand gun or pistol so we could use AR's also. Thats a gopher popper.

I have forwarded this thread to Santa. Tis the season.
Everybody is allowed an opinion, even if it's wrong.

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