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Old 12-21-2011, 01:54 PM
Scar270 Scar270 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 468

Originally Posted by Pudelpointer View Post
LOL. I can't imagine that is it.

Will take some time tonight to write some letters. FWIW this WILL BE an uphill battle. The ignorance level about handgun hunting is pervasive. Just the other night at a meeting, I overheard a club member (who is an active handgun shooter) flat out say that hunting with handguns should not be allowed - they are not accurate enough.

It was our Christmas meeting so I refrained from pointing out the ignorance of his opinion, but I will be discussing it with him soon.

Uphill or not, I think it is a battle worth fighting!
Yeah, it will be uphill, there is a lot of ignorance on handgun hunting. Explaining that a glock 9mm is not the only handgun out there, and there are handguns quite capable of making 200 yard shots on game. I have a pistol in 308 winchester.

Not to mention most handgun hunting is like archery, it is just more of a close range sport.
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