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Old 03-06-2008, 05:07 PM
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LB 270 LB 270 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 419

I was on a lease road with my son, we had just stopped fishing at Christmas Creek and it was raining pretty good, hence the stopping fishing. We were driving slow on the road just sight seeing enjoying our day when a guy on a quad drives right up in front on me and starts giving it to me about tearing up the road and I should use my head, blah blah blah. I looked back and I had made tracks about 1 inch deep on the road. Not wanting to escalate the situation and showing the boy about being the bigger man, I thanked the fellow for pointing this out to me and tried to turn around right there, because of course he was blocking the road with his quad. Well I made a huge mess out of the muddy sides of the road turning. The rocky road was o.k. the big ruts I left on the sides really set this guy off. I had had enough of this clown and told him this is a public road and it was his fault for me doing the damage I did. I understood his point and tried to accommodate but it didn't work out that I helped at all. Good way to tarnish an otherwise great day. There is taking things too far. Sorry for the length and the rant.
"You skin that one Pilgrem, and I'll git ya another!!!!"