Thread: Elk for 2007
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Old 03-01-2008, 11:00 AM
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trda trda is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 98

To answer some questions:
Sorry no feild photos, We went to take pics and the camera battery was dead. We where a two hour hike back to the truck so no feild pics.I now carry a dispossable camera. We were not hunting from stands. Yes he was called in, he came in very fast. We had three different bulls answer the call, he was the first to come in. To fast actually, We had everything set up on how we where going to do it but he came in so fast that I did not get a chance to draw when I wanted. He stopped right in front of me and looked right at me. My buddy that was about 15 yards away cow called and then the bull turned and started to walk again which gave me the chance to draw and shoot. I was wearing face paint not a mask. I used to wear a mask but I found that it got in my way, the paint is a little harder to clean up but I like it way better. I find I have a better all round veiw with the paint. We were also using scent bolck. Hopefully that answered all the questions. If not just let me know.

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