Thread: Occupy protests
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Old 11-21-2011, 09:46 PM
eastcoast eastcoast is offline
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Originally Posted by rugatika View Post
I never said that did I? I said Reagan ran up the debt building up a crippled military in order to defeat the USSR. Which he did. Democrats (libs in general) typically (although not exclusively) run up debt buying votes with social welfare programs which do nothing but enslave generations to a life of government sponsored poverty. If you really want to discuss it further start up a new thread.
bush ran up alot of debt with his re election in 04,medicare part b,pork barrell spending etc,clinton on the other hand reduced the defecit and debt from 96-00.chretien/martin did the same as clinton and harper is doing a good job increasing the government and debt himself,it's a falacy that the right want's people to believe that they are better with spending,they have different just as expensive priorities that's all.
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