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Old 11-17-2011, 07:18 AM
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hillbillyreefer hillbillyreefer is offline
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Originally Posted by dero338 View Post
a few years ago, I got rid of my hand guns because no real shooting club in my area.
really miss the s&w 29
it will probably never happen, but unrestrict all single shot that arent not prohibited would be a great beginnig
A firearm is a firearm. Let's push for the abolishment of the ridiculous restricted list. You are right we have to start some where.
Upset a Lefty, Fly a Drone!

"I find it interesting that some folk will pay to use a range, use a golf course, use a garage bay but think landowners should have to give permission for free. Do these same people think hookers should be treated like landowners?" pitw
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