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Old 02-26-2008, 06:47 AM
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Dick284 Dick284 is offline
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Originally Posted by Duk Dog View Post
I look at ACA and their directors have a wide range of backgrounds and interests - AHEIA, ATA, APOS, Pheasants Forever, TU, AFGA, various Public at Large groups to name a few.
You take a look at HFT and their stakeholders also consist of a variety of groups with different back grounds and interests - ABA, ACA, AFGA, AHEIA, APOS, ASRD, ATA, ATBA, CWS, Delta Waterfowl, to name a few.
When you look at AHEIA there is a long list of board of directors. It appears that their objective is to promote conservation and hunter education.

So these groups aren't member driven, and they aren't lobby groups. They are all currently, or have in the past, sat at the OS table. What is their directive with a program like OS? Where does their direction come from as to what interests to promote and defend during negotations? In one way or another they are a voice for Albertans.
That I do not know, since it has piqued your interest how about making a few calls and filling in yours and our blanks.

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