Thread: Occupy protests
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Old 11-16-2011, 11:37 AM
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Sundancefisher Sundancefisher is offline
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Originally Posted by dragon View Post
I would not

Federal law states you have the right to protest. Who are you to tell them that protesting can only be in the form of signs while walking up and down a sidewalk? Technically it could be considered loitering in which many municipalities have bylaws against just as they do against tenting in a park.

I consider myself educated and I still struggle to maintain a focus on the issue at hand.
A while back when the big 3 were in financial trouble, the governments of Canada and the United States bailed them out financially. That upset me as I run a small business and never recieved a bail out of any sort. If your business model leads you to bankruptcy I don't care if you are big or small I shoudln't have to sacrifice my children's education or health care wait times so you can keep your doors open.

The issue is in a bail out like that we did just that. We sacrificed our youth's education, our health care and other government supplied items so that the CEO of General Motors could make more money than the average person does in a decade. I'm sure he is a nice guy and all...

Even with this post I can't touch on the complexity of the issue. Had we not bailed out GM the trickle down effect of General Motors stopping production is unimaginable... It is complex.

In summation the poor choices made by some protesters or even the majority of protesters is becoming the media focus instead of the underlying issue.
Actually...GM was financially supported due to strong union pressure. their argument. Same with the big3. This is not a corporation issue...but a union issue and pressure tactic.

Unfortunately there is no "protest" of union influence on government decisions. That should be added to the other million things the movement is complaining about...corporate greed, 99% versus 1%, Global warming, bank bailouts, capitalism, stock investments, jobs, insurance whatever else.

As for your general still need to acknowledge...the problems you complained about were 99% American problems...that just spilled over into Canada insofar as trading and jobs.

For Canadians to be protesting US policy and problems at Olympic just silly IMHO.
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