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Old 11-08-2011, 08:09 PM
Hun-Ter Hun-Ter is offline
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Location: Red Deer, AB
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Originally Posted by AB2506 View Post
Read books by John Lott.

Any state that has enacted concealed carry laws (usually applicants have to pass specific courses and be vetted by their local sheriff) find that violent crime of all types, dramatically decline. Who's going to mess with a potentially armed person?

I think it was Samuel Colt who said "An armed society is a polite society."

I agree.

This idea by the OP that if I had handguns, it means it's easier for criminals to get handguns because they could take mine? Load of crap. For crying out loud, if they took mine, thats another criminal act on their part. And they should pay for that when caught.

Makes alot of sense, let's ban or restrict things because someone might steal them. Idiotic thinking. I don't understand Liberals or Democrats, or anyone that agrees more with Hitler's gun laws than common sense.

That's it. I'm creating a new religion. My religious symbol, is a loaded handgun on my person (type to be determined by how I feel each day).
I absolutely agree.
I lived in the US (NC) for over a decade, open carry state, no license required. I use to carry my Glock to the woods mostly in the snake infested areas, chambered a snake/rat shot, I was also a participant in IDPA shooting competition and used 1000-2000 rounds of pistol ammo/week on the range.
I could carry my loaded rifle on the passenger seat, not that I did, but it was legal.
If I got pulled over by cops I told them that I was armed, pointed to my belt or the back seat. They noted, politely asked me to stay in the car while they run a check on me.
Once on the way from our hunting place to a diner one of my friend was pulled over for not wearing the seat belt. The cop saw his rifle laying against the pass. seat, he asked him if it was loaded, he said of course, there is one in the chamber too. So the cop asked him:" Do you mind if I unload it until we finish our business?" He removed the mag and the round from the chamber, but left them on the seat. That was it.
You are obliged to take a day long course if you apply for CCL, which is issued by the Sheriff (in NC). Another friend of mine carried his pistol in the center console, during a DUI checkpoint the cops were checked vehicles for open bottles and discovered his pistol. Since he did not have a CCL, he got a $50 ticket. If he would keep it in the seat or in a holster on his belt there would be no fine.
I have seen people to walk into banks while carry handguns openly. It was interesting that many banks let you in with guns meanwhile some grocery stores won't allow you to do it.
You can't carry it in school property (including the parking lot), places where drinks being sold, or where you need to purchase a ticket to get in - like movie theaters..
You can't buy guns legally in the US if you have been convicted in any gun or drug related crime or you have a documented mental health issue. Note: air and black powder rifles or handguns are not considered guns in the US, you can buy them off of the shelf.
NICS check is the first thing to do when a person want to buy a gun in a store. It takes few minutes - even at the first time, than in most states you walk out from the store with your gun.
In those states where the Castle Law was reinstated the crime rate dropped significantly.
Take a look at NY city or LA, where the gun control is on the highest liberal level. The crime rate is also high because it's hard to get guns in the legal way, meanwhile most criminals carry, they have easy access to full auto guns too.
In my opinion firearms are nothing more than tools to get a game, sporting goods for target shooting, weapons for self defense or accessory in a criminal act. Everyone has a brain to choose his/her own purpose, act responsibly and pay the price if not.
The thing is, as long as criminals have access to guns to commit crimes, a bear or cougar can eat you while you are hiking, it would be nice to be able to defend your life or property legally.
At least as long as an RCMP or F&W officer won't fit in your holster, eh?
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