Thread: Travers Closure
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Old 11-07-2011, 08:43 AM
huntsfurfish huntsfurfish is offline
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Originally Posted by Winch101 View Post
I think the point is moot ....number of walleyes in the creek is relative to

feed , water temp and level . 3 yrs ago we were catching 20" plus fish in 2 ft. of water on july 15 th.....

Brian did tell me he was concerned about how the Tournaments were pounding this spawning area in the spring. This was 3 yrs ago...
So to me the Tourneys are the problem ....late opening on spawning areas on any given body of water is not uncommon , I have always debated the spawning theory here as this area is solid loon **** and every fish you cut open are full of shiners . There are milting males there but in May they are all over the lake even in W--- Coulee.

There are too many people keeping legal fish in this lake and technology in the hands
of the wrong people is a dangerous thing , too many F&F's these days
( Fish and Fry )...Also too many blabbermouths on this board. " F & F " I believe should be a new club , the fisheaters unite....with membership you get a gallon of peanut oil.

This closure shows you that PC's have no plan , never have had one ,
just kinda rollin around . Now that I know that it just takes one guy to get the regs changed , I think its time to get the province wide Bait Ban movement
going .That would make those tourneys interesting , might as well just cut the cheque to Chub before it starts

Though that dock is home to a few kids , also lots of poaching going on there .

When is the last time you saw F&W there ....oh ya NEVER>

This closure will be tough to bussiness as usual
Pretty much agree, good post.
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