Thread: Travers Closure
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Old 11-05-2011, 09:21 PM
horsetrader horsetrader is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Edmonton
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As far as myself being the President of Walleye Unlimited and SAWT, please be advised that I have resigned from the Walleye Unlimited in September but the website has not been updated (as these are all volunteer positions).


Originally Posted by Horseshoe View Post
I don't appreciate people writing things that I did not say "the west arm is the ONLY spawing area".

You know as well chubbdarter the east end rock pile is another important spawning area, why hasn't that been brought to the surface. There are alot more spawning areas on this reservoir which have not even been mentioned.

For people who are using my real name, I do not answer you by your first names. Do you want me to start writing your names with your handle name online?

For everyone who has been discussing this topic, is welcome to attend the next meeting on Nov 16, 7:00pm at the Canoe Club in Calgary for Walleye Unlimited. Memberships can be purchased at the door prior to the meeting. There will also be an election for the following new positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, Liason and Membership Coordinator.
I'd like to give a special THANKS to all the volunteers (members and non-members) who have come out to help with the Calgary Sportsman Show Minnow Races, The Crawling Valley & Lake Newell Fish Signage project, and the annual Calgary Boys & Girls Club fishing Day.

I don't think you can complain about someone using your real name on here you were the one that brought it out first with your statement As far as myself being the President of Walleye Unlimited and SAWT It is then easy to know your name. From there on you were called Brian Eberts in reference to you being the president of WU and SAWT not in a reference to HORSESHOE. YOU are the only one that connected the two names. So I would reconsider your threat..
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