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Old 10-29-2011, 08:36 PM
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Lefty-Canuck Lefty-Canuck is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
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Default Relaxing Day

Well after the passing of my Mother on Tuesday My Step-Dad and I needed a day in the field to clear our heads....

Funny story with this one, we set up on a dug out burm, with the dugout behind us.....I had just picked up a rabbit decoy and wanted to try it out. We set up roughly 15 yards apart and layed down on the top of the burm. I called for about 5-7 minutes and for some reason I had a feeling to look behind.....there was a coyote drinking at the dug out 55 yards from where we lay. I wispered to my Dad.....there is one.....but he was I swung around and peg this one with a head shot....didn't even need the decoy. 90gr B-tip from my .240WBY.

This one was another funny story....we set up on a hill top looking out to an area that is known to hold coyotoes. So I put out my little rabbit decoy.....and the wind was insane, felt like 50mph straight in our faces.....I am 10 yards from my dad and I start calling.....well I call for 15 seconds, and I tuck my call in my jacket and I look up to a dogs face staring me down from 15 yards away....can only see the head. He looks at me, then at the decoy, then back at me.....I tell Dad.....theres one.....he can just see the ears from where he is in the tall grass but decides where the head is and shoots......done deal 45gr out of the .22-250. We did not expect to have a dog come in from after only 15 secs of calling.....I mean we just set up but the wind was so bad, I think he was sleeping and never heard us.

Was a great day to get out even though it was super windy, we left early, and I missed one..... Dropped both dogs off at the local farmers place and had a visit, he likes to skin and sell them so its a win/win for us. We also had some good chats about my Mom and how much she will be missed.


Last edited by Lefty-Canuck; 10-29-2011 at 08:50 PM.
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