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Old 02-07-2008, 08:51 PM
Mr. Magoo
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Default loopholes

Q you have identified one of the many gaping holes in one of the programs. The pilot stinks to high heaven and many on this board have already pointed out gaps, inequities and areas open to corruption and abuse in both programs. One of the most glaring in the HFH is the notion of comparable access.

I was at the Lethbridge meeting and many of these very holes were questioned by the hunters at the table. The SRD boys and the facilitraitor from the U of C had no answers. At the end of the meeting they emphasized that 'flesh needed to be put on the bones' and they really, really wanted our help in making it a locally driven pilot that addressed all these things. It somehow became the responsibility of the opposed to make it work. My buddy asked how he could be of any use in further talks to make it work when he was adamantly opposed to the whole thing.

Once money is involved the corruption gates open wide.
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