Thread: Bass? Alberta?
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Old 09-21-2011, 09:27 PM
avb3 avb3 is offline
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Originally Posted by Jorg View Post
Just curious can you post a link with information about how snakeheads have caused harm to native Canadian fish ?
It appears that DFO certainly is concerned..

But they are just scientists, right? What would they know!

Just in case you feel they have any veracity, it appears they are saying much of what I an others have tried to put on the table.

Quoting DFO:
"When a new species reaches an ecosystem where it does not occur naturally, many cannot adapt to new surroundings and fail to spread; some disappear entirely.Others, however, can become aggressive aliens in ecosystems that lack the natural checks and balances to control their numbers.These invaders can decimate native plants or animals through predation or competition for food and living space.What remains of the ecosystem can often be quite different, and less productive, than before the arrival of the invader."
Applying the precautionary principle, one does not knowingly introduce new species into an ecosystem, no matter how much "fun they are to catch".

Of course, arm chair fish experts probably know more then those scientists, and what the hey, it might be fun to see how a non-native fish does here.

Hey! It might not do any harm, right? All those "scare mongers" out there could be proven wrong.
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