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Old 09-18-2011, 09:15 PM
Rackmastr Rackmastr is offline
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Originally Posted by xtreme hunter10 View Post
I find it far fetched at someone took a deer down at 117 yards. I dont believe it. its that simple. You also said that if i posted vids on you tube of me shooting an arrow at 500 yrds you would believe that even though we both no it would be a trick shot. so how can u throw up videos from you tube and claim it to be true? maybe intriguing but it doesnt prove anything other than its a video. you probably see big foot videos on you tube and think big foot is out there too. Well it must be true cause there are numerous ones on you tube if we use your logic. there is no point in trying to prove it to me unless you and one of your buddies wants to go to the range and prove it. Until then I will still believe thats improbable.

why did u bring up the twin towers? seriously do you have no respect for the men and women that died that day dear god man. you wanna call me an idiot for not believing an 117 yrd bow and arrow kill thats fine but have some respect for other people. How do you know I didnt have family that died that day? wow....
Hahaha....oh god buddy. There is no end to how deep you would go to prove your ignorance. I'm done with this one man.

You're right. The guy that you saw shoot at 80 yards is the best archer in the world, and shot the furthest shot in archery history that day. No one has done it further because you didnt see it with your own eyes....

Packhuntr summed it up nicely. Other than that, I'm done debating whether something is real of fiction because you think that anything on TV is fake....
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