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Old 08-17-2011, 09:42 PM
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chubbdarter chubbdarter is offline
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Originally Posted by Redfrog View Post
Had a friend from Saskatchewan, hope that's not racist, He would come back from a fishing holiday and say they caught no pike because the pike lose all there teeth in summer so for 4 or 5 weeks they won't bite.
so if you've ever been swimming in a pike lake and noticed the white bottoms, either someone has lost their trunks or he was correct.

He was quite a hunter as well. One day while I was glassing a high basin full of willow, he informed me it was a total waste of time as any fool knows that elk will not go into willows. So like a fool I asked why. 'Cause when they try to eat the grass, they poke there eyes out on the willow stubs that the moose left when they were browsing. And here I thought those were wild crabapples sticking on the willows when all along they were elk eyes. I need better binos.
Maybe I should start a society for saving the blind elk.

I see what you are up to here secret agent Chubb. all this questioning about PM and secrets. You are trying to find the hidden agenda.

innocent as ALWAYS
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