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Old 01-30-2008, 01:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Vindalbakken View Post
Wow. Is anyone who posts to be included in your web of name callers and slanderers? I don't recall participating in such and it would not be my intent.

I will repeat though that I see this as an issue of critical importance because it speaks to very philosophy of how we view the game animals in our province. From where I sit it is difficult to see the line between impartiality and acceptance in principle.

There is no one who is involved with hunting in any manner in our province who is not "involved" with Open Spaces.

It is germane to the discussion of Open Spaces who may or may not have been privy to the process and thereby is guilty of collusion in the cloak of secrecy.
I most certainly never accused you of anything.....please indicate where I did. I thought we were speaking in broad terms here and I was simply relating some of my experiences as they related to our discussion. I felt those experiences were quite germane to this discussion. It was most definitely not directed at you.

Where have I ever stated that I was impartial. While the facts are impartial it most certainly does not indicate that the purveyor of those facts is. Some prefer to be loud with their opinions and others prefer to deal with things on a more sublime level......I don't see that as seperating one from the other is a measure of superiority though.

As to your comment about all being involved in Open Spaces, once again you misunderstood my words. I was speaking in more specific terms as in those that were involved in its creation or molding.

As for your thoughts of collusion...I plead not guilty.

Now don't you truly believe we've diverted the attention long enough from the real issue with all this pointless bantering?

Last edited by sheephunter; 01-30-2008 at 01:51 AM.
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