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Old 07-08-2011, 07:34 PM
Dust1n Dust1n is offline
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Originally Posted by walleyeca View Post
I was merely trying to open up some insight as to where the walleyes could have been found! I Actually did give Bob Izumi some tips on how to catch the walleyes that day! My fishing partner will testify to that! But why is that evrytime I try and help guys out on here, up pops these jealous no minds??? just because Im not Tom Cruise who got inverted with a russian MIG fighter plane and flipped him the bird! Doesnt mean I dont like to study my walleye fishing so I can go out and catch little darts and damaged and starved fish that our goverment slowly produces in all my old trophy lakes!! Im sorry im good at walleye fishing, Im also sorry that your so good at bashing others! Why not take that energy and go and do some actual fishing? Im just sayin
there was no sarcasm for my post...
but that would be great in your portfoleo about how you taught bob izumi haha.
and if you can catch that big of walleye anytime that takes skills man.
good job
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