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Puma 04-12-2017 10:44 PM

New Helmet Law Passed
Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Helmet Law
Every year thousands of people are injured while riding Off-Highway Vehicles (OHVs) in Alberta. According to the Injury Prevention Centre, many of those injuries involve head trauma for OHV operators who were not wearing helmets. During Fall 2016 the Government of Alberta decided to take action to address this public health concern.

The Alberta Legislative Assembly passed Bill 36, An Act to Enhance Off-Highway Vehicle Safety, on December 9, 2016. A new law requiring helmets to be worn by users of OHVs when riding on public land will be proclaimed on May 15, 2017.

Alberta will abide by CSA helmet motorized vehicle standards.

The fine for not wearing a helmet is $155. The fine for wearing a helmet that is not CSA-compliant is $93. Both fine amounts include the victim surcharge.


While the Government of Alberta recommends that all OHV users wear a helmet whenever riding an OHV, this law does not require OHV helmets for:

Individuals performing farm and/or ranch work.
Those individuals of the Sikh faith who feel helmet use is incompatible with religious observance and are wearing a turban.
Individuals performing work regulated under Alberta’s Occupational Health and Safety laws who are using an approved alternative safety measure.
Individuals operating an OHV on First Nations or Metis Settlement lands.
Individuals or groups that have been granted a case-by-case exemption from the Alberta Registrar of Motor Vehicle Services.
Individuals operating motorized vehicles that meet the standards for a vehicle designed for use on a roadway, has seat belt assemblies maintained in compliance with the Vehicle Equipment Regulation, and when seat belts are being properly worn.
Individual operating off-highway vehicles with manufacturer-supplied rollover protection and seatbelts, when seat belts are being properly worn.
For cases where such protections have been installed by a party other than the manufacturer, certification from an individual with P.Eng designation may be accepted by the Registrar, as per the previous bullet.

BuckCuller 04-12-2017 10:53 PM

Good to see.
Would never ride or let my kids ride one with out a helmet.
Sounds like the fine is about the same cost as a good helmet.

jakebrake 04-12-2017 10:55 PM

Ndp nanny state and it looks like there is going to be no end to the tax hikes and new regulations.I can't hardly wait for the next election to see the ndp party brought to there knees.

gpgriz 04-12-2017 11:00 PM

Another strike against personal freedom.
Even if not wearing a helmet is stupid, i want the freedom to make that stupid choice or not.

TBark 04-12-2017 11:01 PM

Our land boarders crown. I venture into crown land often. I won't wear one, come and find/fine me.


Bushmonkey 04-12-2017 11:04 PM

whew... good thing I'm a practising Sikh

raab 04-12-2017 11:04 PM

I guess lots of people are fine with being babysat. I'm not, hopefully the next government that comes in repeals this ridiculous legislation. Government is there to protect you from others, not yourself. If you need to be told what to do please move to the middle east.

Highcountry 04-12-2017 11:05 PM

Of coarse the special people are exempt, and I am not talking about the farmers.

CBintheNorth 04-12-2017 11:07 PM

Another ridiculous law that wasn't needed.
Those individuals of the Sikh faith who feel helmet use is incompatible with religious observance and are wearing a turban."

So Nanny enforcement of safety, except where religion interferes, then a towel is good enough?
As much as I despised the ruling, I can see where the wearing of a police hat was deemed "not necessary" and the turban could be worn, but this is supposedly to save everyone's life.:thinking-006:

They can try to give me a ticket, I'll just whip out my towel and ask which way East is. :)

elkhunter11 04-12-2017 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by Highcountry (Post 3516091)
Of coarse the special people are exempt, and I am not talking about the farmers.

If there was really such a safety concern, those exemptions would not exist.

Puma 04-12-2017 11:13 PM

I putter along like an old man, dont see why a helmet is required.

Glad they took the results of their fake survey into consideration.

Nice list of exempt individuals, except yet again they forgot old fat men.

Cant wait for this nanny state govt to change.

Rant off.

Fur 04-12-2017 11:28 PM

Just curious what are the thoughts about seat belts?

Do you guys wear them? If yes what is the difference?

Just want clarification.

Newview01 04-12-2017 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by Fur (Post 3516105)
Just curious what are the thoughts about seat belts?

Do you guys wear them? If yes what is the difference?

Just want clarification.

Essentially the same concept.

As long as other potentially life shortening habits are legal, we should not have to wear seat belts or helmets.

ps I wear a seat belt as often as I wear pants.

MugEye 04-12-2017 11:38 PM

New Helmet Law Passed
Another law that now one will enforce. Just when they feel like being a pickle. Ps it sad the only word I can say is pickle in fear of the man

robson3954 04-13-2017 12:39 AM

Nanny state blah blah blah. It's tax dollars that are being used when you're drooling, being spoon fed and pooping in your diapers.

Fur 04-13-2017 12:44 AM


Originally Posted by robson3954 (Post 3516125)
Nanny state blah blah blah. It's tax dollars that are being used when you're drooling, being spoon fed and pooping in your diapers.

Nah, these AO members are invincible! It will never happen to them:thinking-006:

raab 04-13-2017 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by robson3954 (Post 3516125)
Nanny state blah blah blah. It's tax dollars that are being used when you're drooling, being spoon fed and pooping in your diapers.

You got the stats on how many guys are hurt solely because they werent wearing a helmet? I mean no additional factors like being under the infleunce or excessive speeds. Im sure the number is high considering your giving up a freedom to the government.

raab 04-13-2017 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by Fur (Post 3516105)
Just curious what are the thoughts about seat belts?

Do you guys wear them? If yes what is the difference?

Just want clarification.

I think if your in the car alone it should be optional. If theres anyone else in the car it should be mandatory. You can be a projectile in the event of a crash and inflict harm to others if not seatbelted. The same cant be said for riding a quad through the bush alone at 15km/h.

raab 04-13-2017 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by Fur (Post 3516126)
Nah, these AO members are invincible! It will never happen to them:thinking-006:

No one is saying it cant. And most guys would wear a helmet anyway. What people are saying is they should be able to make a logical decision on whether they need a helmet or not. And not have it dictated to them by the government.

patriot1 04-13-2017 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by jakebrake (Post 3516079)
Ndp nanny state and it looks like there is going to be no end to the tax hikes and new regulations.I can't hardly wait for the next election to see the ndp party brought to there knees.

Aside from the fact that they're purposely out to get you and Rachel Notley herself will be at your door by morning with her goons to take away your kids' lunch money, all that aside does wearing a helmet on a OHV not make any sense to you?

Fur 04-13-2017 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by Newview01 (Post 3516110)
Essentially the same concept.

As long as other potentially life shortening habits are legal, we should not have to wear seat belts or helmets.

ps I wear a seat belt as often as I wear pants.

Interesting perspective.

Isn't each day, one day closer to death? Hopefully the nanny state wont make your tomorrows illegal:)

Fur 04-13-2017 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by raab (Post 3516129)
No one is saying it cant. And most guys would wear a helmet anyway. What people are saying is they should be able to make a logical decision on whether they need a helmet or not. And not have it dictated to them by the government.

Yourself and I have been over this a few times. Always been good perspectives put forward.

I hate government infringement just as much as you, BUT It is funny because the injured person on atvs never really matter after the injury. Weird eh? The damage to them is done, irreversible.

What made this law get pushed forward wasn't exactly the injured rider, the costs associated with it, the burden etc. it is the family and healthcare works that have to deal with it.

The biggest voices for the law were healthcare professionals and injured people's family members. Dealing with that trauma is traumatic and takes a real toll on people. If this helmet law saves one breaking bad news conversation to a family, it is worth it.

Whenever I am speeding or doing something stupid I always think how terrible that phone call is going to be to my Wife, that conversation no one wants to have or be part of. I sure as heck do not want to be the cause of that phone call. If that law or any law makes me think about the consequences of my actions or unactions and prevent that phone call, Im all for it.

Ive seen it, Ive done it, I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

wolf308 04-13-2017 02:57 AM


Originally Posted by gpgriz (Post 3516086)
Another strike against personal freedom.
Even if not wearing a helmet is stupid, i want the freedom to make that stupid choice or not.


ctd 04-13-2017 03:49 AM

I know all four times I have come across people hurt in in Atv/utv incidents they were all drunk all driving excessive speed for the terrain, lack of expierance with the equipment in two cases were foreigners visiting friends family non of them were wearing helmets.
The wearing of the helmets would not have significantly helped their injuries.
Neck,spinal, broken collarbone, arm and leg, chest puncture wound and concussion in two of them.

As the paramedic at the scene of two incidents stated had they of been wearing a helmet we would more then likely be calling the coroner.

I wear a helmet when I go quad riding medium ton high speed. Anyone quadding with me has to wear one or I don't ride with them.
When I use my quad for hunting I usually do not wear a helmet putting along the road or trail. Anytime I go over 5kmhr or climb through any thing other then a smal obstacle I put my helmet on.

Now i will have to wear one all the time. And once that helmet becomes scratched up I will have to buy a new one to follow DOT law also won't be able to have non aproved stickers on it.

LKILR 04-13-2017 05:56 AM

I say if you choose to not wear a helmet and if your hurt then you waive your right to free health care. So you or your family pays for your stay in the hospital. Why should my tax dollars go to treating injuries that were caused by someone else poor decisions?

^v^Tinda wolf^v^ 04-13-2017 06:03 AM

Hey at least a guy can wrap a towel around his head to avoid a fine. I guarantee this is going to cause a quake when all the people who choose not to wear a helmet read the outline. Special treatment even when it comes to safety. Get your towels out boys.

catnthehat 04-13-2017 06:12 AM

One interesting ( and useless) note is that the bill excludes anybody working under the OHS regulations - strange thing is I have never seen any employees of any kind wearing anything but a helmet when operating or riding in an ATV be they surveyors , powerlinemen , maintainence workers, etc

58thecat 04-13-2017 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by Bushmonkey (Post 3516089)
whew... good thing I'm a practising Sikh

Me too:sHa_shakeshout:

Gonna print off my card right now and put it in my wallet!

JustMe 04-13-2017 07:11 AM

Exactly the same whining I heard 35+ years ago when seatbelt legislation came into place. People are too immature to willingly do what's right to protect themselves and others, so the elected officials are forced to make the rules, similar to that of parents and children. Look at the idiots you still see on cell phones everyday, pinheads still don't care about their own, or more importantly, others around them safety........

I do agree that some of the exemptions don't seem right, such as for natives and Sihk's. The law should be the law.

Oh, and when seatbelt use became law, it was a different party in charge, so not sure who got blamed then??


Originally Posted by Fur (Post 3516105)
Just curious what are the thoughts about seat belts?

Do you guys wear them? If yes what is the difference?

Just want clarification.

Rastus 04-13-2017 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by gpgriz (Post 3516086)
Another strike against personal freedom.
Even if not wearing a helmet is stupid, i want the freedom to make that stupid choice or not.

I got "NO" problem with that, as long as you pay your Medical bill. But when my taxes have to pay your bill. Bring on the helmets.

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