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Bigwoodsman 04-24-2024 02:39 PM

Conspiracy theorists and extremist

If you protest the Carbon Tax, and the new Budget you are a conspiracy theorists and an extremist...according to Trudeau anyways.

The moron is truly stupid and ignorant.


dmcbride 04-24-2024 02:43 PM

Reminds me of the freedom convoy, hopefully the majority of Canadians who are against the Carbon tax don’t fall for this crap.

Bigwoodsman 04-24-2024 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by dmcbride (Post 4719048)
Reminds me of the freedom convoy, hopefully the majority of Canadians who are against the Carbon tax don’t fall for this crap.

Its funny how when they protest Israel or the middle east, they don't get called names by Trudeau. He stands with them instead.


Trochu 04-24-2024 02:55 PM

I think that's his standard response to everything, isn't it?

Irina 04-24-2024 03:19 PM

He/she labeled me names also when I would inject myself with his slop.

CBintheNorth 04-24-2024 08:02 PM

I'll be honest, it's a real shocker that he's still alive.

3blade 04-24-2024 08:23 PM

I love this part (turdo quote): “Are they the kind of leader that is going to exacerbate divisions, fear, and polarization in our country?”

I don’t know of a single Canadian politician who has done more to do exactly those things, than the idiot doing the talking

The worst part is he can say it without choking on the irony.

huntinstuff 04-24-2024 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by CBintheNorth (Post 4719117)
I'll be honest, it's a real shocker that he's still alive.

I cant believe it either. It's the only reason I turn on the tv is to see if someone drove an arrow thru him.

KGB 04-24-2024 09:19 PM

Getting rid of him and his liberal idiots is gonna be more like an exorcism….

6.5 shooter 04-24-2024 10:08 PM

Turd'O and Lieberals in general, can kiss my denim coverall arse. All he does is project his own insecurities on the Canadian public. I hope once he is out of power they throw his corrupts arse in prison and feed him the burgers (for life) that, that one Texas jailer feeds his inmates. And they give all his trust money and the money has stolen, back to the Canadian people. Interesting how a "politicians" net worth can go from ~10 million to over ~483 million in just eight years.

58thecat 04-25-2024 06:12 AM

It’s funny no matter how you look at it both sides have crazies

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

jcrayford 04-25-2024 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by huntinstuff (Post 4719129)
I cant believe it either. It's the only reason I turn on the tv is to see if someone drove an arrow thru him.

Waste of a perfectly good arrow.... They'd keep it as evidence.

Not worth my time or rest of my life to consider cleaning out the gene pool of that particular blood line, but I might not shed a tear if it does happen.

Unfortunately, I feel that even if PP does get in it'll be a one-and-done win because of the pain the Canadian people will go through trying to reverse 8 years of stupidness that PP won't win the second term.

Maybe a move to Montana would alleviate some stress. At least South of the border I might be able to open carry?


The Cook 04-25-2024 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by 3blade (Post 4719120)
I love this part (turdo quote): “Are they the kind of leader that is going to exacerbate divisions, fear, and polarization in our country?”

I don’t know of a single Canadian politician who has done more to do exactly those things, than the idiot doing the talking

The worst part is he can say it without choking on the irony.

You gotta realize the IQ level of the people he's reaching out to. Great article in the National Post about the hatchet job CBC and CTV did on this non issue.

Sporty 04-25-2024 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by 58thecat (Post 4719167)
It’s funny no matter how you look at it both sides have crazies

Yup! True Story.

Funny how Trudeau is always accusing Conservatives of divisive politics when he's been the most divisive PM in history. I believe he's even surpassed his father.

New2Elk 04-25-2024 10:53 PM

Considering all the things they have stated makes you an extremist or a conspiracy theorist (and other terms they’ve used), we must be up to what, about 75% of the population now falling under this designation?

gunluvr 04-28-2024 10:49 AM

From Trudeau's handbook:
Appoint your failures and weaknesses on your opponents.
Call them out for doing what you do.

From Polievre's handbook:
Simply do the opposite of whatever JT does.

elkhunter11 04-28-2024 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by gunluvr (Post 4720045)
From Trudeau's handbook:
Appoint your failures and weaknesses on your opponents.
Call them out for doing what you do.

From Polievre's handbook:
Simply do the opposite of whatever JT does.

And yet there are people that don't have the common sense to see the difference between them.

Trochu 04-28-2024 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by gunluvr (Post 4720045)
Simply do the opposite of whatever JT does.

He'd be Canada's most successful politician ever!

BlackHeart 04-30-2024 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by Bigwoodsman (Post 4719046)

If you protest the Carbon Tax, and the new Budget you are a conspiracy theorists and an extremist...according to Trudeau anyways.

The moron is truly stupid and ignorant.


The more this A! Says this more I like the labels.

Sundancefisher 05-01-2024 08:43 AM

Trudeau supports Hamas terrorists
How on earth are these guys not banned in Canada?


Terry Glavin: Group banned in Germany gets carte blanche in Canada to glorify Hamas massacre
Samidoun is one of the main groups behind the anti-Israel rallies across the country

Author of the article: Terry Glavin
Published Apr 30, 2024 • Last updated 20 hours ago • 6 minute read

Anti-Israel demonstrators march in Ottawa on March 9, 2024. Samidoun, a group listed in Israel as a terror organization and banned outright in Germany, is one of the main groups organizing pro-Palestinian protests in Canada, writes Terry Glavin. PHOTO BY ASHLEY FRASER / POSTMEDIA NEWS

“We stand with the Palestinian resistance and their heroic and brave action on October 7. Long live October 7.”

It doesn’t get much clearer than that.

It was yet another harangue from Charlotte Kates, international co-ordinator for the Samidoun Prisoners Solidarity Network, one of the main groups behind the dozens of “pro-Palestine” rallies and demonstrations across Canada since the Hamas atrocities of October 7 last year. The savageries of that day led to the war in Gaza that has so far cost the lives of perhaps 30,000 Palestinians.

This time it was last Friday, at a rally at the Vancouver Art Gallery. “Long live October 7” was also the slogan chanted in Ottawa on April 21, eliciting denunciations from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre. At the Vancouver rally, Kates added some colour to the slogan by referring to October 7 as an instance of the “beautiful, brave and heroic resistance of the Palestinian people.”

Kates also made it plain that she was unconcerned about whether her remarks should be understood as condoning or celebrating terrorism. “It is long past time to delist Palestinian and Lebanese resistance organizations from Canada’s so-called list of terrorist entities,” she said. “Hamas is not a terrorist organization. Islamic Jihad is not a terrorist organization. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine is not a terrorist organization. Hezbollah is not a terrorist organization.”

All these entities are listed as terrorist organizations in Canada.

“These are resistance fighters,” Kates fairly shouted into her megaphone. “These are our heroes. These are those who are sacrificing so that we can live and speak and struggle and fight. These are the people whose blood is being shed to defend humanity and to defend the world.”

Terror-listed in Israel and banned outright in Germany, Samidoun has long been intimately associated with the PFLP, best known for its suicide bombings and airline hijackings.

Kates showed up in Vancouver about 12 years ago after an internal dispute among “pro-Palestine’ activists at Rutgers University in New Jersey. Apart from her role with Samidoun, Kates is also the co-ordinator of the U.S. National Lawyers’ Guild’s International Committee. The NLG’s lawyers have been expending enormous effort in recent days, acting on behalf of “pro-Palestine” protests and encampments at universities across the United States.

Kates’ husband is Khaled Barakat, who was born in the village of Dahiyat al-Barid near Jerusalem in 1971. He was deported from the United States when his residency permit expired in 2003. He first showed up in Vancouver as a Palestinian student activist at the University of British Columbia in 2004. Israel’s Shin Bet security service identifies Barakat as a senior figure in the PFLP, and the primary leader of Samidoun, which Israel identifies as the PFLP’s overseas recruitment propaganda proxy. Barakat has consistently refused to respond to the National Post’s inquiries. Kates has denied that Barakat is even a member of Samidoun.

Kates and Barakat were deported from Europe a couple of years ago owing to Barakat’s alleged tendency to violent, antisemitic rhetoric. They are now barred from re-entering Europe. Two weeks ago, Nicole de Moor, Belgium’s Secretary for Asylum and Migration, declared that she was looking to strip Samidoun’s European co-ordinator, the Palestinian “hate preacher” Mohammed Khatib, of his refugee status.

The PFLP’s military wing, the Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, has openly boasted about having participated in the Hamas-led invasion of Israel on October 7, which involved the mass slaughter of nearly 1,200 people in a rampage of rape, torture, the incineration of infants and the capture of 240 hostages. The Brigades have since been involved in clashes with the Israel Defence Forces in the Al-Zaytoun district of Gaza City.

Samidoun, headquartered in Vancouver, has been a federally registered not-for-profit corporation in Canada ever since March 3, 2021 — three days after then Israeli Defence Minister Benjamin Gantz signed an order designating Samidoun a terrorist organization.

Canada’s Jewish advocacy organizations have been pressing the Trudeau government to at least list Samidoun as a terrorist entity, and more than three years ago, Israeli intelligence officials were already briefing the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, the RCMP and the Canada Border Services Agency about Samidoun. Those briefings have continued since October 7.

“We are very concerned,” Israeli Ambassador Iddo Moed told me Monday. “Samidoun is known to be directly linked to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which is already a listed terrorist organization. They have been inciting and glorifying terrorist attacks and massacres since October 7, Saturday morning. They were already hanging signs from bridges in Vancouver. This is a serious source of concern.”

Like Ambassador Moed, the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, B’nai Brith Canada and the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies in Toronto, former RCMP counterterrorism investigator John Mecher says Ottawa needs to start taking Samidoun seriously. He says it may be only a matter of time before Hamas and its Canadian supporters spawn a new generation of homegrown terrorists.

Meecher spent more than four years working on the case of the Toronto 18, an investigation that began in 2005 and resulted in 11 convictions, foiling a plot that was intended to include murders, beheadings, the bombing of the Toronto Stock Exchange and the headquarters of the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service, and an armed assault on the House of Commons and the capture of the CBC’s Toronto headquarters.

Mecher says the current phenomenon of “pro-Palestine” activism presents a far greater risk of recruitment to violent extremism and terrorism than was present in the radical activist milieu following 9/11, during the days of the Toronto 18.

“Back then, you simply did not see people running through the streets saying, I’m an al-Qaida supporter, I love bin Laden,” Mecher said. Since 9/11, the terror threat has evolved from clandestine groups of fanatics who were inspired by al-Qaida to a similarly marginal Islamist constituency that was covertly active on behalf of ISIL, which often erupted in “lone wolf” terror attacks.

Since October 7, “true believers” like Samidoun openly organize rallies and demonstrations where their leaders, like Charlotte Kates, candidly express unambiguous support for and alignment with legally sanctioned terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, all in the guise of “pro-Palestine” solidarity.

“When I look at what’s going on now, that’s the important thing, in my mind. It’s very different now. With the Toronto 18, we had a small group of people, some of whom had known each other for a while, and they built their little group and they did it in secret. They didn’t have these massive demonstrations where like-minded people can easily identify one another.”

Over the last two weeks, Post columnist Terry Glavin made several attempts to speak with Khaled Barakat (shown in a photo that appears on the Samidoun website) but was informed on Monday that he 'is unavailable for discussions'.
Terry Glavin: Is Khaled Barakat part of a terrorist group or a victim of Israeli intimidation?

It’s important to draw distinctions between the “true believers” and people who come to demonstrations simply because they’re genuinely upset about the bloodshed and suffering in Gaza, Mecher said. “Just because people show up at a demonstration, that doesn’t make them a threat.” And if sympathy for Palestinian terrorism was solely attributable to recent immigrants, the government would have more readily available policy choices. “Contrary to the wishes of some, you can’t deport people who were born here.”

In Canada, glorifying terrorism is perfectly legal, partly because of “free speech” concerns, but mostly because it was long understood to be unnecessary to criminalize such rare and socially repugnant speech.

Since October 7, however, glorifying terrorism has become positively fashionable. And under Canadian laws as they currently stand, there’s little Canadian politicians are prepared to do except Tweet about how appalled they are about such polemics, and about how Samidoun’s exhortations have “no place in Canada.”

After the “Long live October 7” slogan was chanted in Ottawa, Poilievre responded this way: “I condemn these pro-genocide, antisemitic chants.” Under Section 318(1) of the Criminal Code, anyone who advocates or promotes genocide is liable to imprisonment for five years.

Trudeau responded this way: “It is unconscionable to glorify the antisemitic violence and murder perpetrated by Hamas on October 7th. This rhetoric has no place in Canada. None.”

While glorifying terrorism isn’t against the law in Canada, it is against the law, under Section 83.05(1)b of the Criminal Code, to knowingly act on behalf of, at the direction of or in association with a listed terrorist group.

On the face of it, Samidoun would appear to be doing just that.

But this hasn’t mattered, either.

National Post

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