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Rob 11-19-2001 12:59 AM

New Forum
Not sure how well this forum will do, but I think in time - once it's recognized - it should do okay.

If you have any questions about trapping, I will do my best to have them answered. If you have any trapping stories, or tips, or just plain old trap talk, post it here. Almost everybody has done a little trapping or has met a trapper or crossed a trapline at one time or another, so let's hear about it.

As Ol' Zepf once said on this board, "Trappers are the salt of the earth." I truly believe that as the many I've met - from Police Officers to Farmers - have all inspired me to new levels.

Trappers truly are the "salt of the earth" and have been fighting the anti-movement for many years longer than hunters and anglers. Let's all give them our support and make this a good forum for honest discussion.


Yours in the outdoors,

Trappers license fees 11-20-2001 12:27 AM

Trappers license fees
When a trapper buys a license (Registered trap line or Resident trapping license), how much is each and where does that money go?

Rob 11-20-2001 12:42 AM

Re: Trappers license fees
Hey Duffy,

A Resident Fur Management Licence is $20.00

A Registered Fur Management Licence is $40.00, however, if your Registered Trap Line is 3 Townships in size (73-108 sq. mi.) you pay an extra $10.00. Four Townships (109-144 sq. mi.) $20.00. Five Townships (145-180 sq. mi.) $30.00. Six Townships (over 180 sq. mi.) $40.00.

Where does the money go? Not sure. Maybe Don can give us this information, but I would assume the ACA with a portion going into government coffers.

Yours in the outdoors,

contribution 11-20-2001 01:36 AM

I remember when I was in grade 4 or 5 livin up north. A couple of my friends had a trapline and one day I went with them to see what they had got the night before. They had some snares and some little squirrel traps and at the end of the trapline there was two big coyote traps they had set up. We walked the trapline and I retrieved an ermine or two and a squirrel for them and I never even flinched at the thought of retrieving a dead frozen animal from a trap. As we walked to the coyote traps I was anticipating a coyote even though they had never caught one before and they figured the chances of getting a coyote were pretty slim. You have to remember that we were really young and catching a coyote to us was almost more than our minds could handle.
As we approached the first trap we were kind of surprised to see a magpie frozen and dead on the ground. As we approached the second trap we heard a growl and sure enough a coyote lay on the ground baring it's fangs at us. We looked at the coyote and we tried to figure out how we were going to kill it. They had never come across a live animal in a trap, and definetly not one almost the size of someone our age so they were about as stumped as I was. We had no gun of course, not even a knife.
We probably spent half an hour trying to kill that coyote until finally we went to the nearest house and asked if the man living there would come and shoot the animal for us. He happily did so and I never had a second thought about that afternoon until I got older and realized the value of quick humane kill.
Nowadays when I think of that half an hour or so of torture we put that animal through I kind of flinch a little. I've thought about setting up my own trapline but every time I think about that coyote, even though it was so long ago I quickly have second thoughts. Not only do I think about the coyote but the other animals that we retrieved that day and how once they were trapped, all they could do was sit there, and wait until they are to cold to live.
Now by no means am I an animal rights activist, or an anti hunter or trapper. In fact I hunt myself and do not have anything against trappers. The only thing is that I value a quick humane kill, which is not always possible, but a value of mine nonetheless. I figure that Mr. Miskosky or any trapper that visits the board might be able to give me some thoughts on trapping and what can be done to make the trapped animals death as humane as possible.


Don Meredith 11-20-2001 04:20 PM

Re: Trappers license fees
Here's where the money goes:

The fees from licences (Registered and Resident Fur Management Licences) and permits (Fur Dealer permits) are directed toward the delivery of the Humane Trapping and Trapper Compensation program. These programs are administered by the Alberta Trappers' Association (ATA) under the guidance of two Memorandums Of Understanding with the government. The monies are appropriately split between the two program areas. About $30K goes to the Compensation component (this is topped up by the Lands and Forest Service and industry) and the remainder (less ATA administration fees) goes to trapper education courses/workshops, public education, trap research/development and other requirements as set out under the Agreement on International Humane Trapping Standards.

Don Meredith
Fish and Wildlife Division

Rob 11-20-2001 05:47 PM

For a fear of this thread becoming too long I would ask that we start a new thread if the topic is new.
For this reason I will respond to the best of my ability to Shrubs question on humane trapping under a new post.


trappers 01-22-2003 09:05 PM

I would just like to say THANKS to those who trap.I belive every trapper I have had the pleasure to meet has been nice to me and offered insight to the area I was hunting at the time.It's the trappers who keep our trails open and the bogs filled with tree's so it's easier to cross.If you cross a bridge over a creek it was probably built by a trapper.Too bad there are no collection plates in the woods,so we can donate to a worthy cause because we sure are benifiting from someones hard work.

gg 04-01-2003 01:02 AM


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