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Redneck 7 07-21-2018 08:06 PM

Who has a Labradar?
How do you like it? I was considering a Magneto Speed but think a Labradar would be the better investment for my LR rifle and reloading data.

I’m pretty set one buying one soon, just my main question is, are there different makes and models? And where around Edmonton can you buy one? Rather do it in person then ordering one online.

markg 07-21-2018 08:09 PM

I have one
I have a Labradar and love it. I had the magneto before it but I prefer the Lab. If you were in Calgary you could buy it at the Calgary SHooting center.

The reason i prefer it is it doesnt alter your point of impact. You can sight your rifle in and get velocity readings at the same time.

Redneck 7 07-21-2018 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by markg (Post 3815602)
I have a Labradar and love it. I had the magneto before it but I prefer the Lab. If you were in Calgary you could buy it at the Calgary SHooting center.

The reason i prefer it is it doesnt alter your point of impact. You can sight your rifle in and get velocity readings at the same time.

Yes, I didn’t like the shifting of the POI with the Magneto but easy to get by that detail but honestly for the costs, I think the lab would be the right choice.

Thanks, maybe I’ll have to make a road trip to Calgary.

WeatherbyFan65 07-21-2018 11:05 PM

Ive been using one for about 3 years now and they are a handy rig, highly recommend one, simple to use and records everything for you, they just come out with the Bluetooth app, you can get one from Omer at Precisionoptics-site sponsor

rpcw 07-22-2018 07:22 AM

I’ve owned one since they became available. It goes with me every time I shoot.
If you set it up right it will track bullet accurately to 100+ yards depending on size of projectile.

topgenorth 07-22-2018 09:32 AM

I have a LabRadar and I love it. Easy to setup and use. I ordered mine from Red Star targets in Red Deer.

Dean2 07-22-2018 09:45 AM

I tried one at the range, great setup. My next Chrono is definitely going to be a Lad Radar. They are expensive but actually worth the price for the convenience.

jdac 07-22-2018 10:24 AM

Who has a Labradar?
I have a LabRadar and really like it for all of the reasons given above. I have not used a Magnetospeed so can't comment although we know anything hanging off the end of a barrel will affect POI.

If you intend to measure velocity of any sub-sonic projectiles, you will need a trigger microphone sold for this purpose (~CDN$70).

I've also found that my unit is very sensitive to the type of memory card installed. I tried a new microSD card which seemed to conform to the LabRadar specs, but my unit just locked up. I'm now just using the internal memory and downloading to my computer through the USB port.

Internal AA batteries will run down fairly quickly, at least I haven't found them to last more than a few hours. Different features can be turned off to improve battery life (e.g., the display screen), but then the convenience goes down. I just take a deep cycle battery with me, plunk it down next to the bench and power my unit through a USB adapter.

Finally, I bought my unit through WASP Munitions in Sylvan Lake, AB. Unit arrived in Sherwood Park by Canada Post two days after I ordered it. Hope this helps.


rpcw 07-22-2018 10:57 AM

I use a 7AH sealed lead acid battery with a USB adapter hooked up. The kind you use for back up UPs’s. Pretty light weight and I get a full day out of it or more.

They work great.

One time I had the privilege of shooting alongside the Aussie Shooting team when they were practicing for the 1000 competition. They were using a USB power pack to power their Labradar.

Has anyone done the firmware upgrade?

LongBomber 07-22-2018 09:31 PM

I did the firmware update and run it from my iPad. Works fine, I actually don't find the new app that much help. I didnt seem to have a problem arming mine from the bench or prone like others talk about.

I do download the files to my computer, you can actually gain some good data from each shots file, many more data points available and you can actually calculate a decently close bc from that.

I also found that the muzzle velocity is off 1-2fps from where the measured velocities show. For instance two shots may show the same velocity measured 10/20/30 yards but the calculated MV off by 2fps.

GrandSlam 07-22-2018 09:36 PM

Who has the best price at the moment? Seriously thinking of getting one.

Redneck 7 07-22-2018 10:17 PM

Wow, great responses everyone, thank you. Seems like a few places to get one, and the app opinions help too cause I was thinking of booking it up to my I pad too.

Keep the info coming, even if others have questions, ask away. Just more info for me that I may not have thought to ask.

rpcw 07-23-2018 05:36 AM


Originally Posted by GrandSlam (Post 3816217)
Who has the best price at the moment? Seriously thinking of getting one.

When I bought mine it came in from Mystic Precision. Not sure now but I know it payed to shop around a bit.

rpcw 07-23-2018 05:38 AM


Originally Posted by LongBomber (Post 3816213)
I did the firmware update and run it from my iPad. Works fine, I actually don't find the new app that much help. I didnt seem to have a problem arming mine from the bench or prone like others talk about.

I do download the files to my computer, you can actually gain some good data from each shots file, many more data points available and you can actually calculate a decently close bc from that.

I also found that the muzzle velocity is off 1-2fps from where the measured velocities show. For instance two shots may show the same velocity measured 10/20/30 yards but the calculated MV off by 2fps.

Thanks for this answer. I will do the update. I was just worried about fixing something that wasn’t broken.

GKha 08-10-2018 10:13 AM

I definitely recommend it. Prior to the Labradar I cringed every time I had to take out and set up my chrony. Not to mention the consistency and issues with lighting. Luckily I never shot it.

With the LabRadar I gather velocity data every time I shoot at the range. Gives me a tone of data I would not have the patience to gather with the old chrony. Or even with the Magnetospeed as I would not be able to measure velocity while shooting groups due to POI shift.

I run a 10,000mh smart phone power pack and get three range trips out of it easily. Use some Velcro tape and stick it on the back of the LR. :)

As for reliability it has missed two shots out of about 400 rounds fired past it. In both cases my barrel was to far forward. I keep an eye on that now and it has not failed to trigger since.

As someone else has said I find the app marginally useful. Any real analysis I do is done in excel when I download the files from the SD card.

qwert 08-10-2018 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by LongBomber (Post 3816213)
I did the firmware update and run it from my iPad. Works fine, I actually don't find the new app that much help. I didnt seem to have a problem arming mine from the bench or prone like others talk about.

I do download the files to my computer, you can actually gain some good data from each shots file, many more data points available and you can actually calculate a decently close bc from that.

I also found that the muzzle velocity is off 1-2fps from where the measured velocities show. For instance two shots may show the same velocity measured 10/20/30 yards but the calculated MV off by 2fps.

I would appreciate more specific information and reports regarding -

-new features and/or problems corrected with firmware update?
-'problem arming from the bench or prone'?

and especially
-data points available on screen and additional data points only available by download?
-specific procedures used to transfer data into Excel?
-specific procedures and formulas used to calculate BC?
and OP #1 GKha statement regarding
-'real analysis done in excel'?

IMHO chrono data is always relative, and value is dependent on specific methods of analysis.
We often discuss different instruments, but fail to properly communicate how to best use the data & information possible to collect.

My current Excel spreadsheet system of all shots loaded and fired, contains >50 data points.
I have found that Excel graphs are very helpful to visualize and reveal nodes during load development.

Good Luck, YMMV.

GKha 08-10-2018 11:52 AM


I too keep an extensive amount of data in excel on all shots fired through my precision rifles. this includes parameters related to components specific actual weights as well as environmental conditions. Aggregate data and graphs are my friend. For example if I want to see powder temp effect on velocity and things of the like.

With regards to the lab radar you get some information on screen related to that particular shot as well as various string information. I cant say exactly now as I do not have the unit in front of me. I can however access my data and can tell you what you get from the data stored (in csv).

for starters to get the per shot track data you need to have an SD card inserted to the unit. Otherwise you will not get the per shot track information. I will copy paste and example below.

downloading the data is simple. Either plug the unit into a computer and turn it on or pull out the SD card and plug it into a reader. shows up as a USB drive like any other.

As for the data this is what you get:

Per each series you get a folder named something like "SR0004"
In each of those folders you have file like "SR0004 Report.csv" which contains string specific info like this (excuse the copy paste issues if you want PM me and I can send you some example of the files)


Series No 4
Total number of shots 5

Units velocity fps
Units distances yd
Units kinetic energy ft-lbf
Units weight grain (gr)

Stats - Average 2763.3 fps
Stats - Highest 2773.26 fps
Stats - Lowest 2755.43 fps
Stats - Ext. Spread 17.83 fps
Stats - Std. Dev 7.38 fps

Shot ID V0 V20 V40 V60 V80 V100 Ke0 Ke20 Ke40 Ke60 Ke80 Ke100 PF20 Proj. Weight Date Time
1 2755 2717 2682 2646 2612 0 2831 2753 2682 2611 2544 0 456.46 168 8/4/2018 09:56:35
2 2773 2737 2702 2667 2632 0 2868 2794 2723 2652 2584 0 459.82 168 8/4/2018 09:59:38
3 2768 2730 2694 2659 2625 2590 2856 2779 2707 2636 2569 2501 458.64 168 8/4/2018 10:02:17
4 2763 2723 2688 2652 2616 2570 2847 2766 2694 2623 2553 2464 457.46 168 8/4/2018 10:06:30
5 2757 2721 2687 2652 2617 2582 2835 2761 2692 2623 2554 2485 457.13 168 8/4/2018 10:08:26

Inside this folder you will also see a folder named "TRK" inside which you will find a CSV file per each shot in the series named "Shot0001 Track.csv". This file contains time, velocity, distance and signal to noise ratio data over the flight of the projectile. A datapoint roughly every yard till it loses track of the projectile. Here is an example

Series No 4
Shot No 1

Time (s) Vel (fps) Dist (yd) SNR
0 2755.43 0 -
0.007021 2741.68 6.42 34.6
0.008021 2738.55 7.33 38.02
0.009021 2737.11 8.25 37.77
0.010021 2735.42 9.16 36.87
0.011021 2734.61 10.07 36.24
0.012021 2733.02 10.98 35.44
0.013021 2731.49 11.89 35.7
0.014021 2729.69 12.8 34.98
0.015021 2727.96 13.71 34.43
0.016021 2726.77 14.62 32.86
0.017021 2725.31 15.53 31.62
0.018021 2723.41 16.44 30.19
0.019021 2721.88 17.35 30.42
0.020021 2720.55 18.25 30.36
0.021021 2718.38 19.16 30.24
0.022021 2717.17 20.07 28.87
0.023021 2715.77 20.97 28.27
0.024021 2713.27 21.88 26.81
0.025021 2712.54 22.78 26.22
0.026021 2710.67 23.68 26.95
0.027021 2709.01 24.59 25.89
0.028021 2707.57 25.49 25.18
0.029021 2705.81 26.39 25.71
0.030021 2701.88 27.29 24.99
0.031021 2702.84 28.19 24
0.032021 2701.3 29.09 20.64
0.033021 2698.78 29.99 22.16
0.034021 2698.87 30.89 23.25
0.035021 2696.37 31.79 22.75
0.036021 2694.49 32.69 21.88
0.037021 2692.75 33.59 21.99
0.038021 2692.42 34.49 23.57
0.039021 2689.76 35.38 22.91
0.040021 2688.42 36.28 21.88
0.041021 2688.32 37.18 22.48
0.042021 2684.23 38.07 21.03
0.043021 2682.4 38.97 20.7
0.044021 2683.7 39.86 19.28
0.045021 2680.26 40.76 22.67
0.046021 2679.38 41.65 20.32
0.047021 2677.14 42.54 20.08
0.048021 2675.15 43.43 20.07
0.049021 2673.98 44.32 16.79
0.050021 2671.39 45.22 19.58
0.051021 2670.74 46.11 18.83
0.052021 2670.48 47 18.88
0.053021 2667.38 47.89 17.01
0.054021 2668.35 48.78 18.18
0.055021 2663.01 49.66 16.56
0.056021 2662.57 50.55 15.93
0.057021 2659.94 51.44 16.29
0.058021 2661.84 52.33 18.11
0.059021 2656.73 53.21 12.11
0.060021 2656.45 54.1 15.33
0.061021 2657.16 54.98 14.12
0.062021 2653.21 55.87 15.21
0.063021 2651.85 56.75 13.73
0.064021 2651.26 57.64 14.14
0.065021 2649.74 58.52 16.74
0.066021 2646.84 59.4 11.35
0.067021 2643.03 60.28 10.97
0.068021 2646.9 61.17 12.24
0.069021 2647.13 62.05 11.01
0.070021 2636.11 62.93 10.3
0.071021 2638.47 63.81 10.03
0.072021 2641.86 64.69 8.93
0.073021 2638 65.57 9.25
0.074021 2630.99 66.45 9.97
0.076021 2629.19 68.2 13.85
0.077021 2637.22 69.08 10.05
0.078021 2626.69 69.95 8.56
0.079021 2632.4 70.83 9.48
0.080021 2630.16 71.71 8.29
0.082021 2616.16 73.46 10.43
0.083021 2630.61 74.33 8.52
0.084021 2618.14 75.21 10.46
0.086021 2617.5 76.95 12.53
0.087021 2609.88 77.82 9.22
0.088021 2618.25 78.69 9.06
0.089021 2608.73 79.56 8.5
0.092021 2608.84 82.17 12.39
0.093021 2606.03 83.04 9.44
0.095021 2602.94 84.78 9.78
0.096021 2597.02 85.65 7.36
0.099021 2597.02 88.24 8.87
0.107021 2599.5 95.17 7.99
0.117021 2595.28 103.83 9.3
0.119021 2580.38 105.55 10.37
0.125021 2576.83 110.71 7.22

As you can see you get a fair bit of information captured. You can try to calculate a BC from the above but the higher the SNR the less accurate the reading. I found that using velocity numbers out to 30 or 40 yards gave me pretty close BC numbers using the JBM calculator. Further out not so much. As you can see from the data the readings get more erratic. This is somewhat dependent on the projectile size. For example I get consistent readings to 100y with flat base bullets while BT bullets sometimes only give me data to 70 or 80y (.308). Smaller projectiles will lose track earlier.

That said it does give you a whole new subset of information to play with.

For me frankly, the info, the easy setup, the consistency made the purchase all worth while. It's pretty hard to punch paper/steel at over 1000Y without having solid velocity data.

If you have any other questions ask away.

qwert 08-10-2018 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by GKha (Post 3824486)

I too keep an extensive amount of data in excel on all shots fired through my precision rifles. this includes parameters related to components specific actual weights as well as environmental conditions. Aggregate data and graphs are my friend. For example if I want to see powder temp effect on velocity and things of the like.

sniped very good information

If you have any other questions ask away.

Thank you for this complete information and report, I find it very helpful, but will need some time to digest.

I suspect our Excel sheets are similar.
I am in the Calgary area, I will PM to set up a meeting to exchange and discus our data analysis systems,
and suspect we have other areas of helpful information and experience to exchange.

Good Luck, YMMV.

GKha 08-10-2018 01:51 PM

No problem. Always happy to help and share my experiences.

6MT 08-10-2018 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Redneck 7 (Post 3815598)
How do you like it? I was considering a Magneto Speed but think a Labradar would be the better investment for my LR rifle and reloading data.

I’m pretty set one buying one soon, just my main question is, are there different makes and models? And where around Edmonton can you buy one? Rather do it in person then ordering one online.

I've had 2 MagnetoSpeed units. Very good for what they are and very accurate. Lots of people b1tch about how it changes the poi when it's on the barrel. Yeah....I suppose. Although, I never shot groups with it on. It had one measure the speed of the load I just developed.

But one day I was in a hurry and didn't have the proper spacers on, and I ended up shooting the damn blade. I bought a second unit. And....just sold both units. But I love them.

But I replaced it with a LabRadar. There's only one model. I like it so far. I've used it to measure speeds on all of my loads. It's not light sensitive. Sets up pretty easy (I have the base plate and two different tripod set-ups). It is also very accurate with all of my loads. The menu is a bit quirky and takes some time to get used to. Although it is pretty intuitive. I have not exported the data yet, so I can't comment on that. But it is interesting watching how temperature, humidity, and absolute pressure change the speeds of projectiles.

My advice an external high capacity L-ion battery pack. These things eat AA batteries very quickly. The battery pack I use has only been discharged to half after 6 hours of continuous use. (It also has a power saving shut-off function.) Make sure you enter the projectile weight for every different bullet. I found this out the hard way (I forgot to change it). And an entire string of 20 shots was wasted.

You can probably make your own base plate for cheaper than $60. And using a tripod will get you the height you need if you're shooting from a bench. The special carrying case is pretty (and expensive), but I use a padded laptop bag. It fits the unit and battery pack perfectly.

So, all in all, I would recommend one. Although, I really like the MagnetoSpeed units (and I like the price of them better than the LabRadar). And my unit is new, so the firmware is up to date.

I don't believe anyone in Edmonton sells these. I got mine from Omer at Precision Optics in B.C..

LongBomber 08-10-2018 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by qwert (Post 3824468)
I would appreciate more specific information and reports regarding -

-new features and/or problems corrected with firmware update?
-'problem arming from the bench or prone'?

and especially
-data points available on screen and additional data points only available by download?
-specific procedures used to transfer data into Excel?
-specific procedures and formulas used to calculate BC?
and OP #1 GKha statement regarding
-'real analysis done in excel'?

IMHO chrono data is always relative, and value is dependent on specific methods of analysis.
We often discuss different instruments, but fail to properly communicate how to best use the data & information possible to collect.

My current Excel spreadsheet system of all shots loaded and fired, contains >50 data points.
I have found that Excel graphs are very helpful to visualize and reveal nodes during load development.

Good Luck, YMMV.

I read several complaints of guys having trouble arming the unit when shooting - they cant reach the "arm" button. I found my unit reads just fine even when setup even or behind my bipod- where I can reach the arm button. I also run an external battery and set my arm time for 240seconds. Never had an issue. The app allows you to arm the unit remotely.

The one addition that they should have included in the app was going back and adding shots to a string. Once you start a new string there is no going back to add more shots.

I run most of my data over to excel. I run the labradar for most of my shooting. I track my es/sd over several shooting sessions. A few rifles I have tracked well over 50 rounds for. I also compare my data for the optimal barrel time calculations, actually surprizing that my most consistent loads from ladder testing have ended up very close in speed to the obt calcs show.

Here is a thread from another forum that has some good information as well. https://

Davey Boy 08-11-2018 09:40 AM

One time I had the privilege of shooting alongside the Aussie Shooting team when they were practicing for the 1000 competition. They were using a USB power pack to power their Labradar.

Has anyone done the firmware upgrade?[/QUOTE]

This is the power pack I use. 4 hrs with the LAB on and it never left the full mark. About the size of a cell phone. And yes the firmware update is great, arm and disarm from the phone and all info is on the phone as well.

6MT 08-11-2018 10:01 AM

Yeah, adding shots to a previous string can't be done. That's the only thing that bugs me about the LabRadar. The arming button is not an issue for me either shooting prone or on a bench.

GKha 08-15-2018 10:53 AM

It would be nice to be able to add shots to the strings. Not sure why technically this is an issue. Perhaps a future firmware update will solve this. That said when I am load developing all my strings are predetermined before I go to the range so I have not found this to be an issue.

I do like to gather as much data as possible on my loads so I really appreciate being able to get velocity data even if I am just punching paper for groups. Allows me to see how velocity is affected by temperature etc. Cant really do that with the magneto speed.

I have also not found aiming the unit a problem. I know some people have complained about this. the little "V" notch is a bit small but has worked for me. Some tape a straw in the notch. I can see how that could help.

markg 08-16-2018 05:49 PM

You might find this video comparison helpful

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