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Fish along 04-30-2024 01:06 PM

I love the new name Whacko,lol
I call a spade a spade,:sHa_shakeshout:

jungleboy 04-30-2024 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Fish along (Post 4720603)
I call a spade a spade,:sHa_shakeshout:

Is this your new nickname or someone else’s?:)

traderal 04-30-2024 01:46 PM

PP's new name for his opponent's

Stinky Buffalo 04-30-2024 01:56 PM

Yup, I think that got PP kicked out of the session in the HOC.


Speaker Greg Fergus kicked Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre out of question period Tuesday after a particularly nasty exchange with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Poilievre's day-long removal from the House of Commons came after he called Trudeau a "wacko" for supporting B.C.'s policy of decriminalizing some hard drugs in an attempt to reduce the number of overdose-related deaths.

Poilievre said it was a "wacko policy" backed by "this wacko prime minister." Fergus asked him to withdraw the "unparliamentary language."

Poilievre refused, saying only that he agreed to replace "wacko" with "extremist" or "radical." Poilievre's refusal prompted Fergus to remove him.

"There are a couple of things that are going on here today that are not acceptable," Fergus said.

Following Poilievre's removal, the Conservative caucus left the Commons chamber en masse, following their leader.

traderal 04-30-2024 01:57 PM


Notice in the video that the speaker is handed a note before he issues his call

Howard Hutchinson 04-30-2024 02:05 PM

Good for PP. Leaving the remaining rodent to squeak to the speaker. Just shake my head this person is still taking in valuable 02. Mindboggling, just insanity.

fishtank 04-30-2024 02:19 PM

Whacko the clown ..

coolpete1 04-30-2024 02:23 PM

i think every time a minor dies from a fentanyl od a liberal should have to use the same drug until they tighten up the laws and the borders.

gunluvr 04-30-2024 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Stinky Buffalo (Post 4720622)
Yup, I think that got PP kicked out of the session in the HOC.


All this labeling of PP being associated with "far right radicals like Diagalon" etc. by the liberals is doing more to improve sympathy for and the image of such groups than it is to tarnish Polievre's. The liberals will be the last ones to realize that.

W921 04-30-2024 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by coolpete1 (Post 4720631)
i think every time a minor dies from a fentanyl od a liberal should have to use the same drug until they tighten up the laws and the borders.

I might be wrong but it seems like we are going back in time to when we had aristocrats and peasants. Us middle class are becoming peasants and the aristocrats like Trudeau. They have their own schools, neighborhoods, health care, security,etc. No fentanyl will ever be around their children.

2 Tollers 04-30-2024 05:03 PM

Has not taken long for social media to creative on this - I expect more will come. This will hurt the Idiot in Charge more than it will PP

32-40win 04-30-2024 05:30 PM

PP certainly missed a chance to use a snappy comeback like "why are you now publically promoting them then?"
Lib are just extending MAID to include Darwin's law, and let the problem kill itself off. No more problems, will enable defunding the police and courts and prisons.
What could possibly go wrong with that? Whacko may just be a pretty mild description.

Battle Rat 04-30-2024 06:37 PM

Wacko is a compliment for him coming from anyone from the west.

I’d rather be outdoors 04-30-2024 06:39 PM

Very accurate. From the Oxford Dictionary:


mad; insane.
"his willingness to pursue every wacko idea that enters his mind"


a crazy person.
"a trailer park peopled by exotic wackos and misfits"

pikergolf 04-30-2024 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by 2 Tollers (Post 4720667)
Has not taken long for social media to creative on this - I expect more will come. This will hurt the Idiot in Charge more than it will PP

I think this is a gift, the left will have a melt down.... I'm alright with that, actually I like that, good entertainment.

gman1978 04-30-2024 07:12 PM

The speaker of the house should be turfed. What a rat. He stands for nothing just like trudeau.

-JR- 04-30-2024 07:18 PM

Kinda seems like the more names he is called the more wacko things he does to get back at all Canadians.
Was he only voted in because he legalized pot ? YES !
Did he legalize it so he could smoke it and do Wacko things ? Yes !
Did those that voted for him, kinda of shot them selfs in the foot ? Yes !
Are the americans laughing at us or with use ?

elkhunter11 04-30-2024 07:23 PM

Someone should market a whack a mole game with wacko and his cabinet. Call it whack a wacko , it would probably be a popular party game.

sewerrat 04-30-2024 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by gman1978 (Post 4720700)
The speaker of the house should be turfed. What a rat. He stands for nothing just like trudeau.

Yes he should be.

Back in 2011 Justin called then MLA Peter Kent a “piece of $h1t” and that seem to be okay.

densa44 04-30-2024 07:33 PM

Go easy on the speaker...
He is "elected" by all parties in the house. Usually from the government side because they have votes to spare. Both JT and PP "dragged" this man to he chair to run the house with a level of decorum.

There are certain words that have been traditionally "unparlimentary" LIAR is one I have heard. The speaker has wide authority to rule anything he hears that he deems unparlimentary and that's when he stands up. He gives the honouralbe member the opportunity to withdraw the remarkes, PP tried to rephrase but the speaker asked him to withdraw the remarks, PP refused and was expelled, the part that wasn't released on the video, is the sargeant at arms throwing him out. In a stagged skit all the UCP members left too.

The members have all that room on the front lawn of the Parliment bldgs. to hold all the demonstartions that they want. The reasons that it is rarelly done is because anything that they say in the house is protected from the laws of slander. That's why we frequently hear the affected member shouting have the "courage/guts or what ever the member thinks that he can get away with" to say that outside the house.

There is probably a year before the next election, and this sort of thing my be a bit premature for PP. Anyway we'll see soon enough.

I'd like to suggest that all these guys get back to work, and start addressing some of the problems we have in this country.

I suggest cutting off their salaries and pension elegibility for every day that they are absent.

elkhunter11 04-30-2024 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by densa44 (Post 4720707)
He is "elected" by all parties in the house. Usually from the government side because they have votes to spare. Both JT and PP "dragged" this man to he chair to run the house with a level of decorum.

There are certain words that have been traditionally "unparlimentary" LIAR is one I have heard. The speaker has wide authority to rule anything he hears that he deems unparlimentary and that's when he stands up. He gives the honouralbe member the opportunity to
withdraw the remarkes, PP tried to rephrase but the speaker asked him to withdraw the remarks, PP refused and was expelled, the part that wasn't released on the video, is the sargeant at arms throwing him out. In a stagged skit all the UCP members left too.

The members have all that room on the front lawn of the Parliment bldgs. to hold all the demonstartions that they want. The reasons that it is rarelly done is because anything that they say in the house is protected from the laws of slander. That's why we frequently hear the affected member shouting have the "courage/guts or
what ever the member thinks that he can get away with" to say that outside the house.

There is probably a year before the next election, and this sort of thing my be a bit premature for PP. Anyway we'll see soon enough.
I'd like to suggest that all these guys get back to work, and start addressing some of the problems we have in this country.

I suggest cutting off their salaries and pension elegibility for every day that they are absent.

No UCP members left the house of commons, because there are no UCP MPs.

As to getting back to work to solve the problems in this country, the liberal/ndp mafia doesn't solve problems, they create problems. So if they stayed away, there would be far fewer problems in this country.

Battle Rat 04-30-2024 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by gman1978 (Post 4720700)
The speaker of the house should be turfed. What a rat. He stands for nothing just like trudeau.

Pretty obvious that he is a liberal sympathizer and not just that he co es across as a wimpy snowflake either.

2 Tollers 04-30-2024 08:00 PM

Lilley on the mess that was created by the speaker of the house (Fergus)

walking buffalo 04-30-2024 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by -JR- (Post 4720701)
Kinda seems like the more names he is called the more wacko things he does to get back at all Canadians.
Was he only voted in because he legalized pot ? YES !
Did he legalize it so he could smoke it and do Wacko things ? Yes !
Did those that voted for him, kinda of shot them selfs in the foot ? Yes !
Are the americans laughing at us or with use ?

This issue is because Trudeau is now legalizing Meth, heroin, crack and Fentanyl.


Originally Posted by Stinky Buffalo (Post 4720622)
Yup, I think that got PP kicked out of the session in the HOC.

Speaker Greg Fergus kicked Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre out of question period Tuesday after a particularly nasty exchange with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Poilievre's day-long removal from the House of Commons came after he called Trudeau a "wacko" for supporting B.C.'s policy of decriminalizing some hard drugs in an attempt to reduce the number of overdose-related deaths.

Poilievre said it was a "wacko policy" backed by "this wacko prime minister." Fergus asked him to withdraw the "unparliamentary language."

Poilievre refused, saying only that he agreed to replace "wacko" with "extremist" or "radical." Poilievre's refusal prompted Fergus to remove him.

"There are a couple of things that are going on here today that are not acceptable," Fergus said.

Following Poilievre's removal, the Conservative caucus left the Commons chamber en masse, following their leader.

Typical of the CBC to purposefully get this azzbackwards....

PP called trudeau a whacko because trudeau is stalling or refusing to support the NPD BC governement's request to Re-criminalize these drugs.

Let's not be distracted by squirrels the media has let out.

The Feds are refusing a provincial government's request to re-criminalize these drugs....


2 Tollers 04-30-2024 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by densa44 (Post 4720707)
I'd like to suggest that all these guys get back to work, and start addressing some of the problems we have in this country.

Interesting statement. Just a counter thought.

How many Liberal / NDP MP's does it take to solve a problem. No one knows as they never have been seen doing anything.


Originally Posted by pikergolf (Post 4720695)
I think this is a gift, the left will have a melt down.... I'm alright with that, actually I like that, good entertainment.

Agreed. Another nice gift from special socks and his team.

igorot 04-30-2024 08:12 PM

With all the celebration. It is vote that counts:snapoutofit:

Stinky Buffalo 04-30-2024 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by walking buffalo (Post 4720720)
let's not be distracted by squirrels the media has let out.

The feds are refusing a provincial government's request to re-criminalize these drugs....

100%, wb

traderal 04-30-2024 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by densa44 (Post 4720707)

I'd like to suggest that all these guys get back to work, and start addressing some of the problems we have in this country.

I suggest cutting off their salaries and pension elegibility for every day that they are absent.

Like Duhhh, PP has already addressed the problems and there is dick squat he can do if he has no majority.

Battle Rat 04-30-2024 09:40 PM

Someone will make a lot of money selling F*** Wacko flags.

Blazer 1 04-30-2024 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by elkhunter11 (Post 4720703)
Someone should market a whack a mole game with wacko and his cabinet. Call it whack a wacko , it would probably be a popular party game.

The best idea EVER!!!

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