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antlercarver 04-30-2024 06:28 PM

Chiropractic treatments
Do chiropractors do real medicine or are they quacks.

Dewey Cox 04-30-2024 06:34 PM

Surely they can't all be quacks.

robfraser 04-30-2024 06:40 PM

Almost all pro sports teams and Olympic teams have chiropractors on staff.

kinwahkly 04-30-2024 07:22 PM

I've been using a Chiropractor for years. I certainly wouldn't call him a quack.

silver 04-30-2024 07:24 PM

I will see my chiropractor again.

Grizzly Adams1 04-30-2024 08:04 PM

Most are relatively harmless and may do good, but some venture into pseudo science and have even killed their patients.

huntinstuff 04-30-2024 08:26 PM

I think they serve a specific medical need

Ive never been to one but people I know swear by them.

pittman 04-30-2024 08:52 PM

They are classified as alternative medicine - i.e. not Western Medicine or what is also known as evidence based medicine.

There are some that stay in their lane and know when a person needs to see a physician. Others think they can cure cancer with vitamins - the same vitamins that only they sell...

Depending on what the problem is they might be able to give a person some relief.

Stinky Buffalo 04-30-2024 08:58 PM

I've had some that were really good at making things go *crack* and then saying, "see you next week".

Then there was one who took his time, did more massage and stretching and the odd alignment... A few visits and I haven't been to see one since.

Which is just as well, because he was pretty old the last time I saw him, so I'm guessing he isn't practicing anymore... :)

MountainTi 04-30-2024 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by antlercarver (Post 4720686)
Do chiropractors do real medicine or are they quacks.

Well they're not pill pushers so that's a plus


Originally Posted by pittman (Post 4720730)
They are classified as alternative medicine - i.e. not Western Medicine or what is also known as evidence based medicine.

There are some that stay in their lane and know when a person needs to see a physician. Others think they can cure cancer with vitamins - the same vitamins that only they sell...

Depending on what the problem is they might be able to give a person some relief.


DiabeticKripple 04-30-2024 09:09 PM

I had a knot in my back that would not come out for a few days. I couldn’t even turn my head without severe pain.

I went and saw a chiropractor, he adjusted me and while I didn’t have immediate relief, about 3hrs later it started to feel better and the next morning it was gone.

densa44 04-30-2024 09:14 PM

Dangerous ones too. The maintenance man at our institution came into my office and said he was going on holidays for 2 weeks but was going to see his chiro first for a neck adjustment. I was a poll bearer at his funeral 2 days later.

It being Alberta there was no inquest for a deep occult thromboembolism in his neck. Poor man may he RIP.

traderal 04-30-2024 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by DiabeticKripple (Post 4720737)
I had a knot in my back that would not come out for a few days. I couldn’t even turn my head without severe pain.

I went and saw a chiropractor, he adjusted me and while I didn’t have immediate relief, about 3hrs later it started to feel better and the next morning it was gone.

Yep same here have used a chiropractor over 55 years if and when needed. Anyone that actually works for a living outdoors can use one on occasion. Are they all good, can use the same question of medical doctors too. Many are and a few aren't.

curtz 04-30-2024 09:22 PM

I think they know what there doing, when things go out of place, they adjust it in. For me it's my hip, a rib or neck. I've been at the point of almost crawling into his office and walking out after a treatment.

6.5 shooter 04-30-2024 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Grizzly Adams1 (Post 4720718)
Most are relatively harmless and may do good, but some venture into pseudo science and have even killed their patients.

You need to research how many people are killed every year by "doctors". Chiropractors, pharmacists and veterinarians are better trained then most doctors, especially in the Rx field.

1899b 05-01-2024 04:30 AM

How many that go to a chiropractor ignore working out daily?

It’s 430 am

Time to rise and grind.

pikergolf 05-01-2024 05:54 AM

I have seen them but have had better luck with physiotherapists, in my mind those guys are magicians.

Ackleyman 05-01-2024 06:31 AM

Quacks. My Doc said stay away from them. The one guy said "slight adustment " He cracked my neck so hard I heard it..clearly , and it was painful...never again. The same guy made me get on a dual scale , recording weight of body on each foot. He said OH ! no wonder more weight on one foot , check with so and so at front desk , [as he scurried over to next patient] I will have to see you every Tuesday and Thursday. I never figured out the magic scale and I never went back. I'm a lot more comfortable with physio , it has helped me a lot the few times i needed it.

-JR- 05-01-2024 06:51 AM

Most pains will go away in about 2-3 weeks .
I normally go see one about week 3 if it does not get better and he will take 50 % of the pain away . Thats when I tell him wow I should of came 3 weeks ago . It was nice when Alberta health care covered 90 % of it . Now they cover nothing . If you don't have company insurance coverage the cost can be very high . First visit is around $90 then after thats its around $45 .

When i was younger i had a very hard outdoor job . I used to see one twice a week for about 10 years . My back would always go out of adjustment and would not slip in on its own because i was to stiff . So yes they help getting it to where it should be .
I feel a lot of them only fix you a little of a time so you come back the next day. I have learnt to wait a week then return if needed .

Sooner 05-01-2024 08:37 AM

Back in my body man days I lifted something I should not have. 1 year of paid physio by a plan and nada, always hurt to some degree. In the 2nd month of me paying now, the therapist tried something "new". Before that I was on beds that stretch you, heating pads and gels, stretches and that lovely Tenns unit.

When she twisted me and cracked my back, instant relief. Couple more of those and things were way better, the writing was on the wall.

Went to a friend's brother's chiro guy and in weeks he had me free of pain. Did a couple once a month follow up tune ups and its been good for over 20 yrs. Never went back, it gets normal sore here and there when working it but chiro saved the day for me.

IMO, you go chiro for spine stuff and physio for muscle stuff.

To each their own opinion but chiro defiantly took care of my back issue.

Grizzly Adams1 05-01-2024 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by 6.5 shooter (Post 4720759)
You need to research how many people are killed every year by "doctors". Chiropractors, pharmacists and veterinarians are better trained then most doctors, especially in the Rx field.

I beg to differ, a lot of the medicines chiroquackters and their ilk dispense have no scientific merit. Vets ? I know one who delivered his own children. :lol:

Sundancefisher 05-01-2024 08:49 AM

Went in with bad back pain. Was told it was because one leg was longer than another.

Pushed on a hip and said I was cured. What a joke.

Work associate said she went monthly and was religious about it. Chiropractor said she needed “maintenance” appointments. What a crock. She said without it she’s in pain. Essentially the guy over stimulates nerves and that provides some relief but has never addressed the root problem.

Deep tissue and facia massage is what most people need. Followed by exercise and stretching.

artie 05-01-2024 09:00 AM

I have found there are good chiro and others who are not so good.
the one i am using now does accupuncture before he adjusts me and it works for me.

You have to be careful and let them adjust your neck as a last resort
For me the last resort was migraine headaches and there is an chiro that I let adjust my neck as he is very careful. He seems to be able to get rid of my headaches. He has taken xrays and can show me the degeneration in my neck from arthritis. I had a couple of chiros that hurt my neck so be careful.
Years ago i went to a accupuncture dr that was trained in China
She taped poppy seeds to certain spots in my ears and I had to push on the seeds several times a day
Some would say this is B.S. but when i had a migraine I could not push on the seeds as it hurt too much. When i never had a migraine I could push on the seeds all i want
But my family dr told me when i was in my forties you want to get rid of your headaches then quit teaching. Easy for him to say but I have not had a migraine since i retired from teaching.

MountainTi 05-01-2024 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by 1899b (Post 4720781)
How many that go to a chiropractor ignore working out daily?

It’s 430 am

Time to rise and grind.

I'm all for keeping in shape. Do it myself actually (when time allows anyways, not everyone has the luxury of a 9-5)
Due to an injury 15ish years ago (booted by a horse) I have had times where I could hardly walk let alone work out. The odd trip to a chiro keeps that in check so a workout (followed by copious amounts of stretching) is possible.

No different than MD's, there are good ones and bad ones. I'd far rather try to fix the problem with the aid of a chiro and exercise/stretching than being prescribed painkillers and muscle relaxants. Too many take the easy way out and go see a MD. Just want a pill to fix everything

MountainTi 05-01-2024 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by artie (Post 4720851)
I have found there are good chiro and others who are not so good.

You have to be careful and let them adjust your neck as a last resort

Not many touch your necks nowadays and if they do it's pretty minor

CanuckShooter 05-01-2024 09:13 AM

When I had severe pain in my shoulder for several weeks and the doctor suggested that the pain must be in my head, I went to a chiropractor. After 1 visit the pain was gone the next day.

My only experience and by gawd it was worth it.

MountainTi 05-01-2024 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by Sundancefisher (Post 4720842)
Went in with bad back pain. Was told it was because one leg was longer than another.

Pushed on a hip and said I was cured. What a joke.

Work associate said she went monthly and was religious about it. Chiropractor said she needed “maintenance” appointments. What a crock. She said without it she’s in pain. Essentially the guy over stimulates nerves and that provides some relief but has never addressed the root problem.

Few years ago my good friend was diagnosed with a bakers cyst (google it)
Turns out the diagnosis was wrong and it was a brain tumor

Now that's a quack. What a joke

Scott h 05-01-2024 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by MountainTi (Post 4720867)
Few years ago my good friend was diagnosed with a bakers cyst (google it)
Turns out the diagnosis was wrong and it was a brain tumor

Now that's a quack. What a joke

Confusing a knee with the brain??? Sounds like someone has their stories mixed up.....

mooselips 05-01-2024 10:03 AM

I think massage will do people a lot more good than chiropractic ever will.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

muirsy 05-01-2024 10:12 AM

The best chiro’s now are not only integrated with, or work closely with physical therapists, physios, and exercise physiologists - but they're also trained in other disciplines such as dry needling, active release, and other soft tissue modalities.

The days of just being a chiropractor- and adjusting peoples bodies in a cookie cutter manner is long gone, or at least on the way out the door.

The ‘new school’ chiros are much, much better than they used to be.

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