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6.5 shooter 07-09-2019 09:36 PM

Stratmore and Chestamere police go MAD
The brave new world Sunny ways

gordfishing 07-09-2019 09:49 PM

The police were just doing there job
Way back when I was a manger of a large grocery store and the Pharmacy pressed the panic button can't remember if this was a mistake , talked to the 911 operator and was told the Calgary police had arrived, would I proceed to the main entrance and exit to meet the constable
When I exited the building and was meet with the officer pointing his gun directly and me- HANDS IN THE AIR , no big deal the guy was just doing his job, safety for both
No Big Deal

lead chucker 07-09-2019 09:49 PM

This is nutz! I'm speechless

elkhunter11 07-09-2019 10:02 PM

So why arrest the homeowner, who didn't meet the description of the person with the firearm, when they already had the people that did meet the description in custody? As to leaving a two year old, and a four year old unattended, and naked outside in the rain, that was totally irresponsible.

Trochu 07-09-2019 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by gordfishing (Post 3999533)
The police were just doing there job.
No Big Deal

I hope you're joking.

Your comparable isn't really that similar.

Oldan Grumpi 07-09-2019 10:13 PM


JB_AOL 07-09-2019 10:28 PM

3 sides to every story. And there are big holes in his story.

$20 says he's known to police.

pintailslammer 07-09-2019 10:37 PM

Wow!! Talk about being speechless, that is un-believeable.


Yaha Tinda 07-09-2019 10:40 PM

Training exercise, they just got their days mixed up.

Redneck 7 07-09-2019 10:53 PM

Wow. I don’t have Facebook so I can’t find other videos of this incident, but that is completely out of line for any police or law enforcement department. I bet they were sweeping his house for guns instead of watching the kids.

He does have a point though, anyone that can make a call to the police with your name and mention gun and all hell will break loose. I’d definitely contribute to a go fund me account for this fellow and his family.

FishOutOfWater 07-09-2019 10:57 PM

Crazy... Sucks when someone accuses you of something you didn't do. Hope he can afford the lawyer for the civil suit.


Side note, and not calling this guy a liar but, when people close their eyes for extended periods while answering questions (or recalling an event) - it usually means they're lying. They're trying to visualise the lie in their head. Nenshi does it all the time, and I hate it.

propliner 07-10-2019 12:27 AM

Sounds like some serious bully tactics to me. I hope they're proud of themselves and I hope the poor guy got some video of their so-called professionalism.

scalerman 07-10-2019 04:22 AM

I was out hunting gophers with my son when the RCMP showed up. There were several cruisers full of cops arrived. The exchange was nowhere near like this but it certainly caused my son to sour on hunting. It turns out that somebody that could see us out there decided that we were doing something dangerous.

R3illy 07-10-2019 08:09 AM

I like the part where the cops said they'd be pointing their guns at the kids when they came out of the house and how the 2 and 3 yr old kids were found running around the yard with no one watching them as all the adults were handcuffed.

Lots of concerning issues with what was shared.

ganderblaster 07-10-2019 08:20 AM

The guy in the video could also have just been nervous and in shock. I have also been apprehended by the RCMP for conducting a legal hunt,and if I would not have been reciting the hunting regulations to him it could have gone quite differently. I did not feel like I had received the benefit of any doubt. It’s very disturbing the power a mentally unstable individual can have simply by picking up the phone in this country. When firearms and complaints are involved in Canada my experience has been that the individual with a fire arm is viewed as guilty until they can prove or show they have a firm understanding of the laws,regardless of how safely and legally they are behaving.

Jamie 07-10-2019 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by ganderblaster (Post 3999642)
The guy in the video could also have just been nervous and in shock. I have also been apprehended by the RCMP for conducting a legal hunt,and if I would not have been reciting the hunting regulations to him it could have gone quite differently. I did not feel like I had received the benefit of any doubt. It’s very disturbing the power a mentally unstable individual can have simply by picking up the phone in this country. When firearms and complaints are involved in Canada my experience has been that the individual with a fire arm is viewed as guilty until they can prove or show they have a firm understanding of the laws,regardless of how safely and legally they are behaving.

I thought he was extremely rattled. Some of his complaints seemed a little much and it seemed like he was piling on. HOWEVER this doesn't look good for the cops. I could 100% see the cops getting extremely nervous if the brother didn't come out. What a silly excuse. The kids were in the tub. Get them the "F" out of the tub. Jesus.... No idea how the brother got charged with Impaired driving. This new law seems to have allowed the cops to use it as a weapon. Laws shouldn't be weapons. I get the cops being nervous but there has to be a better way of dealing with all this.

R3illy 07-10-2019 08:40 AM

the chestermere police did release a statement saying only 2 arrests were made. Their release made it seem like people were poaching. They didnt mention they made more arrests and then released the home owner half naked at 1 am in the rain with no way home.

Oldan Grumpi 07-10-2019 09:00 AM

It sounds to me like our RCMP have been watching too much American TV.

How this would have been handled in the past -

(a) Phone the guy to ‘check his pulse’, tell him “there’s been a gun complaint, we’re obligated to check it out, do you mind if we come over and talk to you.” You’ll know in 30 seconds if the guys a nut case, or if the whole thing is a tempest in a teapot.
You’re going to go to his house anyway, but you’ll know if you need a swat team or if you might end up having coffee with the guy. (If I got a call like that call, I’d probably say, “yeah, come on over, I’ll put the coffee on.”)

(b) Listen calmly to both sides of the story, KEEP EVERYONE CALM, and make your judgement from there.

The trouble nowadays is, the RCMP have been given governance over firearms to an excessive degree. They are using any excuse they can find to discourage firearms ownership and intimidate shooters into just saying ‘to hell with it, I’m getting rid of my guns’.

I totally understand the need to take genuine firearms complaints seriously, but an over reaction is just as dangerous as ignoring it. I’ve seen first hand how young constables fresh out of Depot handle firearms, and in my opinion the risk of an A.D. in the above situation is greater than the potential of the original complaint. You DO NOT POINT a firearm at ANYONE unless you have a genuine intent to use it. There is absolutely no excuse to point a rifle at an unarmed handcuffed man, face down on the ground, nor is there an excuse to point a rifle at two naked toddlers out in the rain.

There is also no lawful justification to prevent a man from recording the actions of police - that alone is worthy of legal action.

If this mans story is truthful and genuine, the police in question have over reacted badly, and must be taken to task for it. If it happened to him, it can happen to any of us unless we bring their policy it to a halt ASAP.

We’re constantly reminded that we have to take rape complaints seriously, and investigate thoroughly. The only difference between this case and a rape is the absence of genitalia - it’s just as serious, and we have to take this mans story as true until proven otherwise.

For the moment, I’m completely supportive of him.

Kurt505 07-10-2019 09:16 AM

Is there any links to his other video?

A friend of mine and his girlfriend were in parkland county shooting gophers on land they had permission on with pellet guns and were “taken down”, guns pointed at them, cops yelling, face down on the ground, cuffed, he went to one cruiser she was taken to another.

I see a trend here......

Gophers have a lot more pull than I thought.

grouse_hunter 07-10-2019 09:19 AM

Well written and true, Oldman Grumpi!

New Hunter Okotoks 07-10-2019 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by gordfishing (Post 3999533)
The police were just doing there job
Way back when I was a manger of a large grocery store and the Pharmacy pressed the panic button can't remember if this was a mistake , talked to the 911 operator and was told the Calgary police had arrived, would I proceed to the main entrance and exit to meet the constable
When I exited the building and was meet with the officer pointing his gun directly and me- HANDS IN THE AIR , no big deal the guy was just doing his job, safety for both
No Big Deal

I wonder if it would be no big deal if it was you and your wife being held at gunpoint and put face down on the ground after some anti saw you hunting and out of sheer spite claimed that you pointed your gun at them? Or how about laying a: "Failure to provide a breath sample" charge on a relative of yours when they were not even driving and just did it to teach them a lesson? Is that no big deal as well? Or how about a trained Police Officer who allows naked children to run out of the house and into the rain when they are supposed to be caring for them? Is that: "No Big Deal" as well; or just when it happens to others?

elkhunter11 07-10-2019 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by Oldan Grumpi (Post 3999660)
It sounds to me like our RCMP have been watching too much American TV.

How this would have been handled in the past -

(a) Phone the guy to ‘check his pulse’, tell him “there’s been a gun complaint, we’re obligated to check it out, do you mind if we come over and talk to you.” You’ll know in 30 seconds if the guys a nut case, or if the whole thing is a tempest in a teapot.
You’re going to go to his house anyway, but you’ll know if you need a swat team or if you might end up having coffee with the guy. (If I got a call like that call, I’d probably say, “yeah, come on over, I’ll put the coffee on.”)

(b) Listen calmly to both sides of the story, KEEP EVERYONE CALM, and make your judgement from there.

The trouble nowadays is, the RCMP have been given governance over firearms to an excessive degree. They are using any excuse they can find to discourage firearms ownership and intimidate shooters into just saying ‘to hell with it, I’m getting rid of my guns’.

I totally understand the need to take genuine firearms complaints seriously, but an over reaction is just as dangerous as ignoring it. I’ve seen first hand how young constables fresh out of Depot handle firearms, and in my opinion the risk of an A.D. in the above situation is greater than the potential of the original complaint. You DO NOT POINT a firearm at ANYONE unless you have a genuine intent to use it. There is absolutely no excuse to point a rifle at an unarmed handcuffed man, face down on the ground, nor is there an excuse to point a rifle at two naked toddlers out in the rain.

There is also no lawful justification to prevent a man from recording the actions of police - that alone is worthy of legal action.

If this mans story is truthful and genuine, the police in question have over reacted badly, and must be taken to task for it. If it happened to him, it can happen to any of us unless we bring their policy it to a halt ASAP.

We’re constantly reminded that we have to take rape complaints seriously, and investigate thoroughly. The only difference between this case and a rape is the absence of genitalia - it’s just as serious, and we have to take this mans story as true until proven otherwise.

For the moment, I’m completely supportive of him.

Well said! But unfortunately, since there is nobody to review the actions of the police, other than the police themselves, it is very unlikely that anyone will be held accountable.

bat119 07-10-2019 09:41 AM

The official report
Strathmore, Alberta – The Strathmore RCMP responded to a weapons call on July 7 and based on the information received, effected a safe, high risk arrest.

At 7:45 p.m., the RCMP received a call of shots fired on a rural property. The information provided to the RCMP indicated that a male fired shots at people on a neighbouring property. Given the dangers and dynamics of this type of call to service, multiple RCMP members responded and contained the people who were believed to be involved.
No persons were injured during the resulting arrest. The safety of the RCMP and of the public in adjacent areas, as well as the safety of the subjects involved, was at all times the primary consideration.

The situation was resolved by provincial charges being sworn against two different adult males who were identified as shooting wildlife on the property.

The RCMP will provide no further commentary on this situation or on the video which is circulating.

If they were native it would have made the national news

Oldan Grumpi 07-10-2019 09:42 AM

I do not like the direction the RCMP have taken in the past three decades. I have no doubt they are using excuses such as the Mayerthorpe incident to create their policies, and are now creating an “Us against them” atmosphere with the public they are meant to serve.

The fundamental problem is really bad command decisions. You might have noticed the long promised report on Mayerthorpe has never been released. The NCOIC who gave the disastrous command that night has long since retired, taken his pension and faded away into the civilian population....his culpability has been buried in a file somewhere never to see the light of day. “Maintiens le Droit” has been shamefully buried behind a Blue Wall. To the best of my knowledge the officer who gave the order to ‘kick in doors’ in High River has never been identified or made to face the public.

The abysmal training in Depot and the goon squad attitude being instilled there has finally reached the 30 year veterans now in Ottawa HQ. The police force that was once the pride of the nation and the envy of other police forces has degenerated into something shameful. It’s doubtful if there are enough ‘cool heads’ left in the force to bring it back to respectability.

darren32 07-10-2019 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Kurt505 (Post 3999665)
Is there any links to his other video?

A friend of mine and his girlfriend were in parkland county shooting gophers on land they had permission on with pellet guns and were “taken down”, guns pointed at them, cops yelling, face down on the ground, cuffed, he went to one cruiser she was taken to another.

I see a trend here......

Gophers have a lot more pull than I thought.

Where in Parkland County?

Evansburg RCPM are really good with us. They get the odd complaint about us shooting and they usually just call me. They have come out to where we shoot and were really reasonable. They just wanted to make sure we were being safe. Last time the officer even said he would tell the person that complained that they live in the county and gunshots should be expected.

Hopefully not a trend.

Kurt505 07-10-2019 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by bat119 (Post 3999674)
Strathmore, Alberta – The Strathmore RCMP responded to a weapons call on July 7 and based on the information received, effected a safe, high risk arrest.

At 7:45 p.m., the RCMP received a call of shots fired on a rural property. The information provided to the RCMP indicated that a male fired shots at people on a neighbouring property. Given the dangers and dynamics of this type of call to service, multiple RCMP members responded and contained the people who were believed to be involved.
No persons were injured during the resulting arrest. The safety of the RCMP and of the public in adjacent areas, as well as the safety of the subjects involved, was at all times the primary consideration.

The situation was resolved by provincial charges being sworn against two different adult males who were identified as shooting wildlife on the property.

The RCMP will provide no further commentary on this situation or on the video which is circulating.

If they were native it would have made the national news

What a bunch of liars!!!

Kurt505 07-10-2019 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by darren32 (Post 3999676)
Where in Parkland County?

Evansburg RCPM are really good with us. They get the odd complaint about us shooting and they usually just call me. They have come out to where we shoot and were really reasonable. They just wanted to make sure we were being safe. Last time the officer even said he would tell the person that complained that they live in the county and gunshots should be expected.

Hopefully not a trend.

North of Stony Plain

Ken07AOVette 07-10-2019 09:48 AM

I think he lost a lot of credibility when he started screaming about having to replace his gate. Near the top of his lungs, almost crying after everything else that was the worst part? :thinking-006:

When you watch COPS or Border Security or any show involving live take-down the (alleged) criminal is standing there with a needle in his front pocket, knife in his boot, handgun in the belt, brass knuckles in the back pocket- you are getting what I am getting to here I hope, denying everything. 'that's not mine, you planted it, I have never seen that needle before, they are my sister's jeans, that's mom's gun'....

This guy could be lying about everything, looking for a huge go-fund-me, they have worked in the past.

Only he knows what truly happened, we may never hear it.

if he is lying and covering something up he may truly believe he is in the right. Whatever happens I hope the truth is found and the mess is straightened out.

I think this is a case of him having watched too many of the you-tube video's where the SJW's walk around with an ar-15 looking for a LEO to go after them, or the guys that claim they do not have to comply with the Police, roll down the window 1/4" hoping for a window to be smashed and go viral.

ReconWilly 07-10-2019 09:53 AM

Affirmative action hiring policies need to be put on trial.

How the hell can a police force expect the public to respect the badge that they "earned" by way of ethnicity or sex rather than aptitude and ability?

This is a nuclear disaster level problem.

The root of all that is wrong with western civilization.

R3illy 07-10-2019 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by Kurt505 (Post 3999665)
Is there any links to his other video?

A friend of mine and his girlfriend were in parkland county shooting gophers on land they had permission on with pellet guns and were “taken down”, guns pointed at them, cops yelling, face down on the ground, cuffed, he went to one cruiser she was taken to another.

I see a trend here......

Gophers have a lot more pull than I thought.

if you click the original video and then click to his profile you'll see the other videos on his feed.

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