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bruceba 02-15-2010 04:00 PM

The spoiled child Quebec
They're upset at the lack of Quebecer's at the games. I often wonder when there was a vote in Quebec if they wanted to stay or seperate why there wasn't another vote on wether we wanted to keep them or not.

Grizzled 02-15-2010 04:06 PM

Bye..bye,adios,arriva durchee, gonzo...who needs em !!

catnthehat 02-15-2010 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by bruceba (Post 511538)
They're upset at the lack of Quebecer's at the games. I often wonder when there was a vote in Quebec if they wanted to stay or seperate why there wasn't another vote on wether we wanted to keep them or not.

Uh, thhe lack of Quebecers, or the lack of the French Language being spoken?
it's a moot point however, because those that are complaining would be upset if it was mostly French and the English language was spoken at all!:cool:

graham1 02-15-2010 04:12 PM

Take your share of the debt and don't let the door hit you on the way out!

hal53 02-15-2010 04:13 PM

The one complainig was the "federal heritage minister"...WTH????....that is FEDERAL. they should be checking to see if the French portion was more than 10%.......tired of their BS...they can go on their own and continue mining their asbestos, because it's part of their "culture" as they said...tell 'em to take a hike as us Rednecks have a culture's called Oilsands.....1/100th as dangerous as Asbestos

Kanonfodder 02-15-2010 04:23 PM

They will also complain about the lack of Francophone players on the Hockey teams....they complain about it everyear about the Juniors as well....its their agenda and they have no shame.....

Grizzly Adams 02-15-2010 05:42 PM

Now, if the Olympics were being held in Quebec again, how much English would we get to hear?:lol:

hal53 02-15-2010 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by Grizzly Adams (Post 511628)
Now, if the Olympics were being held in Quebec again, how much English would we get to hear?:lol:

not a word.....we'd just get to pay for it again!!!!!!!!! and again!!!

Bushrat 02-15-2010 06:58 PM

Alberta dosen't have a share in the debt, Albertas been giving and Quebec's been taking. They owe us billions and have never made a payment for what we gave, not even a thank you. All they do is spit in our face. Cut em off and foreclose on em, ungrateful wretches. Would Quebec allow transfer payments to flow the other way if the shoe were on the other foot? Pretty sure they would have seperated long ago if that were the case. They stay in confederation because we keep paying the price politically, socially and financially to keep them in.

TreeGuy 02-15-2010 08:38 PM

Well said as usual, Bushrat.

Just minutes ago, I sat in this very seat and watched Alexandre Bilodeau get presented with his gold medal. It was difficult to not feel the lump in my throat as our anthem played. I have never felt so proud to be Canadian. Then I read this crap......

I fear my belief in a strong and unified Canada is being eroded.:(

baz 02-15-2010 08:56 PM

Graham 1 and Bushrat,
Between the two of you, my sentiments are nailed down precisely. Nuff said. Bring on the WESTERN REFURENDUM.

fluxcore 02-15-2010 09:05 PM

In Alberta were very fortunate to have most of the oil and gas under us, That being said were part of the BIG picture that makes up Canada and our wealth should be shared with the other provinces. Its to bad Quebec wanted to seperate in that case let them have it but for the rest of the provinces like BC, Newfoundland, Ontario ect.I think alberta does and should help them get through tough times besides they make up allot of Albertas work force.

gatorhunter 02-15-2010 09:11 PM

Whine, whine, whine! There's always one or two kids in the family who feel hard done by! If one of those kids is Québec then the other is the almighty Alberta!:wave:

Québecois blood has spilled for Canada as much as any other Province's! :cry: We're all in this together! We support each other when needed, that's what family is all about! :)

Canada is supposed to be bilingual! Rest assured that an average Québecois' English is still better than an average Albertan's French! :o

Don't be throwing stones through your own windows boys and girls! :(

baz 02-15-2010 09:42 PM

Your position as explained bruceba. It seems to be more precarious as of late. Do not get me wrong I am 100% Canadian first and foremost. The analogy about the family unit is apt, however in a family unit each individual carries their own weight. Unfortunately this is not the case with the current
situation (one or two of the siblings has a bit to much access to the larder than the other siblings, due to geographic location ?) Per capita input per province to the economy might be an eye opener, however I don't have these numbers at hand.
Whine, whine as you see fit TWIMC

nimrod 02-15-2010 10:02 PM

listening to the opening i thought the games were somewhere other than Canada, All I heard was french then English, when any new things was going on, I bet some people of the world think French is the first language of Canada, not in MY Backyard.

my 2 CENTS

greylynx 02-15-2010 10:03 PM

What if Alberta were a have not province?

Do you think you would see money from Quebec's Hydroelectric resources helping Alberta? No way.....They look at us like some money producing colony for them.

Prior to 1957 Alberta was dirt poor. Did you see anything coming from the east in those days? No!!!

Oh, Jean Charest premier, of Quebec is complaining there is not enough french spoken at the Olympics in British Columbia. We must surely accomadate him.

That guy from Quebec won the mogul competion and are ranting over it, and you guys don't even mention little Jennifer Heil from Alberta because she missed a gold by the hair of her chinee chin chin.

propliner 02-15-2010 10:11 PM

Federal equalization payments made in 2007/2008:

To Alberta: $0
To Quebec: $7,162,000,000

And Quebec loves to complain about our "dirty oil".

TreeGuy 02-15-2010 10:13 PM

Are you serious????


Originally Posted by gatorhunter (Post 511881)
Whine, whine, whine! There's always one or two kids in the family who feel hard done by! If one of those kids is Québec then the other is the almighty Alberta!:wave:

GH, the difference is that Alberta is the one supporting this family. quebec adds NOTHING but strife and ill will. I challange anyone to show me how quebec contributes to this country in a beneficial manner! If I had a child like that in my family, a trip to 'The Woodshed' would be in short order!


Originally Posted by gatorhunter (Post 511881)
Québecois blood has spilled for Canada as much as any other Province's! :cry: We're all in this together! We support each other when needed, that's what family is all about! :)

While the blood of quebec will never be discounted, I tend to see it as the blood of CANADIANS! As for being together, that notion is laughable at best. If quebec had the resources of Alberta, the selfish bastards would have seperated long ago!


Originally Posted by gatorhunter (Post 511881)
Canada is supposed to be bilingual! Rest assured that an average Québecois' English is still better than an average Albertan's French!

That is because knowing English is far, far more advantageous than knowing french. Without being able to speak it, you will be trapped in that economic, teat suckeling black hole.


Originally Posted by gatorhunter (Post 511881)
Don't be throwing stones through your own windows boys and girls! :(

Not so sure about this one.

baz 02-15-2010 10:36 PM

As a Western Canadian,
I sure enjoyed the Men's moguls last nite, in French, HD,5.1 Dolby, in my neighborhood that was the only choice.
Calgary Area

gatorhunter 02-16-2010 06:23 AM

Alberta was fortunate to have all these great resources under its soil when the Provincial boundaries were drawn! Whoop tee doo! It's still a Province of Canada like all the others! That these resources currently power the world is but a historical note in time. Sooner rather than later these resources will disappear and Alberta will become a "have not" Province dependent on others to make it go. Even the great Ontario has crumbled in the past several years.

This is what is meant by living in glass houses!

roadkill 02-16-2010 07:36 AM

I don't know why I get into these convos, but here goes.

Though the article makes us out to be a province up in arms over this, the truth is that most of us aren't. And a lot of us are as tireed of this sort of freakish whining as you are; It's the same people who get us on the news time and again.

But a headline that reads 'Hardline minority in Québec whines like a bunch or stupid b17ches' won't get as many readers. For a bunch of guys who complain about media biases, y'all are prime fodder for Québec-related articles.

Don't you guys have anything else to complain about? In the schoolyard, someone who yells about someone else this much usually has a crush on 'em.

I mean come on, you all secretly covet our women ;)

Grizzly Adams 02-16-2010 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by roadkill (Post 512101)
I don't know why I get into these convos, but here goes.

Though the article makes us out to be a province up in arms over this, the truth is that most of us aren't. And a lot of us are as tireed of this sort of freakish whining as you are; It's the same people who get us on the news time and again.

But a headline that reads 'Hardline minority in Québec whines like a bunch or stupid b17ches' won't get as many readers. For a bunch of guys who complain about media biases, y'all are prime fodder for Québec-related articles.

Don't you guys have anything else to complain about? In the schoolyard, someone who yells about someone else this much usually has a crush on 'em.

I mean come on, you all secretly covet our women ;)

Hey, you guys are doing all the bitching and whining.:lol: , about things that don't matter a hill of beans in the big picture. We're just responding cause we're sick and tired of it. As for your women, they're vastly overrated, as well. :lol:

roadkill 02-16-2010 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by Grizzly Adams (Post 512105)
Hey, you guys are doing all the bitching and whining.:lol: , about things that don't matter a hill of beans in the big picture.

You mean like ?

Or this thread, since we're at it?

I mean, I'm sorry for not taking this thread a little more seriously, but it's getting kind of... comedic.

maxpower2506 02-16-2010 07:55 AM

:tongue2:Personally I wish they would collectively GROW SOME STONES, and hit the trail. But NOOOOOOOOOOOOO, they know who is paying the freight. They sit back and whine, oh poor me, and threaten to go, WELL GO!!!!!!!! I am pretty sure you would not be missed, what?,you going to hold back maple syrup ooooooooooohhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

roadkill 02-16-2010 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by maxpower2506 (Post 512113)
:tongue2:Personally I wish they would collectively GROW SOME STONES, and hit the trail. But NOOOOOOOOOOOOO, they know who is paying the freight. They sit back and whine, oh poor me, and threaten to go, WELL GO!!!!!!!! I am pretty sure you would not be missed what? you going to hold back maple syrup ooooooooooohhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

Hey, you can insult my province, my language and my women, but LAY OFF THE SYRUP, BUSTER!!!


Grizzly Adams 02-16-2010 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by roadkill (Post 512111)
You mean like ?

Or this thread, since we're at it?

I mean, I'm sorry for not taking this thread a little more seriously, but it's getting kind of... comedic.

Difference between you and us, is that we express resentment on a personal level, while yours comes from your government. The only way Charest, the Liberal, formerly Progressive Conservative [ party ideologies don't seem to matter much in Canada, see Bob Rae :lol:, can hang onto power is by parroting Separatist lines, to the point could be Douceppe's replacement. I suspect the media was looking to stir the pot a little bit and as usual, asked the selective questions that would raise our hackles. Certainly, Charest's comments looked that way.

Matt L. 02-16-2010 08:36 AM

Correct me if I'm wrong roadkill, but wouldn't the vast majority of Quebecer's be proud as hell of Alexandre Bilodeau? I know I am.

roadkill 02-16-2010 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by Grizzly Adams (Post 512131)
Difference between you and us, is that we express resentment on a personal level, while yours comes from your government. The only way Charest, the Liberal, formerly Progressive Conservative [ party ideologies don't seem to matter much in Canada, see Bob Rae :lol:, can hang onto power is by parroting Separatist lines, to the point could be Douceppe's replacement. I suspect the media was looking to stir the pot a little bit and as usual, asked the selective questions that would raise our hackles. Certainly, Charest's comments looked that way.

Okay, I'll be serious for a second. Our political situation is simply godawful. Charest is trying to play both sides of the line in order to stay in business, and the central powers of the PQ are trying to do the same. Of course, the PQ hard-line keeps trying to pull the party (and eventually the province) back into the good old days of strident nationalist rhetoric and mass demonstrations. Charest is clearly federalist, but coming out too openly as such will only hurt him because the PQ always tries to make that stuff sound like it's anti-Québec. He ain't perfect, but right now, he's the best we've got. For what it's worth, I've never voted for him in my life.

And this whole ugly-a55ed nightmare is completely out of touch with the Montrealer on the street, who speaks two or three languages, often lives in two or three languages, and wants his or her kids to grow out of Québec's ghetto past. It's like there are several Québecs living side-by-side and fighting for a little recognition. And of course, the clowns who can't handle reality always end up on TV. It's bloody embarrassing.

dmckay 02-16-2010 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by nimrod (Post 511921)
listening to the opening i thought the games were somewhere other than Canada, All I heard was french then English, when any new things was going on, I bet some people of the world think French is the first language of Canada, not in MY Backyard.

my 2 CENTS

X2 I am so sick of listening to the crap!!:mad3::mad3: They should just separate and be done with it. Good ridance. I'm sure they could support themselves with the profits from their maple syrup:lol::lol:

roadkill 02-16-2010 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by Matt L. (Post 512142)
Correct me if I'm wrong roadkill, but wouldn't the vast majority of Quebecer's be proud as hell of Alexandre Bilodeau? I know I am.

Yes, absolutely. Hell, most of the people I know (Anglo or Franco) love to see anyone with a Maple Leaf on their tunic standing on the podium.

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