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Sundancefisher 03-05-2019 04:23 PM

Vaccinations don't cause autism
Large study just released.


The hypothesized link between the measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism continues to cause concern and challenge vaccine uptake.

To evaluate whether the MMR vaccine increases the risk for autism in children, subgroups of children, or time periods after vaccination.

Nationwide cohort study.


657 461 children born in Denmark from 1999 through 31 December 2010, with follow-up from 1 year of age and through 31 August 2013.

Danish population registries were used to link information on MMR vaccination, autism diagnoses, other childhood vaccines, sibling history of autism, and autism risk factors to children in the cohort. Survival analysis of the time to autism diagnosis with Cox proportional hazards regression was used to estimate hazard ratios of autism according to MMR vaccination status, with adjustment for age, birth year, sex, other childhood vaccines, sibling history of autism, and autism risk factors (based on a disease risk score).

During 5 025 754 person-years of follow-up, 6517 children were diagnosed with autism (incidence rate, 129.7 per 100 000 person-years). Comparing MMR-vaccinated with MMR-unvaccinated children yielded a fully adjusted autism hazard ratio of 0.93 (95% CI, 0.85 to 1.02). Similarly, no increased risk for autism after MMR vaccination was consistently observed in subgroups of children defined according to sibling history of autism, autism risk factors (based on a disease risk score) or other childhood vaccinations, or during specified time periods after vaccination.

No individual medical charts were reviewed.

The study strongly supports that MMR vaccination does not increase the risk for autism, does not trigger autism in susceptible children, and is not associated with clustering of autism cases after vaccination. It adds to previous studies through significant additional statistical power and by addressing hypotheses of susceptible subgroups and clustering of cases.

sns2 03-05-2019 04:48 PM

WHO states that parents neglecting to vaccinate their children is one of the 10 largest risks that worldwide health currently faces.

I just don't get these parents who think they are smarter than the smartest doctors in the world. Selfish fricken idiots who put others' children at risk as well as their own.

Saskfly16 03-05-2019 04:55 PM

Completely agree, need 95% vaccination to get a herd immunity. Some children cannot get vaccinated due to pre existing conditions, would hate to have someone’s little child get sick because I was too busy to vaccinate my children.

Worse yet is people who think they are smarter then 99.5 percent of scientist worldwide.

Anyone on the fence due a google image search of polio children.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Habfan 03-05-2019 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by sns2 (Post 3942104)
WHO states that parents neglecting to vaccinate their children is one of the 10 largest risks that worldwide health currently faces.

I just don't get these parents who think they are smarter than the smartest doctors in the world. Selfish fricken idiots who put others' children at risk as well as their own.

Parents that don’t vaccinate their children are definitely not helping them. This same study also says that if there is an outbreak, their children will be the first to die !

Twisted Canuck 03-05-2019 05:20 PM

Ah, the yearly vaccination thread....let the viciousness begin. I see your frickin idiots and will sit back, eat some popcorn, and wait for the poster who says the idiot parents should go to jail and the children should be raised by the state.

And for the record, I believe vaccines work and are effective and I'm not anti...polio small pox etc basically eliminated.

I just loathe how this topic has degenerated to name calling, every time the topic comes up.

bat119 03-05-2019 05:28 PM

I don't think anybody had a choice when I was kid, they came to the schools herded us up and jabbed I don't remember any asking involved.

Grizzly Adams 03-05-2019 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by sns2 (Post 3942104)
WHO states that parents neglecting to vaccinate their children is one of the 10 largest risks that worldwide health currently faces.

I just don't get these parents who think they are smarter than the smartest doctors in the world. Selfish fricken idiots who put others' children at risk as well as their own.

Well, there are actually still people who claim the earth is flat. Our government is sending 300, 000. worth of homeopathic medicine to Honduras., would you believe, to fight Chagas disease. Get out of the Western world and superstition is still an important fact of life, apparently here as well.


obsessed1 03-05-2019 05:56 PM

Milennials. Over educated under intelligent. Bout sums it up. Only going to go down hill from here

Trochu 03-05-2019 06:42 PM

Just a question, if vaccines are safe and beneficial, how come Canadians can't bring class action suits against vaccine manufacturers? Worth thinking about is it not, or should I compromise my health for your/societies sake?

Trochu 03-05-2019 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Twisted Canuck (Post 3942115)
Ah, the yearly vaccination thread....let the viciousness begin. I see your frickin idiots and will sit back, eat some popcorn, and wait for the poster who says the idiot parents should go to jail and the children should be raised by the state.

And for the record, I believe vaccines work and are effective and I'm not anti...polio small pox etc basically eliminated.

I just loathe how this topic has degenerated to name calling, every time the topic comes up.

Worse than the 6.5CM threads. :)

hal53 03-05-2019 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by Trochu (Post 3942150)
Just a question, if vaccines are safe and beneficial, how come Canadians can't bring class action suits against vaccine manufacturers? Worth thinking about is it not, or should I compromise my health for your/societies sake?

Are you a Dr.?, or do you work in Healthcare ?

Bigwoodsman 03-05-2019 07:12 PM

One way or another the human race will wipe itself out!


pittman 03-05-2019 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Trochu (Post 3942150)
Just a question, if vaccines are safe and beneficial, how come Canadians can't bring class action suits against vaccine manufacturers? Worth thinking about is it not, or should I compromise my health for your/societies sake?

And what might that lawsuit entail? Prevention of disease? Sore arm a flu-like symptoms for a day or two? The one person in a million who has an allergic reaction to a vaccine component?

Sounds like a conspiracy theorist, not a physician to me.

bessiedog 03-05-2019 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by Trochu (Post 3942150)
Just a question, if vaccines are safe and beneficial, how come Canadians can't bring class action suits against vaccine manufacturers? Worth thinking about is it not, or should I compromise my health for your/societies sake?

1. Lawyers won’t take it?
2. The case is clearly superfluous and vexatious. Which if found out... get thrown out..?

Just guessin.

tirebob 03-05-2019 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Twisted Canuck (Post 3942115)
Ah, the yearly vaccination thread....let the viciousness begin. I see your frickin idiots and will sit back, eat some popcorn, and wait for the poster who says the idiot parents should go to jail and the children should be raised by the state.

And for the record, I believe vaccines work and are effective and I'm not anti...polio small pox etc basically eliminated.

I just loathe how this topic has degenerated to name calling, every time the topic comes up.

Agreed whole heartedly... Thjs topic should go the way of the political threads. Nobody is ever going to convince anyone to change their minds no matter what side of the discussion they fall on. It will just be another excuse for everyone to call each other names and feel superior for it. That said, it is fun to watch sometimes! Lol :argue2:

Dewey Cox 03-05-2019 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by obsessed1 (Post 3942129)
Milennials. Over educated under intelligent. Bout sums it up. Only going to go down hill from here

I'd tell you where to stick that opinion, but I've been suspended for less.
I was born in 82, for the record.

CaberTosser 03-05-2019 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by obsessed1 (Post 3942129)
Milennials. Over educated under intelligent. Bout sums it up. Only going to go down hill from here

Its not just Millenials falling for the charlatans pressing the anti-vaxx philosophies, my own mother has fallen for it and she's in her 70's. I'll often comment on her anti-vaxx Facebook shares where I'll thank her for having myself and my 4 siblings vaccinated and leave it at that. (Her offspring being born from the late 1960's through to the mid 1980's). She's fallen down the rabbit hole with many online conspiracies, apparently Soros controls everything, its quite sad. Kept off of certain topics she's great though, but its troubling.

Grizzly Adams 03-05-2019 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by tirebob (Post 3942182)
Agreed whole heartedly... Thjs topic should go the way of the political threads. Nobody is ever going to convince anyone to change their minds no matter what side of the discussion they fall on. It will just be another excuse for everyone to call each other names and feel superior for it. That said, it is fun to watch sometimes! Lol :argue2:

We're dealing with the results of decades of failure in our education system here. :D Anti vaxing is just one part. Hoemeopathy, Naturopathy, Chiroquackery, accupuncture, the list goes on.


wildwoods 03-05-2019 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by Twisted Canuck (Post 3942115)
Ah, the yearly vaccination thread....let the viciousness begin. I see your frickin idiots and will sit back, eat some popcorn, and wait for the poster who says the idiot parents should go to jail and the children should be raised by the state.

And for the record, I believe vaccines work and are effective and I'm not anti...polio small pox etc basically eliminated.

I just loathe how this topic has degenerated to name calling, every time the topic comes up.

Thanks for saving me the time writing that. These are the stupidest of threads that lead good people to banned camp. I have never seen anyone change their minds as a result of this discussion. More like losing their minds. :argue2:

Sundancefisher 03-05-2019 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by wildwoods (Post 3942208)
Thanks for saving me the time writing that. These are the stupidest of threads that lead good people to banned camp. I have never seen anyone change their minds as a result of this discussion. More like losing their minds. :argue2:

If a massive study doesn’t meet the definition of proof...then so be it to some. However in the spirit of facts and education this is a great study.

Seems more like people just hating the thread and posting negatively so far is the cause of the thread going astray.

Don’t post if you don’t like a thread and it goes away.

wildwoods 03-05-2019 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by Sundancefisher (Post 3942231)
If a massive study doesn’t meet the definition of proof...then so be it to some. However in the spirit of facts and education this is a great study.

Seems more like people just hating the thread and posting negatively so far is the cause of the thread going astray.

Don’t post if you don’t like a thread and it goes away.

Clearly you couldn’t or just don’t want to comprehend what I wrote. I never questioned your proof or the study. Middle of cabin fever season and this thread will only go 1 direction. Good luck. I’ll stay away

jstubbs 03-05-2019 09:22 PM

Most anti-vaxxers I encounter are middle aged moms on FB.

Weedy1 03-06-2019 05:47 AM

We need to teach our children to avoid and reject those children in school that haven't been vaccinated. When little Bobby and Jane run home to Mommy saying the kids in school won't play with them because they're a walking time bomb you can bet Mommy will pull her head out of her butt and get her kids vaccinated.

I'd like to see children start a roll up your sleeve and prove you've been vaccinated campaign. Distribute stickers, pins, MVGA Hats :), to all those doing what's right.

It's time to get tough on stupidity.

Unregistered user 03-06-2019 07:56 AM

I am pro-vaccination. Everyone in the family is up to date. What I don't get though is the argument from the various health boards that if a kid isn't vaccinated we are all at risk. How? We're vaccinated.

JB_AOL 03-06-2019 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by Unregistered user (Post 3942347)
I am pro-vaccination. Everyone in the family is up to date. What I don't get though is the argument from the various health boards that if a kid isn't vaccinated we are all at risk. How? We're vaccinated.

(because even if you're vaccinated you are still at risk)

Dewey Cox 03-06-2019 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by Unregistered user (Post 3942347)
I am pro-vaccination. Everyone in the family is up to date. What I don't get though is the argument from the various health boards that if a kid isn't vaccinated we are all at risk. How? We're vaccinated.

It puts babies who are too young to get the vaccination at risk.

Arachnodisiac 03-06-2019 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by Unregistered user (Post 3942347)
I am pro-vaccination. Everyone in the family is up to date. What I don't get though is the argument from the various health boards that if a kid isn't vaccinated we are all at risk. How? We're vaccinated.

Vaccines are not 100% effective, all the time.

Think of them like a condom. Definitely responsible, and they usually work.

Now think of everyone around you being vaccinated as... an IUD or some other even more effective method of birth control. That is herd immunity. When enough people are vaccinated, it eliminates the disease reservoir, because the disease needs a ladder between people to make a chain and spread. When the ladder is too short to make a chain between two potential victims, that chain is broken and the disease dies in isolation.

But when you have a large unvaccinated population, you have a reservoir for the disease, and the disease will find the people whose vaccinations may not have been effective, and it will find people who couldn't have the vaccine because they are too young, or they have underlying health issues.

plaerzen 03-06-2019 08:08 AM

Actually.... the a large portion of scientists are on the autism spectrum, so technically, autism causes vaccines

urban rednek 03-06-2019 08:10 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Anti-vaxxers are the latest round of fanatics; arguing with them is like talking to a rock.

Jays toyz 03-06-2019 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by Unregistered user (Post 3942347)
I am pro-vaccination. Everyone in the family is up to date. What I don't get though is the argument from the various health boards that if a kid isn't vaccinated we are all at risk. How? We're vaccinated.

We need the herd immunity as measles vaccine is only 80%, effective

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