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HunterDave 10-02-2014 07:04 PM

Muskrat Porn
I caught a couple of monsters last night and one really tiny one. There goes my!

PCP_ECOM 10-02-2014 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by HunterDave (Post 2567406)
I caught a couple of monsters last night and one really tiny one. There goes my!

Right on DAVE

drake 10-02-2014 07:51 PM

Good show!

Hitman1958 10-02-2014 07:59 PM

Isn't it a bit early to be trapping rats are they prime yet? In Sask. The season doesn't open till the 15th and even then there not very prime

HunterDave 10-02-2014 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by Hitman1958 (Post 2567465)
Isn't it a bit early to be trapping rats are they prime yet? In Sask. The season doesn't open till the 15th and even then there not very prime

In the zone that I'm trapping it opened yesterday. South of here it opens on October 15th.

No, they won't start being prime until February so 2 weeks doesn't make a difference. You will only lose about $2 less per pelt before then but you can make up for that by catching them in big numbers during the Fall. Also, a lot of the rats that you catch in the Fall will have already died if you wait until they are prime. In one location that I'm trapping they wouldn't even make it until then before dying.

nube 10-02-2014 08:16 PM

Awesome Dave. you got a head start on me bud lol I found my fall rats didn't loose all that much for price. Clean out the shallow ponds and ditches while you can.

Stinky Buffalo 10-02-2014 08:19 PM

Way to go! You're off to a great start.

PCP_ECOM 10-02-2014 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by nube (Post 2567490)
Awesome Dave. you got a head start on me bud lol I found my fall rats didn't loose all that much for price. Clean out the shallow ponds and ditches while you can.

x2 soon as the Oct 15 comes i'm trapping Rats,my fall rats did well last year,Nube's right i'm going to obtain while I can get them,instead of the waste that will surely come if I wait til spring,they won't be around in spring in couple area's I trap,they will have winter killed,cheers Peter

HunterDave 10-02-2014 09:31 PM

I have to admit that I was a little disappointed with my catch rate (only about 25%) but I was happily surprised that I caught some decent sized ones. I was thinking that I'd be catching a lot more smaller juvenile ones.

It's a learning process for me and the major thing that I found out today is that rats don't like dining in the wind. All of my sets that were in the wind weren't touched but I was getting doubles on a lot of floats that were sheltered. I moved a half dozen float sets and that should remedy that. I also didn't do well in the drainage ditch going only 3 rats for 12 sets. I'll leave them there for the time being, landowner will be happy, but if it remains the same they'll be moved to the big slew with the rest.

Other lessons learned were.....It's easier to row than walk and rats love pears. :)

waterninja 10-03-2014 08:17 AM

Amassing what you can learn on here. Staying out of the wind i can understand, but pears? What ever made you think of using pears?
Congrats on a great start to the season.

HunterDave 10-03-2014 09:05 AM

Putting the pears from our tree to use. :)

braggadoe 10-03-2014 09:11 AM

right on! looking forward to your "end of the line" pic

HunterDave 10-03-2014 09:37 AM

Gonna be spending some time in the skinning shack today but it's -7 with frost so I'll have to get that heater going I guess. I took about 30 Spring rat pelts out of the freezer to board but I doubt that they thawed. I'll check after a coffee. :)

eric2381 10-03-2014 10:10 AM

Right on. I was checking in to see how you did with the check. Keep putting pics up, good to see.

nube 10-03-2014 01:44 PM

For bait I use carrots. It is cheap. I also use a lure from Halfords in a bottle and an orange / pink label that smells like peppermint. It is the lure I found to be the most help Pears could get pricey

bullgetter 10-03-2014 02:11 PM

Well looks like 4 RCMP hats right there Dave, good on ya!

HunterDave 10-03-2014 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by nube (Post 2568242)
For bait I use carrots. It is cheap. I also use a lure from Halfords in a bottle and an orange / pink label that smells like peppermint. It is the lure I found to be the most help Pears could get pricey

I put a piece of carrot on the trigger of my 110's on my float sets. The pears that I'm using are from our tree out back so they are free. They're only small compared to what you see in the stores but they have a strong, pleasant smell. I still have 3 shopping bags of them. Thanks for the tip on the peppermint scent, I'll remember that for the future.

I just got back from my check, having a coffee and then it's out to the skinning shed to flesh/board about 30 of my Spring rats that I had in the freezer. I got 0 rats out of my 12 float sets in the had iced over. I'll be moving those sets to the large slew Monday. There are too many duck/goose hunters out there on the weekend and I'd like to be as discrete as possible. I got 2 rats in my colony traps at a 3rd location and I'll be putting out more of them on Monday.

As for my 12 float sets in the large slough, first I checked 2 sets about 100 yards away from the other 10 and,........nothing. I went to check the other 10 sets and I caught 14 rats......Nice! Wanna guess where my sets from the ditch are! Total today......16 but once I adjust things I should be able to improve a lot on that.

Lesson learned......If using leg hold traps on float sets make sure to put a good pile of weeds between the two traps as a barrier otherwise one trapped rat may set off the second trap before jumping off the float. :sign0161:

While scouting around the slough looking for a good location to put my 12 sets from the ditch I found this bad boy. :)

shakeyleg02 10-03-2014 05:14 PM

Nice work dave keep it up thats a great start

HunterDave 10-03-2014 05:44 PM

Just curious, would anyone know how many rats it'd take to make this hut and how many rats would utilize it?


Originally Posted by HunterDave (Post 2568350)

nube 10-03-2014 11:13 PM

5 per hut that size is how I judge it

Robin Goodfellow 10-03-2014 11:59 PM

While I commend your prowess, I must express my unhappiness with this thread.

The subject title suggested something more.... spicy...

HunterDave 10-04-2014 12:16 AM

The shed is starting to look much better now. It looked a little empty before. :)

moose maniac 10-04-2014 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by HunterDave (Post 2568722)
The shed is starting to look much better now. It looked a little empty before. :)

Looks good Dave

nube 10-04-2014 08:17 PM

Me jelous right now. :) Thanks Dave keep going bud. I bet your having fun:sHa_shakeshout:

eric2381 10-05-2014 06:14 AM

The new skinning shack is getting full. Keep at er, love seeing the pics.

coy coyote 10-05-2014 03:35 PM

what percentage of small rats are you catching? How are they for primeness? Itching to go here. Might set some coyote snares first. Neighbor has been losing sheep and geese.

HunterDave 10-05-2014 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by coy coyote (Post 2569907)
what percentage of small rats are you catching? How are they for primeness? Itching to go here. Might set some coyote snares first. Neighbor has been losing sheep and geese.

I'm right around where it should be, about 70% juveniles and 30% adults. I've caught 2 or 3 really small ones that must have been from a second litter this summer. There is a very healthy population of rats where I am trapping.

I don't have enough experience to determine their primeness, this is my first Fall trapping. The smallest are blue, the older juveniles have the long blotch down their back and the adults have blotches. I fleshed and boarded 22 Spring rats yesterday that didn't have any markings.

I'll go take a picture and you can tell me what you think.

HunterDave 10-05-2014 08:26 PM

Here's an example of what I've been catching. The one on the left is the smallest that I caught and I'm thinking that it's one from a second litter of the summer. The middle 2 are typical of the juveniles that I have caught which is about 70% of my catch. The one on the right is typical of the adults that I've caught and the one at the bottom is a Spring rat from the freezer.

coy coyote 10-05-2014 09:16 PM

Well I went out to check up on my rat sloughs and it's depressing out of 15 ponds and sloughs I checked I seen 3 rats and one feed pile. I might wait another till the 20th of Oct. I see they are still a little to black for what I like. But fall rats are that way as it is.

HunterDave 10-05-2014 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by coy coyote (Post 2570284)
Well I went out to check up on my rat sloughs and it's depressing out of 15 ponds and sloughs I checked I seen 3 rats and one feed pile.

Coy, I hadn't seen any around here during the day at all. I put 10 floats sets out in one spot and the next day I got 16 rats out of them. I haven't seen many huts either but the rats are there. Based on what the expert Trappers were telling me at the Rendezvous, I'm going to catch as many as I can before the slough freezes over. Some say that I might average $2 less per rat while others say that they never notice much of a difference at all. I'm trapping a large area with a healthy population of rats so there's no fear of trapping it out though. Good luck!

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