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Scoutie 10-09-2019 09:35 PM

Transporting Harvested Game in full view
When I was a kid I used to stand by the road during the 3 day moose hunt and literally count moose everyday watching them go by on the hoods of cars and sprawled out over quads. this was the 1980's. I have not seen an animal on someones rooftop in a longass time.

How much hate can be expected transporting a deer kill on the hood into the city to process?

Lefty-Canuck 10-09-2019 09:37 PM

My elk always gets transported in the back of the truck, always get some thumbs up and celebratory honks. Not once has anyone been angry. Seen a few people take pictures as they pass to.


HVA7mm 10-09-2019 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by Scoutie (Post 4037471)
When I was a kid I used to stand by the road during the 3 day moose hunt and literally count moose everyday watching them go by on the hoods of cars and sprawled out over quads. this was the 1980's. I have not seen an animal on someones rooftop in a longass time.

How much hate can be expected transporting a deer kill on the hood into the city to process?

As thin as the sheet metal is on newer vehicles, I don't think I'd put more than a stuffed animal on it. Also with the way people drive on the highway and in the city, I'm not sure I would want a carcass strapped in front of me:)

kilgoretrout 10-09-2019 10:00 PM

Times have changed and its better not to give the anti's ammo.... I remember the same as a kid although it was deer not moose.....

daveyn 10-09-2019 10:03 PM

Really, you want to strap it to the hood ? If I had to transport game on the outside of a vehicle I'd be looking for a spot with a little less heat radiating off of it, Just a thought.

lyallpeder 10-09-2019 10:13 PM

I wouldn’t because of both the negative image and road dust or salt and wind. I’d have no problem with a hoof or two sticking out.

tikka250 10-09-2019 11:46 PM

Quite honestly I don't know if I would trust a deer or elk on the roof of my Civic :sHa_sarcasticlol: most modern vehicles would have damage done to them and with the abundance of trucks nowdays what's the point.
Not to mention there is very little places for securement on modern vehicles. I found this out the hard way when trying to secure a coyote on the aforementioned Honda civic.long story short I buried it in the ditch snow and came back with my truck.

58thecat 10-10-2019 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by kilgoretrout (Post 4037491)
Times have changed and its better not to give the anti's ammo.... I remember the same as a kid although it was deer not moose.....

Meh...the anti's will always have a issue....cover it, don't cover each their own.

Dubious 10-10-2019 06:12 AM

Mmmmm road salted and dusty meat. I don’t think throwing it across the hood and driving to the first local pub on the way home has anything to do with anti’s and everything to do with taking care of the meat not damaging your vehicle And getting tickets for unsecured loads.

sns2 10-10-2019 07:47 AM

Let er rip. Anti's can scour the internet for pictures. You hauling your animal ain't gonna change things one whit. I'd rather have legs coming out of the trunk though:)

Dick284 10-10-2019 07:51 AM

Not that many “car hunters” anymore.
Most guys have a pick up or an suv these days.
There just isn’t too much junk in the trunk like it used to be.

Big Grey Wolf 10-10-2019 07:57 AM

game transport
I suggest showing antlers including head of animal in back of truck. The entire carcass should be in back of truck/trailer probably covered to keep mud and salt spray off the meat. We hunters are the minority in todays society. Lets not stir up the sh_t if we do not need too.

robbiebobbie 10-10-2019 07:57 AM

Anything deemed as obstructing your view might get you a ticket.


View not to be obstructed
80 A person shall not drive a vehicle on a highway if
(a) the view through the windshield or windows of the
vehicle is so obscured by mud, frost, steam or any other
thing so as to make the driving of the vehicle hazardous or
dangerous, or
(b) an ornament, device or thing is placed in or on the vehicle
so that it may obstruct that person’s view.

I would say that the dead deer is an ornament or a thing.

UngulateMeatEater 10-10-2019 08:49 AM

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Albertadiver 10-10-2019 08:55 AM

A few years back we were really successful. Between three of us we had a cow elk and two mulie bucks in the back of one pickup. No choice but to have the antlers over the edge of the box.

Lots of thumbs up on the highway in Southern Alberta. By the time we drove through kensington in Calgary got the opposite reaction. Of course, I had to drive around the block just to rub it in.

Not real classy on my part, but I really get tired of the yuppie antis.

Generally I try to tarp over any harvested game, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do!

Two years ago, we were hunting on crown land that is difficult to access, and some guy comes down the dirt road with a buck strapped to the trunk of his front wheel drive K-car. Three kids in the back and he couldn't get the car to get back up the hill he had just come down. It was a sight to behold.... Reminded me of TreeGuy for some reason.

Dewey Cox 10-10-2019 09:15 AM

I like to do a victory lap up and down mainstreet with my deer in the back of the truck.

Sledhead71 10-10-2019 09:29 AM

The world has changes a lot over the years, it's great to share with others in your group but prancing around dead animals is not the current social norm.

I would compare this to painting rainbows on our city streets, why in the heck would one group want to aggravate the masses.

Ray Ray 10-10-2019 09:47 AM

hood ornament
when I was kid the meat went in the box and the Moose head went on the hood. Back in the early 70s we were skunked coming back from a Moose hunt . My dads friend killed a mouse in camp and strapped it to the hood with fishing line. We stopped at a bar on the way home and the proprietor asked my old man if we had a successful hunt and he said it's strapped to the hood. The whole bar came out to see and my dads friend says to them " on that hood over there, we are mouse hunters not moose hunters" we are tagged out and going home. Still makes me smile

Red Bullets 10-10-2019 12:59 PM

Some guys have no choice but to display their animals while getting them home. Especially the guy a on bicycle.

NewGuard84 10-10-2019 09:33 PM

I am uncomfortable apologizing for or navigating around things that make overly sensitive people cry these days.

If we lived our lives to be in their good favour, what could we even do anymore? Dust and contamination are valid. If an adult crybaby sees? Let them see, maybe they can also read where grocery store meat comes from.

This is Alberta and hunting is enjoyed by good and reasonable people. No apology

roper1 10-10-2019 09:51 PM

Lady in town driving a newer red Dodge with a decent bull moose rack in the back. I pulled up beside her gave her thumbs up but she completely ignored me. Maybe had a different reaction earlier, dunno!

I say haul 'em as you wish, there's knowledge, skill, and effort to get most game into the truck box!

Bush Critter 10-11-2019 09:59 AM

Best not advertise... people have really thin skin these days. Just put a tarp over the box of the truck, keep the road salt and dust from your critter.

Smoky buck 10-11-2019 10:14 AM

Not going to display an animal but not going out of my way to hide it either. Like most in the box of the truck it goes so there is no damage to the vehicle or meat plus it’s easier to load

As for the hiding my animal so I don’t offend people like hell I have done nothing wrong so why should I hide my actions. We have to be excepting of other people’s lifestyle well hunting is my lifestyle except it

JD848 10-11-2019 11:11 AM

There's a lot of things us hunters find to be not right in this world ,but we don't bash or call them freaks. Were the thin skin ones who let others live there lives and never lash out at certain groups and the list is very long on what I think a freak is,but I don't hassle anyone.

I am a hunter and darn proud of it, i won't hang it on the roof of my truck ,but I won't go out of my way to hide it. I avoid social media that hates us that are full of anti's, but I pay my road taxes like everyone else and will travel with my kill anywhere anytime.

We all start hiding we may as well pack it in.

Most hunters I know try and respect everyone and when we see crap we don't like we let it ride specially in bigger cities because we know better that's there way of life, but there minds travel only one way because they don't know any better or understand us.

Happy Thanks Giving To All



Grizzly Adams 10-11-2019 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by sns2 (Post 4037573)
Let er rip. Anti's can scour the internet for pictures. You hauling your animal ain't gonna change things one whit. I'd rather have legs coming out of the trunk though:)

Open vehicle on a dusty road, or stuffed in a trunk , not good practice for quality meat. My reasoning.


aulrich 10-11-2019 02:31 PM

One year I took home 4 deer in the trunk of a Corrolla , quartered animals pack much neater.

Just remember to keep the evidence of sex and species and tag on the same quarter.

sns2 10-11-2019 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Grizzly Adams (Post 4038226)
Open vehicle on a dusty road, or stuffed in a trunk , not good practice for quality meat. My reasoning.


When I was first married, all I had was a 2 door Toyota Tercel. I had a doe I had gotten the day before and a big buck I shot that day. Loaded em both in the trunk after skinning. Wrapped em in tarps, and had legs and horns sticking out the trunk lid which I bungeed closed as good as I could, but IIRC, it was still open about halfway. I was happier than hell on my way home:) No dust. It was cold outside and meat was cooled before it ever made it in trunk. Good memories. That Tercel hauled a lot of game.

I work in the most politically correct environment one could ever imagine (school). It is actually sickening. Hence, my lack of concern for what antis feel.

Sooner 10-11-2019 02:40 PM

As a teenager in the late 70's and 80's, it was awesome to see game/antlers in the back of trucks. You could always count on game to see when you went through Whitecourt.

When dad got his 48 inch moose, that head with rack went on the roof rack of the jeep. I still remember the looks and thumbs up we got coming back from Fox Creek.

Miss those days, I still haul game home in the open box.

colt45 10-11-2019 02:54 PM

I always have at least the rack showing, so people can see,
I’m always on the look out for animals in other vehicles on the highway
Like to see others animals , I see nothing wrong with it at all
Look how hiding guns has worked out, more people are afraid of them now.
Used to see them in back windows of trucks all the time , not now.

1shotwade 10-11-2019 02:59 PM

One day in November back when I was in grade 12 me and 2 buds skipped school to go moose hunting. I had a ford ranger. We got a bull that morning and went to school after to show everyone. There is a picture in the yearbook showing us covered in blood and high fiving !! This was in 1991!! Absolute classic!!!

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