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Dubious 01-25-2022 03:44 PM

Cwd vaccine possibly on the horizon
A CWD vaccine may be on the horizon. It would be a great accomplishment if it turns out to be effective. I’m just not sure if rural Alberta is ready for for a deer vaccine in the current climate :sHa_sarcasticlol: exciting times ahead.

MountainTi 01-25-2022 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by Dubious (Post 4476383)
A CWD vaccine may be on the horizon. It would be a great accomplishment if it turns out to be effective. I’m just not sure if rural Alberta is ready for for a deer vaccine in the current climate :sHa_sarcasticlol: exciting times ahead.

Will be extra difficult rounding them up every 3 months for a booster shot. May have to bribe them with some kind of lottery. :sHa_sarcasticlol:

DirtShooter 01-25-2022 04:57 PM

Is it Pfizer or Moderna or J&J?


CNP 01-25-2022 05:05 PM

I'll take the vaccine myself and won't bother with animal testing :)

Battle Rat 01-25-2022 05:41 PM

There will be less competition out there.
The antivaxers won't shoot and eat a deer for fear of injesting one of Bill Gates's microchips.

It's all making sense now, big pharma is behind the release of CWD.

urban rednek 01-25-2022 06:13 PM

More research into CWD is good!
However, the cynic in me has some questions that this 10 minute video doesn't answer.
Are they funding new research, or continuing research that has been going on since 2008? Have PrioNet Canada, AEP, APRI, NIH, Genome Canada/ Genome Alberta, NSERC, and Margaret Gunn Endowment for Animal Research stopped funding their existing projects with the UofS, UBC, UofA, and UofC?
Is this a way for AEP to offload the research costs to the ACA so they can shuffle their funds into another area of their budget?

Posted May. 7th, 2008 by FBC Staff

Development of a BSE vaccine for cattle, and a mathematical study of the risk to people who eat meat from BSE-infected cattle, are up for PrioNet Canada funding, the research network announced Wednesday.

PrioNet Canada, which is funded by the federally-backed Networks of Centres of Excellence Canada, announced $8 million in funding for 19 research projects involving 60 researchers across the country.

The network supports research on various aspects of the transmissible spongiform encephalopathy family of diseases, which includes BSE (a.k.a. mad cow disease) in cattle, scrapie in sheep, chronic wasting disease (CWD) in elk and deer and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in people.

“PrioNet’s research will bolster the knowledge base required to predict and manage the deadly impacts of prion diseases,” said PrioNet scientific director Neil Cashman of the University of British Columbia in a press release Wednesday.

Among the projects funded are work at the University of Saskatchewan’s Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO) on a vaccine for cattle against BSE, using Cashman’s finding of an antibody-binding site on the prion — the misshaped protein that causes TSEs to develop in the nervous system.

Andrew Potter will lead VIDO’s research project. PrioNet said a BSE vaccine would not only provide the first preventative treatment against the disease but would save Canada considerable money on its current BSE testing regime and could help lead to other TSE vaccines.

Risk and perceived risk

Funding will also go to two related studies at the University of Ottawa, one using mathematical models and surveys to work out the actual risk of Canadians contracting variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) when exposed to products made from BSE-infected cattle. Daniel Krewski’s team will also look at the probability of human-to-human vCJD transmission through blood transfusions and surgery.

In a related project, an Ottawa team led by Michael Tyshenko will examine the risk of vCJD transmission through transplantation procedures, some of which use artificially grown cells using cattle tissues at high risk of harbouring BSE.

Another study moves from risk to the perception of risk: a team led by Tomas Nilsson at the University of Alberta will examine the level of BSE testing needed to ensure consumer confidence in Canadian food products.

Nilsson’s study aims to use a “farm to fork” strategy to trace confidence along the food chain of animal products, along with assessment of the “political economy,” PrioNet wrote. The study will also look at consumer response related to voluntary and/or mandatory BSE testing, with the goal of better targetiung public policy on BSE.


Also receiving funding will be Canada’s largest project on CWD in wild deer, in which a University of Saskatchewan team led by Trent Bollinger will develop data on the movement patterns of wild deer, with an eye on the effects of deer culling and feed supplements on the transmission of CWD.

“To date, culling infected herds has been the main practice to help stop the spread of CWD; however, such efforts have not been successful,” PrioNet wrote in its release.

“In addition, the persistent spread of CWD in wild deer leads to increased transmission risks to other species, like moose, or even humans. Particular at-risk groups include hunters, outfitters and aboriginals that may consume CWD-infected wild deer as food.”


July 19, 2021 Author
Collene Ferguson, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

UCalgary researchers at work on a vaccine against a fatal infectious disease affecting deer and potentially people
Vaccine effort timely as chronic wasting disease ‘explodes’ in deer populations

an an infectious and deadly prion disease of deer and elk jump species and infect humans?

New research by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (UCVM) indicates that’s a real likelihood.

“Our new data show that there is the potential for chronic wasting disease (CWD) to infect people,” says Dr. Hermann Schaetzl, MD, PhD, professor of prion biology and immunology and associate dean, research at UCVM. “Whether it already has happened, there's no data, but the more CWD prions you have out there in the environment, the higher the risk that human infections will occur in the future.
Disease rapidly spreading

And there’s a lot of CWD in the environment. It’s killing deer in Alberta and Saskatchewan and rapidly spreading north, putting already endangered woodland caribou at greater risk. Westward expansion into the Rocky Mountains endangers elk, deer, moose and woodland caribou in Banff and Jasper National Parks.

“CWD is really exploding. In the last year, as many new cases were detected in one hunting season as in the previous 15 years altogether.” says Dr. Sabine Gilch, PhD, associate professor at UCVM and Canada Research Chair in Prion Disease Research. CWD can remain active in carcasses, saliva, and feces of infected animals and elsewhere in the environment for many years, leading to further infection of animals.

CWD is one of a group of infectious illnesses called prion diseases. One of the best-known prion diseases is bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), or mad cow disease. They occur when normal prion proteins, found on the surface of many cells, become abnormal and clump in the brain, causing brain damage and eventually death.

Findings suggest risk to humans

“Prion diseases are known in humans. Previous studies have indicated the probability of CWD to transmit to humans to be very low, but now we have generated newer data in a study where CWD was transmitted to Macaque monkeys. Macaques are very similar to humans, they're currently the best model for testing zoonotic potential of prions,” says Gilch.

These new findings confirming people might be at risk of CWD make another UCVM research project evaluating an oral CWD vaccination strategy more crucial than ever.

“Work with the vaccine is going really well,” says Schaetzl. “We’re collaborating with a few groups including University of Alberta, Colorado State University and VIDO (Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization at the University of Saskatchewan) and we have different approaches that are looking good in our animal models.”

The vaccine doesn’t prevent the disease, but it delays its onset. Which is a significant factor in reducing the rapid spread of CWD.

“There's a pretty concerted research and funding effort now. And we're not putting our money on one vaccine, it's two or three vaccines and we have to produce them in an amount, in a packaging form, which allows us to do this oral vaccination in the wildlife,” says Schaetzl. “Three years ago, there was less support for the vaccination strategy, but that’s changed with COVID. Everybody's so much more in favor of vaccines now. We’re still a few years away and the vaccine will not be 100 percent effective, but it will do the job over time.”

Funding sources for these projects include Alberta Environment and Parks, Alberta Prion Research Institute (APRI), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Genome Canada/Genome Alberta, NSERC, and Margaret Gunn Endowment for Animal Research.

Hermann Schaetzl is a member of the Hotchkiss Brain Institute and the Snyder Institute

Sabine Gilch is an adjunct member of Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in the Cumming School of Medicine.

DirtShooter 01-25-2022 10:28 PM

Hopefully this isn't what allows cwd to make the jump to humans...

270person 01-26-2022 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by MountainTi (Post 4476386)
Will be extra difficult rounding them up every 3 months for a booster shot. May have to bribe them with some kind of lottery. :sHa_sarcasticlol:

Like "Get the shot and you won't get shot?"

Orange leg band or similar to identify the vaxed deers.

Maga hat, a plug of chaw and a stick on target for the dissident deers.

Chief27 01-26-2022 08:16 AM

"get the shot and you won't get shot"

DirtShooter 01-26-2022 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by Chief27 (Post 4476627)
"get the shot and you won't get shot"

Love it

Dubious 01-26-2022 11:34 AM

Some wheee in the future on the prairie some deer will be feeding. softly at first a light light drumming sound starts the noise increasing as it approaches. On the horizon a helicopter appears speakers mounted on the side blaring flight of the valkyries, a shirtless late 40’s out of shape door gunner perches on the rails, his face cladden in aviators as his boot brush sized moustache gently blowing in the down wash from the rotors his thumb hovers over the the thumb paddle trigger of a dispenser of vaccine laden cobs. The deer scatter in a hail of vaccine bait as the chopper streaks over head. An undergrad student hisses out “how do you know they will eat the corn” as he hurries to reload the hopper. “Easy!” The warden growled into his headset “just dont lead them much!” In the distance a coverall clothed farmer in his John Deere tractor working a canola field watches in amazement as a single tear rolls down his cheek. Another job well done on the prairies as the chopper flys off onto its next objective as the pilot reaches out his window putting another tick on the side of his chopper.

hilt134 01-27-2022 08:30 PM

This reeks of unintended consequences. I’m definitely all for more research but on first glance a sprayed vaccine seems like it’s going to be ineffective on a broad scale and depending what it has is it questionable

Big Grey Wolf 01-28-2022 10:15 AM

I would like to see alittle more money $$ by All governments including the Feds along with a number of US states. It is a big problem and throwing a few $100K will not get it done. Kenney has lots of oil $$$ now so time to hit CWD fast and hard.

obsessed1 01-28-2022 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by hilt134 (Post 4477770)
This reeks of unintended consequences. I’m definitely all for more research but on first glance a sprayed vaccine seems like it’s going to be ineffective on a broad scale and depending what it has is it questionable

I'm surprised guys are jumping for joy about this....I understand things might need to be done but, if it's even your gonna shoot and consume a deer that has been juiced???might as well just buy " meat " grown in a petree dish....humans have to stop playing God...unintentional consequences seem to be the only consistent results..

rockyb88 01-28-2022 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by obsessed1 (Post 4478094)
I'm surprised guys are jumping for joy about this....I understand things might need to be done but, if it's even your gonna shoot and consume a deer that has been juiced???might as well just buy " meat " grown in a petree dish....humans have to stop playing God...unintentional consequences seem to be the only consistent results..

You're 100% correct. If we keep messing things up, we won't have anything left. Let nature sort itself out.

walking buffalo 01-28-2022 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by Big Grey Wolf (Post 4478031)
I would like to see alittle more money $$ by All governments including the Feds along with a number of US states. It is a big problem and throwing a few $100K will not get it done. Kenney has lots of oil $$$ now so time to hit CWD fast and hard.

I want to see the Diversified Livestock Cervid Farms, Cervid Shooting "Preserves" in both the US and Canada pay the majority of the bill.

This industry is fully responsible for the spread of CWD across North America.
They need to be held accountable.

IronNoggin 01-28-2022 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by obsessed1 (Post 4478094)
I'm surprised guys are jumping for joy about this....I understand things might need to be done but, if it's even your gonna shoot and consume a deer that has been juiced???might as well just buy " meat " grown in a petree dish....humans have to stop playing God...unintentional consequences seem to be the only consistent results..

You do realize that every single piece of meat you purchase at the grocers has been both vaccinated, and in the vast majority of cases, injected with preventative antibiotics...




obsessed1 01-28-2022 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by IronNoggin (Post 4478231)
You do realize that every single piece of meat you purchase at the grocers has been both vaccinated, and in the vast majority of cases, injected with preventative antibiotics...




I don't generally eat grocery store meats for just that reason. Many of our health problems are due to much of the crap we eat.. I hunt and eat wild because it is the closest to "clean" meat as we can get. We raise our own birds,pigs and garden for much the same reasons.

obsessed1 01-28-2022 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by IronNoggin (Post 4478231)
You do realize that every single piece of meat you purchase at the grocers has been both vaccinated, and in the vast majority of cases, injected with preventative antibiotics...




I don't generally eat grocery store meats for just that reason. Many of our health problems are due to much of the crap we eat.. I hunt and eat wild because it is the closest to "clean" meat as we can get. We raise our own birds,pigs and garden for much the same reasons.

hilt134 01-28-2022 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by IronNoggin (Post 4478231)
You do realize that every single piece of meat you purchase at the grocers has been both vaccinated, and in the vast majority of cases, injected with preventative antibiotics...




I’m genuinely not thinking the does to the deer will have any adverse affects. My questions are how many do we have to hit to get herd immunity. Is it effective generationally.

My concern about unintended consequences is what’s going to happen to everything else we dump a cwd vaccine on?

Smokinyotes 01-29-2022 07:23 AM

I would rather eat beef that has been vaccinated than deer or elk that have been grazing on a field sprayed with round up or any kind of herbicides. So the pure wild meat may not be as “natural” as you think.

buckman 01-29-2022 12:43 PM

We had better hope that CWD never spreads to Domestic stock.If that happened we can kiss our game goodbye.

If a vaccine can be developed,perfected and delivered I am all for it because of this reason.

hilt134 01-30-2022 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by buckman (Post 4478741)
We had better hope that CWD never spreads to Domestic stock.If that happened we can kiss our game goodbye.

If a vaccine can be developed,perfected and delivered I am all for it because of this reason.

If it spreads to domestic stock we have a lot bigger things to worry about than hunting

MountainTi 01-31-2022 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by buckman (Post 4478741)
We had better hope that CWD never spreads to Domestic stock.If that happened we can kiss our game goodbye.

If a vaccine can be developed,perfected and delivered I am all for it because of this reason.

Like BSE?

marky_mark 01-31-2022 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by Smokinyotes (Post 4478529)
I would rather eat beef that has been vaccinated than deer or elk that have been grazing on a field sprayed with round up or any kind of herbicides. So the pure wild meat may not be as “natural” as you think.

Contrary to what you read on google
Round Up isnt bad
Monsanto is a ***** of a compnay
But glyphosate is not as evil as its advocated by "experts"

Battle Rat 01-31-2022 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by marky_mark (Post 4479650)
Contrary to what you read on google
Round Up isnt bad
Monsanto is a ***** of a compnay
But glyphosate is not as evil as its advocated by "experts"

True, and a lot of cattle are put out on stubble fields that have been sprayed.
It's recommended to wait 6 hours after spraying before letting stock graze.

Big Grey Wolf 01-31-2022 09:40 AM

Only problem with glyphosphate/Round up is it causes cancer. Proven carcinogen! Nice to see Forestry companies spraying it all over our wilderness to keep grass, willows, blue berries etc from growing in cut blocks.
Study in BC found moose were contaminated with it from eating willow and poplar in cut blocks.
I guess our wild meat is no better than beef in feedlot.

Battle Rat 01-31-2022 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by Big Grey Wolf (Post 4479710)
Only problem with glyphosphate/Round up is it causes cancer. Proven carcinogen! Nice to see Forestry companies spraying it all over our wilderness to keep grass, willows, blue berries etc from growing in cut blocks.
Study in BC found moose were contaminated with it from eating willow and poplar in cut blocks.
I guess our wild meat is no better than beef in feedlot.

We are exposed to benzene everytime we fuel up yet we don't stop driving.
I encourage people to stand upwind when refueling to minimize exposure.
The risk of exposure and the probability of developing cancer should be what we are concerned about.
We are exposed to multiple carcinogens daily. Hell California even has warnings on coffee.
Luckily the risk or developing cancer from eating food that was exposed to round up is extremely low.

marky_mark 01-31-2022 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by Big Grey Wolf (Post 4479710)
Only problem with glyphosphate/Round up is it causes cancer. Proven carcinogen! Nice to see Forestry companies spraying it all over our wilderness to keep grass, willows, blue berries etc from growing in cut blocks.
Study in BC found moose were contaminated with it from eating willow and poplar in cut blocks.
I guess our wild meat is no better than beef in feedlot.

Never proven to cause cancer

Thread is getting derailed from the cwd issue

1Heavyhitr 01-31-2022 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by obsessed1 (Post 4478094)
I'm surprised guys are jumping for joy about this....I understand things might need to be done but, if it's even your gonna shoot and consume a deer that has been juiced???might as well just buy " meat " grown in a petree dish....humans have to stop playing God...unintentional consequences seem to be the only consistent results..


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