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sk2008 06-15-2019 07:19 PM

worst boat fisherman
don't rant much, what do you think of this situation? what would you have done?

went out to chain lake to record some fishing with the kids, 3 of us was there first(see pic) and about 30mins in, a boat was trolling slowly the same time i caught a fish on my line, so i shouted to my kids to let them know i got one, the guys on the boat heard/saw me, and decided to anchor their boat nearby to cast their spoons.

they(2 guys 1 with tatoos on his arm) are so close(see pics) that i can hit them with my 1/2 oz. weight if i wanted to, and their choice of words around my younger kids, ***** this ***** that out of their mouth....
i almost wanted to throw my weight at them, lol. anyhow after while we decided to moved away from that spot, well.. they also moved away too after few mins. like.... WTF! then it rained on us, so we left.

anyhow..why fishing off shore when you have a boat..?
almost fell bad when they had trouble starting their ****ty boat engine lol.

Smoky buck 06-15-2019 07:46 PM

An example of someone who lacks respect and does not know hot to fish

EZM 06-15-2019 09:09 PM

People pulling up close to you is a fact of life when you are catching. That won't change weather your on shore or in a boat - just seems to be normal. I always try and maintain a distance and very rarely do you pull up close to someone who is catching - I generally move on.

The bigger issue to me is swearing around the kids - that's simply poor behaviour and classless, but again, seems to be the norm with some of those young tattooed, pierced, cigarette smoking, heavy metal listening, wiper snappers.

Mackinaw 06-15-2019 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by sk2008 (Post 3989658)
don't rant much, what do you think of this situation? what would you have done?

went out to chain lake to record some fishing with the kids, 3 of us was there first(see pic) and about 30mins in, a boat was trolling slowly the same time i caught a fish on my line, so i shouted to my kids to let them know i got one, the guys on the boat heard/saw me, and decided to anchor their boat nearby to cast their spoons.

they(2 guys 1 with tatoos on his arm) are so close(see pics) that i can hit them with my 1/2 oz. weight if i wanted to, and their choice of words around my younger kids, ***** this ***** that out of their mouth....
i almost wanted to throw my weight at them, lol. anyhow after while we decided to moved away from that spot, well.. they also moved away too after few mins. like.... WTF! then it rained on us, so we left.

anyhow..why fishing off shore when you have a boat..?
almost fell bad when they had trouble starting their ****ty boat engine lol.

what I can't figure out was why you had to make a point of saying one had tattoos on his arms ??????


sk2008 06-16-2019 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by Mackinaw (Post 3989707)
what I can't figure out was why you had to make a point of saying one had tattoos on his arms ??????


that they are close enough for me to see his tattoos?

sk2008 06-16-2019 02:03 AM


Originally Posted by EZM (Post 3989686)
People pulling up close to you is a fact of life when you are catching. That won't change weather your on shore or in a boat - just seems to be normal. I always try and maintain a distance and very rarely do you pull up close to someone who is catching - I generally move on.

The bigger issue to me is swearing around the kids - that's simply poor behaviour and classless, but again, seems to be the norm with some of those young tattooed, pierced, cigarette smoking, heavy metal listening, wiper snappers.

yeah, most boaters just troll right by with a wave or hi/smile, but yes the swearing was worst, kids weren't too impressed.
both of them in their mid-age from look of them.

huntsfurfish 06-16-2019 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by EZM (Post 3989686)
People pulling up close to you is a fact of life when you are catching. That won't change weather your on shore or in a boat - just seems to be normal. I always try and maintain a distance and very rarely do you pull up close to someone who is catching - I generally move on.

The bigger issue to me is swearing around the kids - that's simply poor behaviour and classless, but again, seems to be the norm with some of those young tattooed, pierced, cigarette smoking, heavy metal listening, wiper snappers.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^:) agree

last minute 06-16-2019 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by sk2008 (Post 3989658)
don't rant much, what do you think of this situation? what would you have done?

went out to chain lake to record some fishing with the kids, 3 of us was there first(see pic) and about 30mins in, a boat was trolling slowly the same time i caught a fish on my line, so i shouted to my kids to let them know i got one, the guys on the boat heard/saw me, and decided to anchor their boat nearby to cast their spoons.

they(2 guys 1 with tatoos on his arm) are so close(see pics) that i can hit them with my 1/2 oz. weight if i wanted to, and their choice of words around my younger kids, ***** this ***** that out of their mouth....
i almost wanted to throw my weight at them, lol. anyhow after while we decided to moved away from that spot, well.. they also moved away too after few mins. like.... WTF! then it rained on us, so we left.

anyhow..why fishing off shore when you have a boat..?
almost fell bad when they had trouble starting their ****ty boat engine lol.

Not a dam thing you could of done or try and cast in there direction and hope you don't hit them with your 1/2 oz weight :thinking-006:


People pulling up close to you is a fact of life when you are catching. That won't change weather your on shore or in a boat - just seems to be normal. I always try and maintain a distance and very rarely do you pull up close to someone who is catching - I generally move on.

The bigger issue to me is swearing around the kids - that's simply poor behaviour and classless, but again, seems to be the norm with some of those young tattooed, pierced, cigarette smoking, heavy metal listening, wiper snappers.
this is well said ^^^^^^^

dodger 06-16-2019 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by EZM (Post 3989686)
People pulling up close to you is a fact of life when you are catching. That won't change weather your on shore or in a boat - just seems to be normal. I always try and maintain a distance and very rarely do you pull up close to someone who is catching - I generally move on.

The bigger issue to me is swearing around the kids - that's simply poor behaviour and classless, but again, seems to be the norm with some of those young tattooed, pierced, cigarette smoking, heavy metal listening, wiper snappers.

This ^^^^^^^^^ X100. Yesterday a group were trolling and they passed my buddy and myself and seen us pull up some nice fish. Next minute they were so close I could see into their boat. People:argue2:


BuckCuller 06-16-2019 05:20 PM

Oh dear.

Originally Posted by Mackinaw (Post 3989707)
what I can't figure out was why you had to make a point of saying one had tattoos on his arms ??????


The must have been with with the SONS OF FISHES!

grouse_hunter 06-16-2019 09:21 PM

Just another display of that truly Canadian character trait - pusillanimity. I would have engaged the individual, but that's me...

Justfishin73 06-17-2019 09:35 AM

Think you may be making a bigger deal about this than is needed---try heading to Pigeon where people anchor 5 ft away :argue2:

Sooner 06-17-2019 09:37 AM

Graham Lake in the late 80's by the Vandersteen outlet. We were in 12 ft tinners and anchored well away from the main group. Started catching by jigging right off the side of the boat.

Once the crowd seen that, we had big boats all around us and all you heard was ploop ploop as the jigs were landing real close. Tolerated it but one guy actually drifted so close we had to push him away. That was not a good scene that night.

Some fisherman have no class. Why crowd someone else and why the f bombs when kids are near.

Fishwhere 06-17-2019 09:53 AM

Unfortunately i think your hands were tied with the kids there. Now people seem to be so touchy about everything that heaven forbid you suggest they arent behaving appropriately. Good chance it would escalate and then you have that situation on your hands with your kids present. I think you made the right call, be the bigger person - move on and be a good example for the kids youre with and you could explain to them that when they are in a boat its not polite to crowd shore fisherman in my opinion because they have less options for fishing locations....

Keep your cool, leave it alone and enjoy your day the best you can. If you get into a confrontation with them it would rattle the whole trip and its not worth it.

I hate people crowding me, especially if they see i caught a fish. Unless its a heavy heavy walleye jigging lake or you are perhaps ice fishing for whitefish then for the most part i think you shouldnt be anywhere near others unless they want you to be. I aleays get tempted to not show i have a fish on when other boats are near.... sad, but people think all the fish must be under your boat.

Anyways - nice job!

Kurt505 06-17-2019 11:48 AM

It sucks, but if that’s the worst thing that happened to you on your fishing trip then I don’t think you had it that bad.

If you’re on public land fishing a public lake, then you have to keep in mind that everyone has the same right to fish the same spot, but not everyone has the same etiquette and morals as you, unfortunately some kids are self centered and lack discipline growing up and turn out to be the kind of people you met up with.

Personally, I would have explained to my children that what they are witnessing is the reason I teach them to respect others, loud enough my lesson could be heard from a boat, and made an example out of them.

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