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HunterDave 04-22-2020 07:52 PM

Coyote Attacks Toddler in Edmonton Park
Toddler in hospital after an apparent coyote attack in Edmonton park

EZM 04-22-2020 08:22 PM

I live in the west end, and have seen this type of behavior from the coyotes around here for years.

Several people were anything from followed and rushed repeatedly, to a few getting nipped or bitten, and several dogs (some very big ones) killed.

These coyotes need to get the fear of man back into them ........

TrapperMike 04-22-2020 11:52 PM

Their just upset that nobody wants them, not even Canada Goose.

Big Grey Wolf 04-23-2020 09:29 AM

F & W should complete regular hikes along river trails in Edmonton with trusty 12 gauge under their arm. Those that do not get their dose of lead will sure learn fast, ravens need some protein.

Fitscottn 04-23-2020 10:20 AM

I’m in the area just east of Jagre ridge, the coyotes look like furry barrels with legs. They are weld fed and chunky back here, also routinely pack walk through the condo complex.

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Bigwoodsman 04-23-2020 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Big Grey Wolf (Post 4155937)
F & W should complete regular hikes along river trails in Edmonton with trusty 12 gauge under their arm. Those that do not get their dose of lead will sure learn fast, ravens need some protein.

With off leash parks requiring dogs to be leashed, they should be in the river valley and ravines setting snares to reduce the population.


58thecat 04-23-2020 11:29 AM

periodically we run into these types of yotes...they don't last long....cross country running they would pace you 50 yards away...stop the quad...shut it off to check game cams and get approached and barked at...shot 6 that in the last 13 years that just didn't get it....6 out of the couple hundred that I have seen or more in the 13 years out here....not sure what it is but I put them down right away.

there was this one yote that ran the Moosejaw river valley....would pick off the little toy poodle size dogs and run off with them...owners freaking out I gave a fella a rabbit distress call and my 17 rem....problem solved.:)

Saskfly16 04-23-2020 02:45 PM

Little early but have seen the same behaviour when the yotes have little ones in dens.

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EZM 04-24-2020 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Bigwoodsman (Post 4155985)
With off leash parks requiring dogs to be leashed, they should be in the river valley and ravines setting snares to reduce the population.


Problem is people don't keep their dogs on leashes and you might just get someone's curious poodle.

Can't use poison, or shoot in the city either.

I have to believe F&W could use a shorter range/less dangerous firearm (maybe a shot gun) to get these coyotes sorted out.

Of course PETA would be chaining themselves to the trees and crying until Trudeau gave them all money.

Bigwoodsman 04-24-2020 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by EZM (Post 4156980)
Problem is people don't keep their dogs on leashes and you might just get someone's curious poodle.

Can't use poison, or shoot in the city either.

I have to believe F&W could use a shorter range/less dangerous firearm (maybe a shot gun) to get these coyotes sorted out.

Of course PETA would be chaining themselves to the trees and crying until Trudeau gave them all money.

If someone’s Fido gets caught in a snare they’re not following the current rules. All dog parks are either closed or leashed only. This is the perfect time to bait, trap and snare yotes in the NSR valley and ravines.


pikergolf 04-24-2020 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Bigwoodsman (Post 4157025)
If someone’s Fido gets caught in a snare they’re not following the current rules. All dog parks are either closed or leashed only. This is the perfect time to bait, trap and snare yotes in the NSR valley and ravines.


Why are dogs being leashed in Edmonton? Covid?

Battle Rat 04-26-2020 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by Big Grey Wolf (Post 4155937)
F & W should complete regular hikes along river trails in Edmonton with trusty 12 gauge under their arm. Those that do not get their dose of lead will sure learn fast, ravens need some protein.

It's not a F&W problem.
It's a city bylaw problem.
Cities create no hunting and no trapping zones within their limits that result in problem wildlife.
Fingers need to be pointed back at the residents with voting rights.
Unfortunately most of those voters are citiots.

EZM 04-27-2020 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Battle Rat (Post 4158353)
It's not a F&W problem.
It's a city bylaw problem.
Cities create no hunting and no trapping zones within their limits that result in problem wildlife.
Fingers need to be pointed back at the residents with voting rights.
Unfortunately most of those voters are citiots.

I have to tell you, I would not be in favor of people hunting in the city limits or behind my house here in the river valley for the exact same reason you stated ….. citiods.

I would be sitting there with my cool can of beer on my back deck and an errand shot could puncture a hole in the can and I can spill my beer.

Maybe even worse.

I don't think opening up hunting in the city is an answer I'd support.

I wouldn't be opposed to F&W culling these coyotes using shotguns or something that won't carry a round too far with potential to personal injury or property damage.

Or, they could licence, train and monitor some selected people with brains to do so.

I'm sure PETA's head would explode - but that would be the solution for me.

You know if you trap or poisons someone's pooch is going to get it - or a freaking crow will end up on the news having eaten a poisoned coyote and the world will protest - so those are not answers either.

shotguns and a dozen guys with working brains and this problem will be solved.

Battle Rat 04-27-2020 04:03 PM

If you closed an area to dog walkers for one week and snared the hell out of the area you could get it under control.
Or like you say, a few responsible hunters go in and call one day a month.
You don't see coyote attacks in rural areas because they still fear humans.
Cities create problem wildlife by protecting them.

Bigwoodsman 04-27-2020 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Battle Rat (Post 4158835)
If you closed an area to dog walkers for one week and snared the hell out of the area you could get it under control.
Or like you say, a few responsible hunters go in and call one day a month.
You don't see coyote attacks in rural areas because they still fear humans.
Cities create problem wildlife by protecting them.

You don’t even have to close the dog park. Leash only a big sign saying pest control in progress snares being used. 1 week per ravine. You’d problem severely reduced. Hunters or F&W using guns or shotguns as suggested is just wrong on many levels.
Snares work 24/7. Calling yotes in the city is just not the way to go for obvious reasons.

Covid 19 is the perfect time to do this people already are aware of the leash requirements and are using them in off leash parks.


coyote_man 04-27-2020 08:18 PM

Covid 19 or no virus this is not the most appropriate time to snare a coyote.I realize that by snaring mom you are effectively killing her litter as well. Snare pop and you might produce a problem mom who will have trouble feeding young.Snaring is by far the most efficient and only viable option but do it in winter as then they are hungry,tracks easy to read and come to bait and their pelts can be utilized.Another quieter and efficient way to keep numbers down is through den hunting and gassing.Prepare yourselves for the upcoming conflicts as the pups continue to grow.And yes, I help people with problem coyotes when conflict occurs at all times of the year.

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