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bill9044 04-19-2018 01:22 PM

Market update
Beaver carcass market update. Many outfitters haven't secured their carcasses as of yet do to low supply aka late winter. It seems the highest price I have found is $20per carcas. I am thinking with the darn fuel at $1.27/L and everything else. I'll be taking the $20/per. If I don't get all of them sold at that price I'll put them out at my bait sites to help the coyote population. I've talked to a few other trappers in my area they are in the same boat lots of calls no product to sell. Hides are worth squat at the auction. Castor is pretty good but adding it all up I think a 3 - 6$ set of castor and a $20 carcass makes it worth the work of trapping. In case of arguments the hides where I'm at are pretty much done as of now.

It's your product in demand you decide your price.

CavinJ 04-20-2018 06:10 AM

Sorry if this is kinda a dumb question but I’ve never sold beavers for bear bait. Do you have to freeze them or will guys take them if they’ve been outside for a day or two?

bill9044 04-20-2018 10:08 AM

Depends on the guys. Last year I had a couple small orders from some local guys and a large order from another fellow. 1 small order I let the beavers taint a bit for the guy he hammered a bear right away after trying all the other food stuff. So now he wants tainted beaver.
But outfitters want frozen. So they can use as needed. If your carcasses are tainted. Freeze them and sell frozen. Make sure the hide is off. Can't legally sell with hide on.


I figured this post would get more outrage. Hope it helps all you beaver trappers it's a lot of work, you guys that stackem know it. Happy trapping

calgarychef 04-20-2018 03:02 PM

Anyway, I'm thinking if a feller put a chopped up beaver in a five gallon pail fit a lid with a small hole to prevent explosions and let that beaver rot and liquefy. You could sell each pail ready to go for more than you'd get for a beaver and they'd be ready to hang up in a tree.

calgarychef 04-20-2018 04:59 PM

......double post

nube 04-20-2018 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by calgarychef (Post 3773861)
Anyway, I'm thinking if a feller put a chopped up beaver in a five gallon pail fit a lid with a small hole to prevent explosions and let that beaver rot and liquefy. You could sell each pail ready to go for more than you'd get for a beaver and they'd be ready to hang up in a tree.

Lots of ways to sell them. Ive got some connections and ideas other than bear bait and I am willing to buy them in the off season if guys catch problem beaver during the summer.

H380 04-21-2018 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by bill9044 (Post 3773775)
Depends on the guys. Last year I had a couple small orders from some local guys and a large order from another fellow. 1 small order I let the beavers taint a bit for the guy he hammered a bear right away after trying all the other food stuff. So now he wants tainted beaver.
But outfitters want frozen. So they can use as needed. If your carcasses are tainted. Freeze them and sell frozen. Make sure the hide is off. Can't legally sell with hide on.


I figured this post would get more outrage. Hope it helps all you beaver trappers it's a lot of work, you guys that stackem know it. Happy trapping

Pretty sure u don't have to sk8n if they are damage control pests...

Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk

Trappingman 04-21-2018 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by H380 (Post 3774080)
Pretty sure u don't have to sk8n if they are damage control pests...

Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk

Still have to skin them to sell the carcasses it doesn't make sense but that's the current law

H380 04-22-2018 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by Trappingman (Post 3774108)
Still have to skin them to sell the carcasses it doesn't make sense but that's the current law

guess it depends on the CO you are dealing with .. mine said no need to skin .

Big Grey Wolf 04-22-2018 10:12 AM

Thought a year or so back F & W were looking at changing rules concerning
problem beaver and skinning?

nube 04-22-2018 05:53 PM

One issue we have is the non sale of other carcasses in this province. Many on here would sell rat carcasses till a young CO from Athabasca started taking names from here and shutting that down stopping what he thought was such a serious crime.....
Only carcass you can legally sell is a beaver I have since learned. Kinda sad the powers that be feel they would rather let carcasses rot away than a guy making a couple bucks and the animals being utilized to their full potential. I have mentioned it to the ATA years ago but so far nothing has become of it and havn't heard it being brought up for discussion.

Marty S 04-22-2018 06:55 PM

Some people do belong in mental institutions. They walk amongst us, even rule and even govern us. Sad world, no common sense anymore. A bunch of silly child-mind legalists and there's nothing you can do about it.

HunterDave 04-23-2018 12:01 AM

Allowing the sale of muskrat carcasses makes sense to me. The only people that should have them are Trappers so what’s the issue? Make it legal for Trappers to sell them and an offence for anyone else. Give bear hunters a receipt as proof of purchase. I wonder why AEP would oppose that. If bear hunters aren’t going out shooting their own beavers for bait I highly doubt that they’d go through the trouble of shooting muskrats for it. :confused:

HunterDave 04-23-2018 12:25 AM

Sorry for the derail. Around here carcasses sell for $20 BUT I live close to Edmonton where there are a lot of bear hunters. As you get farther out from the city the price drops to $15 but the $5 saved isn’t worth the inconvenience for city guys. Size matters as well. Some guys will advertise $15 per carcass, which sounds like a good deal, until you show up and end up with Large carcasses as opposed to 2XXL ones. In the end supply and demand, location and quality of your product will dictate your price IMO. As long as I have return customers I think that I’m doing things right.
Good luck getting all Trappers on the same

Marty S 04-23-2018 08:56 AM

Cavin, a day or two or more is fine, so long as they aren't getting ready to walk away! Freezing fresh is nice so you don't have to handle some stinking thing, but do bag them up good and after freezing a few, make sure they aren't stuck before you add the next layer. But the bear hunters generally "cure" them a little as in taint/rot.

Marty S 04-23-2018 09:40 PM

You guys need to develope a meat market for these things... I believe they market them in Louisiana for human consumption! And coon, muskrat, and maybe nutria. Or is it just coon, muskrat, and nutria? I can't remember!

Forget $20 a carcasss, go for the $10 a pound!!! $29.95 a kg???

How's that sound? Perhaps a made in Canada solution to a made in Canada problem? The Chinese would probably buy them, thy wanted to buy all our seal meat once upon a time, and it sounds like seal tastes like crap compared to beaver!

Supposed to be a very high energy meat. I met a nut from the bush at a NAFA sale once, he even brought a bag of cooked or cured beaver meat that he planned on feeding the buyers??? He claimed that you would do very well on beaver meat, whereas on rabbit meat alone, you would starve. But he never got to feed anybody his beaver meat, in fact, he was such a bad boy they got him a babysitter and made him play games on a computer! After banning hm from the auction room!

TrapperMike 04-23-2018 10:12 PM

Be careful H380. I also had my local CO tell me I didn’t have to skin my problem beavers since they were caught under a damage control permit and were mostly summerbeavers. Sold a bunch to a bear hunter who got pulled over on hwy 2. CO dropped by a couple days later to personally give me my ticket. You have to skin all beavers being sold for beaver bait.

HunterDave 04-23-2018 10:44 PM

In Alberta anyone may sell the following:
- processed (tanned or otherwise permanently preserved, but not
dried, salted or frozen) skins of fur-bearing animals;
- black bear skins, provided they have been taken lawfully
(black bear claws may only be sold if they remain attached to
the whole skin);
- the skins of most animals, including skunk and raccoon, for
which a licence is not required;
- skinned beaver carcasses including the tail; or
- the claws, skulls and teeth of lawfully taken furbearing animals.

H380 04-24-2018 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by TrapperMike (Post 3775502)
Be careful H380. I also had my local CO tell me I didn’t have to skin my problem beavers since they were caught under a damage control permit and were mostly summerbeavers. Sold a bunch to a bear hunter who got pulled over on hwy 2. CO dropped by a couple days later to personally give me my ticket. You have to skin all beavers being sold for beaver bait.

Thanx for the heads up , I'll remember that .

bill9044 04-25-2018 12:05 AM

Yep skin them beavers it's the law. Muskrat cannot be sold but can be given away.... I can give you 1000 muskrat carcasses and you can bait with them but you cannot sell them so my best beaver customer gets a free bucket....

Marty as for the meat. Our rules here are totally different than the USA you cannot sell uninspected meat. When this contaminated meat in brooks showed up in the states and they shut down the plant many states wouldn't even blink an eye. Yes you can sell beaver carcasses but if your trying to sell for human consumption I think the health authority would shut down every beaver carcass sold. Bla bla bla it could be a health risk bla bla bla.

I plan on having a BBBQ this year and invite all my friends and families. There will be a plate with burgers and a plate with beaver burgers unlabeled. And then we will see the test. I cannot wait...


PS I may label them wrong I haven't decided

antlercarver 04-25-2018 09:27 AM

One fall grandson and I were skinning muskrats and he said the meat looked good. We used shake and bake on about 30 hind legs and they were good. Daughter was coming to visit and son in law said watch what you eat when Mat and grandpa get together. Daughter said Mom would never let that in the house but when she came there till was some on a plate on the table. Thinking it was grouse drum sticks, she was chewing when Mom told her what it was. It tasted fine till she knew what it was and she spit it out. My brother was over, he also thought it was grouse and did`t want any untill he found out it was muskrat then he helped finish off the plate. WAAAY cleaner than domestic chicken.

HighOnTheHills 04-25-2018 10:19 AM

i'm a rules monger like every other but what is the justification: one may sell the skin, fur, carcass of a beaver... one cannot sell them together whole


parfleche 04-25-2018 02:55 PM

Makes you wonder why OK , a municipality can send a half dozen men with a backhoe, and a grad all etc , spend an afternoon , digging oyut a dam and busting a beaver house, IN THE FALL when ice comes on , and nothing is mentioned of the predicament they leave the beavers in ! A landowner also can blast their dams , shoot or have them shot and left to lie and NOTHING is said ! THEN a resident trapper comes along and traps a half dozen beaver for anyone he has permission to access land IN THE SUMMER when hides have NO VALUE and BLAM ! BIG deal IF he sells a worthless carcass for bear bait ! not to mention he has a damage control permit ! :sign0161: Where is the rational in this picture? there is NONE , ! Yet you have people who are all too gung ho to enforce a ridiculous law such as it is! :confused:

nube 04-25-2018 05:49 PM

Bring it up to the ATA guys! I have asked them to try and do something about selling muskrat carcasses in the past more than once and that is as far as anything went...maybe you will have better luck than me

Marty S 04-26-2018 09:21 AM

Bill, it was a joke.

So seeing as many summer beaver are destroyed, and there is a massive demand for beaver carcasses, government included, and people are using unskinned beaver carcasses for bait, government included, and most people don't really want to skin beaver for nothing, here's a potential soloution...

Take a knife and slice the summer beaver fur from head to tail, demonstrating the pelt as zero value, rendering the pelt as unsaleable, in such manner that even a child can tell the pelt is done for and the pelt cannot and will not be trafficked. Perhaps two knife cuts and rip a strip of fur out down the back to ensure the pelt is identifiably ruined.

Technically if it's partially skinned, it is "skinned". Perhaps that's already good enough without a law change. The law says skinned, does not specify fully skinned, or skinned to fur market spec, or partially. Maybe your fish cops wouldn't get bent then?

Somebody draw up a resolution to this effect if you want this problem fixed with a simple solution, and submit it at the local level? That is if you think it's a good idea. I'm not going to, I think it's a good idea, but I'm not currently in the beaver game. I should skin a few tho so I can play the Godberson game better in Westlock!

TrapperMike 04-26-2018 09:44 PM

Why not skin and stretch those summer beavers. I sent a batch of summer beavers, all large or smaller to the first Nafa sale this spring. I averaged $12 US. Asked Mary about this and she said their in demand. The guys making felt are buying them up and are paying good money for them. I know it doesn’t make sense but they aren’t after the good prime hides, they want the junk.

nube 04-27-2018 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by TrapperMike (Post 3777002)
Why not skin and stretch those summer beavers. I sent a batch of summer beavers, all large or smaller to the first Nafa sale this spring. I averaged $12 US. Asked Mary about this and she said their in demand. The guys making felt are buying them up and are paying good money for them. I know it doesn’t make sense but they aren’t after the good prime hides, they want the junk.

I've learned it is all in the size of the beaver that matters. Like I have said before I could have Damaged and good pelts sell of the same size and the difference will be around $2 difference is all.

kingrat 04-27-2018 07:48 AM

I agree nube. In fact the damaged or slt are often easier to sell then the selects even when they're only a few dollars difference. I've watched that over and over the last few years they'll easily buy a 3xl damaged for 18 bucks but no interest to pay 22 for a 3xl select. But yet nafa preaches wait until they're prime middle of winter etc etc.

bill9044 05-04-2018 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by TrapperMike (Post 3777002)
Why not skin and stretch those summer beavers. I sent a batch of summer beavers, all large or smaller to the first Nafa sale this spring. I averaged $12 US. Asked Mary about this and she said their in demand. The guys making felt are buying them up and are paying good money for them. I know it doesn’t make sense but they aren’t after the good prime hides, they want the junk.

I was just talking to Mary in Winnipeg. She said section 3 beavers large are selling near 100% so late spring beaver with the rub marks are selling. I told her I do A DC she said don't send in summer beavers no June or July caught pelts. I'm not trying to **** on your corn flakes Mike I just want clear info out to the public.


Big Grey Wolf 05-04-2018 11:20 AM

Guys as I understand the damaged, non prime etc beaver are still good for making felt cowboy hats for our Calgary boys, so good demand for pelts.

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