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KUDUHNTR 12-18-2020 03:11 PM

My Shadow Crossed The "Rainbow Bridge"
8 Attachment(s)
It is with great sadness that I to had to euthanize my Beloved Shadow on Dec 08/20, whom had 15 wonderful years, she had a good run.

It was the 2nd toughest decision of my life, but it was the best for her, and not my selflessness of wanting to keep her going, and for her quality of life, or lack of @ the time.

I find myself seeing Shadow everywhere, every sight, or sound.....hoping it's her.

Shadow was a rescue Dog, but it was her that rescued us, she taught me to have more patience, to laugh, to be more compassionate.

Shadow was my fishing pal, she really was a shadow, never ever far behind, and would follow everywhere!

Shadow was very accomplished at hunting tree rats (squirrells) and would go into a frenzy when I picked up the rifle, it's as if she said game on!

She did not like cats...........but she adopted a "dropped off abandoned" kitten a few years back, and looked after her, we called the kitten 'Lil Kenny', whom is like a Dog now.............follows me around outside everywhere, comes when whistled at, Shadow was also a teacher!

I continue walk to our Favorite hilltop, and imagine she is by my side, it helps me to grieve, and brings me closure.

I had Shadow cremated, and brought her ashes home the same day, so she could be with us. It was a private cremation, with a viewing, and witness loading into the cremation chamber. This also brought me much closure, that I needed, to ensure that she was sent off in the best dignified manner for our beloved Shadow.

I had wrapped her in a nice plaid cotton blanket that my Mom had made for me years ago.

I had laid down with Shadow all night, before the euthanization and thought she would like that also, along with a few of her favorite squeaky toys, pizzle stick which she carried around like a cigar in her mouth all the time!

The place that did the cremation and service "was part of the family" about 10 mins West of St Albert, on villeneuve road. Ardeth and her staff, treated Shadow, and us in very dignified and respectful manner.

After the service, and taking Shadow's ashes home, I had felt that a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

Shadow will never be gone, or forgotten, our pets live on in our hearts, and in our memories.

I just have one question........why do Cats live such a long time??
'Lil Kenny was an azz hole to Shadow sometime!!
She has been sweet as apple pie lately though!

Jigsalot 12-18-2020 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by KUDUHNTR (Post 4290201)
It is with great sadness that I to had to euthanize my Beloved Shadow on Dec 08/20, whom had 15 wonderful years, she had a good run.

It was the 2nd toughest decision of my life, but it was the best for her, and not my selflessness of wanting to keep her going, and for her quality of life, or lack of @ the time.

I find myself seeing Shadow everywhere, every sight, or sound.....hoping it's her.

Shadow was a rescue Dog, but it was her that rescued us, she taught me to have more patience, to laugh, to be more compassionate.

Shadow was my fishing pal, she really was a shadow, never ever far behind, and would follow everywhere!

Shadow was very accomplished at hunting tree rats (squirrells) and would go into a frenzy when I picked up the rifle, it's as if she said game on!

She did not like cats...........but she adopted a "dropped off abandoned" kitten a few years back, and looked after her, we called the kitten 'Lil Kenny', whom is like a Dog now.............follows me around outside everywhere, comes when whistled at, Shadow was also a teacher!

I continue walk to our Favorite hilltop, and imagine she is by my side, it helps me to grieve, and brings me closure.

I had Shadow cremated, and brought her ashes home the same day, so she could be with us. It was a private cremation, with a viewing, and witness loading into the cremation chamber. This also brought me much closure, that I needed, to ensure that she was sent off in the best dignified manner for our beloved Shadow.

I had wrapped her in a nice plaid cotton blanket that my Mom had made for me years ago.

I had laid down with Shadow all night, before the euthanization and thought she would like that also, along with a few of her favorite squeaky toys, pizzle stick which she carried around like a cigar in her mouth all the time!

The place that did the cremation and service "was part of the family" about 10 mins West of St Albert, on villeneuve road. Ardeth and her staff, treated Shadow, and us in very dignified and respectful manner.

After the service, and taking Shadow's ashes home, I had felt that a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

Shadow will never be gone, or forgotten, our pets live on in our hearts, and in our memories.

Ken, get another pet, they will all bring something different into our lives. I'm sure that's what your Bunny would have wanted!!

I just have one question........why do Cats live such a long time??
'Lil Kenny was an azz hole to Shadow sometime!!
She has been sweet as apple pie lately though!

She is a Beautiful looking dog. All the memories stay with you forever. All my dogs over the years brought me so much happiness and they are the greatest companion. It’s tough but time does heal and you will get another bud. Sorry for your loss.

58thecat 12-18-2020 03:18 PM

Truly sorry for the loss of your companion....

Albertadiver 12-18-2020 03:18 PM

Saw your note in Ken's thread and the damn screen is all blurry now.

My best friend is getting up in years as well and Duke's hips and knees are shot. So far he's still happy, but I dread the day when it comes.

Take care. It's gutting.

KUDUHNTR 12-18-2020 03:28 PM


Albertadiver, 58thecat, Jigsalot

I always read these threads, never thinking that I would have to post my own, but all the kind words are comforting, thank-you, it means a lot, that in crazy times such as we live live, that we can find common ground, about out beloved pets, and celebrate them, God Bless Pets!

Bigwoodsman 12-18-2020 03:30 PM

Condolences. She's playing with my Riley on the other side.


KUDUHNTR 12-18-2020 03:35 PM


They are both squirrel hunt'n!!


Originally Posted by Bigwoodsman (Post 4290217)
Condolences. She's playing with my Riley on the other side.


dodger 12-18-2020 03:43 PM

What a sweet looking pup. Sooo sorry for your loss.


pikergolf 12-18-2020 03:44 PM

Sorry to hear about Shadow. The loss of a well loved dog is a sad day. :( My condolences.

hayseed 12-18-2020 03:45 PM

Condolences Kudu

Its never easy, hope with time it eases, remember all the good times you had.

Rest easy Shadow.

KUDUHNTR 12-18-2020 03:50 PM

Thanks Dodger, Pikergolf, Hayseed

For all the kind words, and condolences, I will heal with time, but I feel awesome that she is living a pain free life, with dignity now..........running wiith her pack!!

Thank-you ;)


Originally Posted by hayseed (Post 4290229)
Condolences Kudu

Its never easy, hope with time it eases, remember all the good times you had.

Rest easy Shadow.

lone wolf 12-18-2020 03:51 PM

So sorry for your loss and yes, it is very tough decision. I have had several rescue dogs and it is almost like they know that they are getting a second chance at life because they make the best companions by far. I lost my last rescue two years ago this month. I have never had a bond like it with an animal. He loved everything camping and outdoors related and like Shadow had a long life for a big dog. I can guarantee Huff is right there with Riley and Shadow terrorizing the tree rats. Thoughts & prayers.

Twisted Canuck 12-18-2020 03:53 PM

Really sorry for your loss. Dogs are certainly man's best friend.

Savage Bacon 12-18-2020 04:46 PM

Very sorry for your loss.
We still miss our big guy we lost 2 years ago. You definitely get attached.

Simplefarmer 12-18-2020 04:53 PM

Never easy to have our companions move on, sorry for your loss....


Okotok 12-18-2020 04:55 PM

I'm supposedly a big tough guy but I can truly say I've never cried as hard as I have at the death of a beloved pet. Their hearts are on their sleeve. Total love and devotion. Very sorry to hear. Looked like a great dog.

trigger7mm 12-18-2020 05:00 PM

My Shadow
I’m so sorry to hear this. This extremely hard to loss one of your best friends. Remember always the great time you two spent together. The trouble with dogs is that they don’t live long enough.

bobtodrick 12-18-2020 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Okotok (Post 4290279)
I'm supposedly a big tough guy but I can truly say I've never cried as hard as I have at the death of a beloved pet. Their hearts are on their sleeve. Total love and devotion. Very sorry to hear. Looked like a great dog.

Same here. Both my parents have passed...both knew it was coming and that it was their time.
I’ve had two pets euthanized and remember clearly both of them looking at me with those loving trusting eyes that only an animal can have.
I think I cried more at those moments than when my parents passed.

Stinky Buffalo 12-18-2020 05:20 PM

Sorry to hear about your Shadow... Never easy losing a beloved pet. My condolences.

tullfan 12-18-2020 05:25 PM

I have a box of my old blueticks collars. He passed in 2009. They still smell like him. Every now and again, I open that box. Can’t seem to find the right time to ket it go. Great memories. Maybe in the spring. It’s not hurting anything in the closet.
Sorry for your loss.

scesfiremedic 12-18-2020 05:27 PM

Kuduhntr, thank you for sharing your grief here with us. It’s obvious how much you cared for your beloved family member as your love for your pet was selfless in making the decision to let Shadow go. Shadow was lucky to have you.
I thought I’d share this with you as I found it very helpful.


Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolf hound named Belker. The dog's owners, Ron, his wife Lisa, and their little boy Shane, were all very attached to Belker, and they were hoping for a miracle.

I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the family we couldn't do anything for Belker, and offered to perform the euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home.

As we made arrangements, Ron and Lisa told me they thought it would be good for six-year-old Shane to observe the procedure. They felt as though Shane might learn something from the experience.

The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker's family surrounded him. Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on. Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away.

The little boy seemed to accept Belker's transition without any difficulty or confusion. We sat together for a while after Belker's Death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives. Shane, who had been listening quietly, piped up, 'I know why.'
Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next stunned me. I'd never heard a more comforting explanation.

He said, 'People are born so that they can learn how to live a good Life - - like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?' The Six-year-old continued, 'Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don't have to stay as long.'

Mr Conservation 12-18-2020 07:15 PM

Sincere condolences Kuduhntr.

Went through the same thing many years ago with my lab/retriever cross. Life was never the same after he passed, and I still miss him after 14 plus years.

You gave Shadow a great life, so take strength in knowing you made a difference for her.

Mr Conservation

KUDUHNTR 12-18-2020 07:36 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Lone Wolf, Twisted Canuck, Savage Bacon, Simple Farmer, Okotok, Trigger7mm, Bobtodrick, Stinky Buffalo, Tullfan, scesfiremedic, Mr Conservation

Thanks for all your kind words, I'm sorry for all your past pet loses also, Man has always had a special attachment to animals, especially Dogs I think.

We will always remember our departed pets, and as so many have mentioned, I will remember our special times and adventures we had, our pets love us 24/7 365 days a year!

God Bless Our Pets!

Shadow Loved Fishing !

anthony5 12-18-2020 08:05 PM

Feel your pain
My best bud(Skipper) white Samoyd grew up together. After 17 years he was walking towards the bush outside of town, called him back and he normally would trot back, this time he turned his head and gave me a long long look and continued forward. Never saw him again as he was a bush dog and ended his life there. Think about him all the time 43 years later. Chin up, they be around forever.

Savage Bacon 12-18-2020 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by KUDUHNTR (Post 4290394)

Lone Wolf, Twisted Canuck, Savage Bacon, Simple Farmer, Okotok, Trigger7mm, Bobtodrick, Stinky Buffalo, Tullfan, scesfiremedic, Mr Conservation

Thanks for all your kind words, I'm sorry for all your past pet loses also, Man has always had a special attachment to animals, especially Dogs I think.

We will always remember our departed pets, and as so many have mentioned, I will remember our special times and adventures we had, our pets love us 24/7 365 days a year!

God Bless Our Pets!

Shadow Loved Fishing !

Pretty sweet pic. I'm surprised he wasn't holding a net for you:sHa_shakeshout:

Pixel Shooter 12-18-2020 08:41 PM

What a beautiful pup. My sincere condolences. They are family. Just think you were the lucky SOB who got to spend 15 hrs with her. You were blessed!

KUDUHNTR 12-18-2020 09:24 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Thanks Guys For Your Kind Words!!

Yes, I was Blessed to get all those years with her, and 1 lucky SOB!!

Haa she would jump in the water after the fish, if I did not restrain her!!

Anothony5, You are right She will be around forever!

Sorry for the side ways not know why they load up sideways?
I noticed when you click on them in the post, they right themselves ??

Just figured out how to multi quote, sweet !!


Originally Posted by Pixel Shooter (Post 4290435)
What a beautiful pup. My sincere condolences. They are family. Just think you were the lucky SOB who got to spend 15 hrs with her. You were blessed!


Originally Posted by Savage Bacon (Post 4290423)
Pretty sweet pic. I'm surprised he wasn't holding a net for you:sHa_shakeshout:


Originally Posted by anthony5 (Post 4290416)
My best bud(Skipper) white Samoyd grew up together. After 17 years he was walking towards the bush outside of town, called him back and he normally would trot back, this time he turned his head and gave me a long long look and continued forward. Never saw him again as he was a bush dog and ended his life there. Think about him all the time 43 years later. Chin up, they be around forever.

traderal 12-18-2020 09:40 PM

So sorry for your loss, looked like an amazing friend. We have lost 9 already, one of them just two weeks ago, a 45 month old Collie to cancer. His death affected our other 5 dogs for two weeks, as they all liked him too. Dogs are awesome companions, all have such different personalities. Their pics are my alternating screensavers.

KUDUHNTR 12-18-2020 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by traderal (Post 4290482)
So sorry for your loss, looked like an amazing friend. We have lost 9 already, one of them just two weeks ago, a 45 month old Collie to cancer. His death affected our other 5 dogs for two weeks, as they all liked him too. Dogs are awesome companions, all have such different personalities. Their pics are my alternating screensavers.

Thanks for your kind words, sorry for your loss also.............'Lil Kenny" Shadow's cat buddy is out of sorts......looking for Shadow everywhere.

Your Collie passed way to early, sorry for that, what causes cancer in Dog's??

Ronji 12-18-2020 10:18 PM

It’s amazing how attached we become to our dogs.
You become so close to them and you can read each other with out words.
Last dog we had lived to 18. It was not a hunting dog at all, and you sure could tell if it was a rabbit, cat, or coyote outside the window.
First time in my life I do not have a dog. It always seems that the last one was better that the previous. Miss them, as it did not matter if you were away 5 minutes or 5 days, when you walked in the door, they were happy to see you.

I feel for you

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