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jungleboy 06-25-2019 09:31 PM

China bans all Canadian meat before G20
Maybe they would prefer some quality lab produced "beyond meat"

OTTAWA — The Chinese Embassy said Tuesday it has asked Canada to suspend all meat exports, a surprise move that comes amid the diplomatic dispute over the December arrest of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou in Vancouver.

The latest Chinese move comes as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is set to depart Wednesday for a G20 leaders’ summit in Japan, where he is expected to rely on U.S. President Donald Trump to raise the plight of two detained Canadians during a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

The embassy said in a statement to The Canadian Press on Tuesday that this latest move follows Chinese customs inspectors’ detection of residue from a restricted feed additive, called ractopamine, in a batch of Canadian pork products. The additive has permitted uses in Canada but is banned in China.

“The subsequent investigation revealed that the official veterinary health certificates attached to the batch of pork exported to China were counterfeit and the number of those forgery certificates was up to 188. The Canadian side believes that this incident is criminal offence,” said the embassy statement.

“These forged certificates were sent to the Chinese regulatory authorities through Canadian official certificate notification channel, which reflects that the Canadian meat export supervision system exists obvious safety loopholes.”

China is therefore taking “urgent preventive measures” to protect Chinese customers and has asked the Canadian government to suspend all meat-export certificates, the embassy said.

“We hope the Canadian side would attach great importance to this incident, complete the investigation as soon as possible and take effective measures to ensure the safety of food exported to China in a more responsible manner.”

Agriculture Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau said in a statement that the Canadian Food and Inspection Agency “identified an issue involving inauthentic export certificates” and “has informed appropriate law enforcement agencies.”

Bibeau said the agency was investigating a “technical issue” and was working with industry partners and Chinese officials.

A report in the newspaper Journal de Quebec, which first reported the story, quotes a Montreal-based diplomat with the Chinese consulate-general as saying the ban is temporary.

China detained former diplomat Michael Kovrig and entrepreneur Michael Spavor and sentenced another Canadian to death in an apparent attempt to pressure for Meng’s release.

China has also stopped imports of Canadian canola and has suspended import permits for three pork producers.

Bibeau defended the quality of the Canadian meat industry.

“Our government will always stand shoulder to shoulder with our producers and workers, who export the finest products around the world,” she said.

“The Canadian food system is one of the best in the world and we are confident in the safety of Canadian products and Canadian exports.”

The Conservatives blamed Trudeau.

“Conservatives know that Canadian farmers produce some of the highest-quality meat in the world. Any assertion by the Chinese government to the contrary is both false and baseless,” said a statement from Tory agriculture critic Luc Berthold. “It is clear that this is not an issue of food safety, but a political issue caused by Justin Trudeau’s incompetence and weakness on the world stage.”

Berthold said Trudeau has to “personally raise this issue” with Xi in at the G20 meeting and demand the trade barriers be lifted.

Livestock producers are worried.

Chad MacPherson, general manager of the Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association, said China’s action will affect producers across the country.

“This is very disappointing news to hear, that the government of China would be taking these measures,” he said in Regina.

“We feel that we produce some of the safest food in the world. We have very rigorous health inspections and protocols and all the scientific measures that we can to ensure that we produce safe food.”

MacPherson said China’s concerns are unfounded.

“This is just more punitive actions from the government of China in reaction to the arrest of the Huawei executive,” he said.

“We can work with our federal government to try to get the consulate back on the ground in China and try to get this issue resolved. It is going to impact the bottom line of all livestock producers in Canad

sns2 06-25-2019 09:41 PM

Should never have arrested that woman. You don't poke a grizzly. Now Canadian farmers pay. Big time. Stupid.

wwbirds 06-25-2019 09:48 PM

If our leaders had any balls at all they would not allow any imports from China until they learn not to use trade as blackmail and free the canadian businessmen that are being held without due cause. Instead twinkle toes will probably attend the g20 meeting dressed as "Confucious" continuing to make Canada the laughing stock of the world.

CBintheNorth 06-25-2019 09:55 PM

Trudeau honestly couldn't care less...
Even though there are tons of swine in Ottawa, there are no pig farmers, or any other types of farmers for that matter, so it doesn't really affect him.
Until October.:)

Kurt505 06-25-2019 09:58 PM

Put her on death row.

I’m bitter. I filled a $200k lawsuit against a nasty witch who’s pulling the exact same tactics.

vcmm 06-25-2019 09:59 PM

Canada should not allow anything from there in our country..

bdub 06-25-2019 10:25 PM

We got duped into an economic war with a large customer who has a moral compass not like our own. Why we didn’t let the US take out their own garbage is beyond me. We have no pull with China. They are going to continue to hammer us over this Hauwai thing even if the US and China agreed to a trade deal tomorrow. Unfortunately our current leaders are proven idiots, the US and China think we are fools, and Canada is inconsequential to the big picture.

sns2 06-25-2019 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by bdub (Post 3993799)
We got duped into an economic war with a large customer who has a moral compass not like our own. Why we didn’t let the US take out their own garbage is beyond me. We have no pull with China. They are going to continue to hammer us over this Hauwai thing even if the US and China agreed to a trade deal tomorrow. Unfortunately our current leaders are proven idiots, the US and China think we are fools, and Canada is inconsequential to the big picture.

Bingo ^^^

NinjaHunter 06-25-2019 10:58 PM

Canada has been part of China since ancient times.

If our Chinese masters said that, then it must be true.

landowner 06-25-2019 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by CBintheNorth (Post 3993782)
Trudeau honestly couldn't care less...
Even though there are tons of swine in Ottawa, there are no pig farmers, or any other types of farmers for that matter, so it doesn't really affect him.
Until October.:)

So true ... most ag products that. Are exported to pacific regions come from western Canada. He couldn’t care less not a word. But if it concerns auto workers, or Quebec airplane employees, he gets load and proud

Oldan Grumpi 06-25-2019 11:41 PM

I think some are missing the real issue here.

We arrested the woman in question in respect of our extradition treaty with the U.S.

The U.S. has been dragging their feet on taking her, because as long as we have her, we bear the brunt of Chinese retaliation. For Trump, it’s a win/win. She’s in custody, and we take the punishment on the Americans behalf....he’s hurting both Canada and China at no cost to himself.

It’s time we quit kissing yankee a*s and stood up for ourselves; they’ve had plenty of time to take her if they want her. Our spineless Little Potato should just apologize to her for the inconvenience and let her go.

Positrac 06-26-2019 06:17 AM


Originally Posted by Oldan Grumpi (Post 3993822)
I think some are missing the real issue here.

We arrested the woman in question in respect of our extradition treaty with the U.S.

The U.S. has been dragging their feet on taking her, because as long as we have her, we bear the brunt of Chinese retaliation. For Trump, it’s a win/win. She’s in custody, and we take the punishment on the Americans behalf....he’s hurting both Canada and China at no cost to himself.

It’s time we quit kissing yankee a*s and stood up for ourselves; they’ve had plenty of time to take her if they want her. Our spineless Little Potato should just apologize to her for the inconvenience and let her go.

Don’t forget giving her $10,000,000 to go with that apology. That’s the Trudeau way...

saskbooknut 06-26-2019 06:58 AM

Don't forget the Canadian meat processor that forged animal health certificates, and gave an opening to this Chinese trade embargo.

There is one meat processor in Canada that should be hung, drawn and quartered.

Badgerbadger 06-26-2019 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by sns2 (Post 3993768)
Should never have arrested that woman. You don't poke a grizzly. Now Canadian farmers pay. Big time. Stupid.

Ya, we should totally give in to their economic blackmail/terrorism, and subvert our judiciary at their whim!

I'm being sarcastic, as I'm surprised you'd give up Canadian sovereignty so easily.

Smoky buck 06-26-2019 07:20 AM

China has no respect for Trudeau and he is completely incompetent when it comes to international negotiations. He is weak and lacks intelligence in the eyes of the Chinese.

Until Trudeau is voted out Canada will continue to have problems with China. Either Canada’s agriculture industry has suddenly become incompetent making mistakes or China is just putting the screws to Canada my bets are on the latter

This Country really needs someone who is intelligent with a set of balls negotiating for Canadian industry not a gutless fool

gevarm guy 06-26-2019 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by Oldan Grumpi (Post 3993822)
I think some are missing the real issue here.

We arrested the woman in question in respect of our extradition treaty with the U.S.

The U.S. has been dragging their feet on taking her, because as long as we have her, we bear the brunt of Chinese retaliation. For Trump, it’s a win/win. She’s in custody, and we take the punishment on the Americans behalf....he’s hurting both Canada and China at no cost to himself.

It’s time we quit kissing yankee a*s and stood up for ourselves; they’ve had plenty of time to take her if they want her. Our spineless Little Potato should just apologize to her for the inconvenience and let her go.

Obviously you have no idea of what the BC court system is like or Canadian court system for that matter. But its easier to use the blame game as its never anyones fault but the other guy, right.

CaberTosser 06-26-2019 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by saskbooknut (Post 3993850)
Don't forget the Canadian meat processor that forged animal health certificates, and gave an opening to this Chinese trade embargo.

There is one meat processor in Canada that should be hung, drawn and quartered.

I’d not be remotely surprised if said importer/processor specialized in importing to China and spoke their language fluently. They just hung out entire meat industry out to dry from their personal greed and that speaks volumes about their character.

I think we all need to be more diligent in ensuring we minimize our purchases of Chinese origin to the bare minimum. Sometimes no other option exists and we have to make the choice of not buying at all, but hopefully as consumers we can let our voices and purchasing power create more market options.

I many be the odd man out here, but I think it was important that we arrested this woman, it shows that the rule of law actually exists here. I’m happy that a person who would normally get away with murder in their home country is not immune to legal process here. It shows that we abide by our treaties, even at great risk to ourselves. If you drop a promise the moment some pressure is applied you’re not a trustworthy human, same goes as a nation. As the arrest warrant was legitimate and we have such agreements with the USA I’m glad that we abided by it. People are imagining there would be a stage for such requests to go through where we screen potential detainees for wealth, political connections or such; if we had such a thing, any extradition treaty would be useless from the outset. Heck, by flying where she did she knowingly risked arrest, imagine any incident be it mechanical or weather that could have diverted the flight to Hawaii or Alaska (I don’t know the flight path so I’m speculating). Even bad weather in Vancouver or Victoria could have had that flight landing in Seattle and we’d not be in this mess. Anyways, I believe in honouring ones obligations, a promise is not just for fair weather, easy agreements.

pikergolf 06-26-2019 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by CaberTosser (Post 3993869)
I’d not be remotely surprised if said importer/processor specialized in importing to China and spoke their language fluently. They just hung out entire meat industry out to dry from their personal greed and that speaks volumes about their character.

I think we all need to be more diligent in ensuring we minimize our purchases of Chinese origin to the bare minimum. Sometimes no other option exists and we have to make the choice of not buying at all, but hopefully as consumers we can let our voices and purchasing power create more market options.

You believe Canadians would be willing to give up their phones, tablets, computers and cameras? I don't think so. :(

AndrewM 06-26-2019 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by Badgerbadger (Post 3993853)
Ya, we should totally give in to their economic blackmail/terrorism, and subvert our judiciary at their whim!

I'm being sarcastic, as I'm surprised you'd give up Canadian sovereignty so easily.

No doubt. I am disappointed to read a comment like the one you quoted. It suggests that we should do whatever China asks so we don't enrage them. Last time I checked this is Canada and we don't bow down to anyone especially because of fear. Do you run from a grizzly or stand tall and look it in the eyes? We have rule of law. Without it, we don't have Canada.

elkhunter11 06-26-2019 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by Smoky buck (Post 3993858)
China has no respect for Trudeau and he is completely incompetent when it comes to international negotiations. He is weak and lacks intelligence in the eyes of the Chinese.

Until Trudeau is voted out Canada will continue to have problems with China. Either Canada’s agriculture industry has suddenly become incompetent making mistakes or China is just putting the screws to Canada my bets are on the latter

This Country really needs someone who is intelligent with a set of balls negotiating for Canadian industry not a gutless fool

The Chinese are very aware of who they are dealing with, and our country will suffer as a result.

AndrewM 06-26-2019 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by pikergolf (Post 3993872)
You believe Canadians would be willing to give up their phones, tablets, computers and cameras? I don't think so. :(

There are other countries that manufacture these products.

saskbooknut 06-26-2019 07:55 AM

Without cheap Chinese manufactured stuff, Walmart, Canadian Tire, Princess Auto, Peavey Mart would be empty. We are seriously hooked on cheap Chinese manufacturing.

CaberTosser 06-26-2019 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by pikergolf (Post 3993872)
You believe Canadians would be willing to give up their phones, tablets, computers and cameras? I don't think so. :(

No, but there’s an opportunity for other nations to gear up their manufacturing capabilities. North America, Europe, South Korea, Japan, Australia even. We’ve given China too much economic power and look how they behave with it. Free nations absolutely have to reign that imbalance back.

Aside from the economic sense of keeping money within our borders I always think from a matter of national security of ourselves and our allies. In WWII we were a manufacturing powerhouse, these days a lot of our capacity is diminished because we pay for foreign factories when an executive figures they can get higher profits by exporting manufacture. This is a recipe for eventual disaster when dealing with a dictatorship such as China. We need to ensure there are no products that we can’t manufacture right here at home.

Kurt505 06-26-2019 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by pikergolf (Post 3993872)
You believe Canadians would be willing to give up their phones, tablets, computers and cameras? I don't think so. :(

Lol, we are talking about China, not Asia. I could easily live the rest of my life without junk from China. Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia, all countries who either produce quality electronics or cheap crap China is famous for.

Big Grey Wolf 06-26-2019 08:11 AM

Trump changed the Agreement signed by Europe, US and Canada with Iran. He made his bed and now we Canadian farmers are paying the price with China by holding the Hwaie Lady. "Let her Go" we followed improper legal procedure in arresting her. Trudeau had no problem changing "rule of law" with SNC until Jodie stepped in and stopped him.

Grizzly Adams 06-26-2019 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by sns2 (Post 3993768)
Should never have arrested that woman. You don't poke a grizzly. Now Canadian farmers pay. Big time. Stupid.

No, we have an obligation under a treaty with the US we are committed to honor. Our Bad for making us a vassal of the Chinese. It was the Canadians who made the Chinese aware of the forged certificates. Our Bad again.


ghostguy6 06-26-2019 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewM (Post 3993875)
Last time I checked this is Canada and we don't bow down to anyone especially because of fear. Do you run from a grizzly or stand tall and look it in the eyes? We have rule of law. Without it, we don't have Canada.

The old Canada would have stood its ground. Now that Sparkle Socks is in charge we as a whole bend over because of the decisions he makes. The name Canada means nothing anymore. Canada was not only neutered but given a full sex change the second Trudue was put in power. If he really wanted to do some good he would demand that Trump take custody of Meng Wanzhou or Canada releases her immediately. He would also pull his balls out of his purse and do something to actually help the economy but we all know that wont happen. I'm glad my grandfather passed away. As someone who fought for this country he would be horrified to see what has become of Canada. Im ashamed to admit Im a Canadian.

The only good thing that could come from this is the cost of meat goes down for the average consumer in the stores.

CaberTosser 06-26-2019 08:25 AM

Time to load up the freezer with bacon and pork chops and get to building some electronics factories where we can manufacture products that don’t have Chinese spyware built-in.

birdbeast 06-26-2019 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by sns2 (Post 3993768)
Should never have arrested that woman. You don't poke a grizzly. Now Canadian farmers pay. Big time. Stupid.

We have to follow the treaties we sign. What we should be doing is all Canadians quit buying products Made in China. If the government can't react, the public should. I don't buy Chinese goods anymore.

birdbeast 06-26-2019 08:32 AM

I believe it might change the balance if we revoke her bail and put her in jail, like the Canadians being detained. If she is sitting in jail instead of her multi-million dollar mansion China might be motivated to play nice. We are a lawful country dealing with a lawless regime.

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