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avb3 06-06-2016 10:56 AM

Climate Change Dump #1
Consensus on AGW is again confirmed, wind and solar use is increasing exponentially, real effects of global warming is happening now, effecting real people, including Donald Trump.

Climate Scientists Virtually Unanimous on Man-Made Global Warming
Consensus Study now Peer-Reviewed and Published


During 2013 and 2014, only 4 of 69,406 authors of peer-reviewed articles on global warming, 0.0058% or 1 in 17,352, rejected AGW. Thus, the consensus on AGW among publishing scientists is above 99.99%, verging on unanimity. The U.S. House of Representatives holds 40 times as many global warming rejecters as are found among the authors of scientific articles. The peer-reviewed literature contains no convincing evidence against AGW.

Climate Change Has Officially Engulfed 5 Pacific Islands


The study is the first scientific evidence that climate change and sea-level rise are sweeping away the low-lying islands of the Pacific, confirming numerous anecdotal accounts. The evidence comes from studying aerial and satellite imagery from 1947 to 2014. This was combined with local knowledge to identify any missing islands. The researchers have found that five vegetated islands—not just hunks of rock—have have been completely eroded and submerged, and six more have experienced severe shoreline erosion.

Trump acknowledges climate change — at his golf course


The billionaire, who called global warming a hoax, warns of its dire effects in his company's application to build a sea wall.

Donald Trump says he is “not a big believer in global warming.” He has called it “a total hoax,” “bull****” and “pseudoscience.”

But he is also trying to build a sea wall designed to protect one of his golf courses from “global warming and its effects.”

Scientists, Navy consider future of sonar in warming oceans


Ocean waters are becoming warmer, but they're becoming noisier -- making sonar detection exceedingly difficult.

"[We] haven't had to deal with this issue of climate change until the last 15 years, but the temperature changes are significant enough that it really is having an impact on how sound travels in the ocean," Glen Gawarkiewicz, an oceanographer at WHOI, said in a news release.

Appearance of crater dubbed ‘the Gateway to the Underworld’ in Siberia is a warning to our warming planet


It is known as “the Gateway to the Underworld” by local people who fear to go near the massive crater that suddenly appeared in the frozen heart of Siberia.

And they are right to be afraid.

For as the permafrost melts, the world’s biggest “megaslump” is expanding rapidly. Already about a kilometre long and 90m deep, it is widening by up to 20m a year, making walking near its precipitous edges a dangerous pursuit.

But Batagaika crater, which first appeared about 25 years ago, is also a sign of the rate at which the world is warming – smaller ones have been appearing increasingly across the northern hemisphere.

North Sea countries mull wind energy strategy


Nine countries that share a border with the North Sea -- Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden – agreed Monday to improve infrastructure to support offshore wind.

Renewable energy surges to record levels around the world


About 147 gigawatts (GW) of capacity was added in 2015, roughly equivalent to Africa's generating capacity from all sources.

China, the US, Japan, UK and India were the countries adding on the largest share of green power, despite the fact that fossil fuel prices have fallen significantly. The costs of renewables have also fallen, say the authors.

rugatika 06-06-2016 11:14 AM

"The lack of widespread, significant warming trends leads us to conclude that there is no strong evidence to support model simulations of greenhouse warming over the Arctic Ocean for the period 1950-1990. " Kahl, Charlevoix, et al

avb3 06-06-2016 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by rugatika (Post 3248257)

"The lack of widespread, significant warming trends leads us to conclude that there is no strong evidence to support model simulations of greenhouse warming over the Arctic Ocean for the period 1950-1990. " Kahl, Charlevoix, et al

My information is from the past two weeks. Your link is almost 25 years old. Guess which one just might be more relevant, uptodate and accurate?

maverick 06-06-2016 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by avb3 (Post 3248265)
My information is from the past two weeks. Your link is almost 25 years old. Guess which one just might be more relevant, uptodate and accurate?

Since your so wise can you explain to me why at the peak of the last ice age when there was ice nearly 1 mile in thickness over Calgary it melted and receded back into the front ranges? I would assume you would need a lot higher temperatures then we are currently experiencing to get rid of that volume of ice? There was no significant population of humans around so why the big warm?

rugatika 06-06-2016 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by avb3 (Post 3248265)
My information is from the past two weeks. Your link is almost 25 years old. Guess which one just might be more relevant, uptodate and accurate?

I didn't know the temperature from 1950 to 1990 changed in the last 25 years. I guess it's not surprising that climate alarmists would have changed the temperature from 1950 - 1990 in the last 25 years given the respect they show for actual data. :)

Glad to see you're back btw. I was kinda missing your climate posts.

fluxcore 06-06-2016 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by maverick (Post 3248273)
Since your so wise can you explain to me why at the peak of the last ice age when there was ice nearly 1 mile in thickness over Calgary it melted and receded back into the front ranges? I would assume you would need a lot higher temperatures then we are currently experiencing to get rid of that volume of ice? There was no significant population of humans around so why the big warm?

I don't want another ice age so hopfully were making enough of a difference to avoid one.

avb3 06-06-2016 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by histyle (Post 3248266)
The late, great George Carlin did a standup bit about people who believe in AGW. AVB3, you sir are the butt of his jokes. Carry on.


Originally Posted by maverick (Post 3248273)
Since your so wise can you explain to me why at the peak of the last ice age when there was ice nearly 1 mile in thickness over Calgary it melted and receded back into the front ranges? I would assume you would need a lot higher temperatures then we are currently experiencing to get rid of that volume of ice? There was no significant population of humans around so why the big warm?


Originally Posted by rugatika (Post 3248281)
I didn't know the temperature from 1950 to 1990 changed in the last 25 years. I guess it's not surprising that climate alarmists would have changed the temperature from 1950 - 1990 in the last 25 years given the respect they show for actual data. :)

Glad to see you're back btw. I was kinda missing your climate posts.


Originally Posted by fluxcore (Post 3248289)
I don't want another ice age so hopfully were making enough of a difference to avoid one.


Originally Posted by Johnny Huntnfish (Post 3248293)
Sexism.....racism.....climate change......and repeat

For some strange reason, Trump's seawall due to climate change (he likes building walls) and the Navy's issues with sonar were completely overlooked.


Perhaps the geniuses on this forum may want to explain why the Navy's real issues with sonar due to the oceans warming is not real?

dmcbride 06-06-2016 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by avb3 (Post 3248322)
For some strange reason, Trump's seawall due to climate change (he likes building walls) and the Navy's issues with sonar were completely overlooked.


Perhaps the geniuses on this forum may want to explain why the Navy's real issues with sonar due to the oceans warming is not real?

Perhaps people believe the climate is changing just like it always has?

Dewey Cox 06-06-2016 01:32 PM

I don't think anyone is arguing that the oceans are getting warmer. We all believe in the science of a thermometer.

JamesB 06-06-2016 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by avb3 (Post 3248322)
For some strange reason, Trump's seawall due to climate change (he likes building walls) and the Navy's issues with sonar were completely overlooked.


Perhaps the geniuses on this forum may want to explain why the Navy's real issues with sonar due to the oceans warming is not real?

Was the Navy's solution to sonar problems, to raise taxes, deny free speech, and redistribute wealth? If not, then I guess they really don't know what they are talking about, because all the "reputable" politicians want those things to deal with the problem.

Newview01 06-06-2016 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by rugatika (Post 3248281)

glad to see you're back btw. I was kinda missing your climate posts.

x2 :)

ak-71 06-06-2016 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by JamesB (Post 3248396)
Was the Navy's solution to sonar problems, to raise taxes, deny free speech, and redistribute wealth? If not, then I guess they really don't know what they are talking about, because all the "reputable" politicians want those things to deal with the problem.

Solutions you listed would not work, the only way is to give Navy way more money to cruse the oceans in submarines to mix water up across the thermocline to alleviate the problem. It may not work well at the beginning, but we have to do it before it's too late for our children!
I think that the approach above would be the only correct one if Navy consisted of "global worming" alarmists.

FlyTheory 06-06-2016 02:39 PM

Avb3 I agree with you since EASc is something I am studying in university as my minor. But honestly I don't think some of the people on here will budge with their opinion. Way she goes.

fluxcore 06-06-2016 02:58 PM

How long until the Pacific Ocean cycle warms up enough so it's not so chilli to swim in and I have a chance at catching yellowfin or sailfish? If you look throughout time there was always climit change and droughts that moved civilizations all over the place or they disappeared all together. I just hope we warm up enough to hold off the next ice age. On a positive note I got some extra blue recycling bins delivered hovever on a negitive I drive a big truck, have two vehicles when we could get by with one, I drive the crap out of my boat evey chance I get, keep my AC cranked even when I'm not home and love eating fish & beef.

nekred 06-06-2016 03:12 PM

ok arctic icecap melts what would be the net effect on ocean levels?

Same as a melting ice cube in a glass of water,

Remember back to water cycle, water on earth exists in 3 phases, solid liquid and gas.....

Ice melts into water, more water in atmosphere as temperature goes up, thus more water vapour (gas) in air (which is clear) meaning less clouds but air with water in it takes more energy to heat,


The amount of hydrogen dioxide on the planet is fixed and finite.....

We will have extremes but the extremes self regulate, In dinosaur times North America had a warm inland sea.... then an ice age and now a melting era over past 10,000 years. It is like a pendulum and greatest velocity with a pendulum is when it is in the middle.

the planet will self regulate, Everything works on a cycle, Carbon, Oxygen, Water. It is cyclic and the cycle will continue long after our species has went through its cycle....

The world needs a bogeyman,

It was Communism, The A-bomb, Nuclear Holocaust, nuclear Winter, petroleum, Depletion, the hole in the ozone, deforestation, terrorism, now it global climate change and like very bogeyman people could find "facts" to support their theory. Science is no longer about discovery but about having a theory and trying to keep it from being disproven so that they maintain funding and it requires media fueling which needs fear as a driver,

The fear industry is the worlds biggest industry....

Purple Farmer 06-06-2016 03:17 PM

Serious question OP, why do you post about climate change on AO?

Chuck_Wagon 06-06-2016 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Purple Farmer (Post 3248460)
Serious question OP, why do you post about climate change on AO?

No kidding, what a waste of peoples time, its all BS

pgavey 06-06-2016 03:29 PM

Trump Sea wall
Is Mexico going to pay for this one also?

Roughneck12 06-06-2016 03:39 PM

AVB is there somewhere else you can soapbox your religion?

ak-71 06-06-2016 04:22 PM

It seems absolutely pointless to discuss nuts and bolts of a climate change studies on AO, none of the people here are likely to have nearly enough time invested in the subject to qualify for this task (including students who take this subject as a minor and lobbyists promoting the cause, sorry).
So, basically it all comes to either repeating something one was told and chose to believe, or pure campaigning for a position one supports for some honest or not reason.
I am on a fence about man made global warming, but just to offset the bias of OP I will dump some links too.

1. One climatologist point of view, with a spot checks on some data and interpretation:

2. Physicist, Nobel Laureate attempting to inject some common sense in the discussion:

3. Journalist on the IPCC practices:

So basically THERE ARE different points of view, but "alarmist's" seems to be way more politicized, and may or may not be correct, but seems to attract some shady approaches and costs humanity a lot of unnecessary money and sadly will cost us a lot more in the future. It's a case of a lost information campaign for "skeptics".

traderal 06-06-2016 04:27 PM

As I was mowing lawn today I counted 52 chemtrails criss crossing the sky so that by mid afternoon the sky was overcast. Now this obviously trapped the heat like a greenhouse effect and that is why we got up to 30 degrees today. So looks like the gub'ment is making sure we have global warming. Put that in yer pipe an smoke it avb.

rugatika 06-06-2016 04:31 PM

Just the fact that they have been caught so many times fudging data, wanting to jail people with different points of view, blatant hypocrisy of absurd carbon expenditures themselves, trying to silence fellow scientists with dissenting views, failure of any of their model's predictions to come to fruition over the years, etc etc etc. should all be enough to give any rational person a pretty good clue that it's all bunk. Never mind all the people that are heavily invested in this are rolling in money, up to their elbows in crab cakes, and stand to make so much more money AND more importantly gains in power.

AND, anyone that takes the time to actually look into the science of it all with an objective eye will see the emperor has no clothes.

Smells like crap, looks like crap, feels like crap, tastes like crap! IT IS CRAP!!! :)

Grizzly Adams 06-06-2016 04:43 PM

You know, eugenics was a scientifically proven and accepted principle at one time as well, not that long ago. :D


ak-71 06-06-2016 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Grizzly Adams (Post 3248530)
You know, eugenics was a scientifically proven and accepted principle at one time as well, not that long ago. :D


I think it will take way longer to heal from "climate doom" theory.

Redfrog 06-06-2016 04:53 PM

Same ol' same ol'.
Most agree that the climate is changing.

The disagreement comes from man's contribution and Canada's contribution.

There was climate change long before man or the industrial age or the internal combustion chamber and there will be after we are simply a footnote.

Canada has a ton of trees converting CO2 and little contribution to green house gases.
Add in the margin of error that science is famous for, and the amount of money to be made, and I'm skeptical.:thinking-006:

propliner 06-06-2016 05:14 PM

What? It's warming? Here, take more of my money!!!

cat336 06-06-2016 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by avb3 (Post 3248265)
My information is from the past two weeks. Your link is almost 25 years old. Guess which one just might be more relevant, uptodate and accurate?

If global warming is so real why are we not setting record temperatures daily?

sparky660 06-06-2016 05:26 PM

Is there some sort of forum out there that is better suited for this kind of topic. Some people need to get out of their parents basement and enjoy the outdoors. Don't forget to lose the tinfoil hat too.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

avb3 06-06-2016 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by cat336 (Post 3248562)
If global warming is so real why are we not setting record temperatures daily?

We ARE setting new records monthly for over a year..... globally. And 14 out of the hottest years have been this century.

fluxcore 06-06-2016 05:40 PM

We haven't been around long enough recording temperatures to determine any kind of patern, more often it's called a warmer "trend" and we can prove its normal just as good as people can prove it isn't but fear mongering is a lot more interesting like the news.

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