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huntinstuff 04-17-2024 10:36 AM

What do you consider "rich"?
Every time I hear "tax the rich more" I wonder what people consider "rich"

How much $ or assets do you have to have to be considered rich?

I'd like to hear your numbers.......

Dick284 04-17-2024 10:39 AM

Anyone I don’t like, who makes or has assets at least 30% more than me/mine.

That’s straight outta the socialist play book more or less.

Ow! I just bit my tongue!

Sooner 04-17-2024 10:41 AM

Kinda of a two sided answer.

Big lotto win makes me rich rich :)

If I can retire, live where I want to, eat what I want to, travel to where I want to go and have what I need without financial worry until the end comes, that's rich enough for me as long as the family and friends are there for the ride.

I always laugh when the "lets tax the rich" line gets thrown out there by government's/lefties. Who the heck do they think took the risks and employ the masses to get to what they consider rich enough to tax more.

Twisted Canuck 04-17-2024 10:42 AM

Rich is not meant to be defined, just like 'paying their fair share' is a meaningless phrase. It's meant to trick you into thinking it's some other privileged guy who is going to get screwed, all while you are getting screwed. This type of propaganda appeals to the Free Lunch thinkers.

pikergolf 04-17-2024 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by Dick284 (Post 4717237)
Anyone I don’t like, who makes or has assets at least 30% more than me/mine.

That’s straight outta the socialist play book more or less.

Ow! I just bit my tongue!

Nailed it.

Another one that kills me is fair share. Taxes are already on a % basis so the wealthier among us are paying more than their fair share while the not so blessed eat up most of the government resources.

Groundhogger 04-17-2024 10:51 AM

Rhetorical question I'm sure, but that crossed my mind listening to that twitchy creature talking about the budget her party tabled.

On the off-chance it's an actual question, I don't know the answer. I think I've had a $ figure (yearly salary amount) in my head most of my working life, the # I think I'm worth and the # that would allow me to pay my bills and maybe get 1 modest vacation abroad every year. It is subjective. Someone with no car/no house would look at me and maybe think I'm rich. I look at a guy with a house 3X bigger than mine and a car that isn't 18 years old and think he's probably doing better than me financially.

I'm legitimately starting to wonder if Trudeau is trying to create a bigger mess before he's ousted so it takes longer for a Conservative government to turn it around. He's spending money like he's back to printing it again.

Twisted Canuck 04-17-2024 10:52 AM

Even the language Castro's son uses is pure theater and lies. 'We're asking...' No, you are taxing, which payment of isn't optional. It's taking, with the full power of the state to enforce. Quoted from National Post:

Trudeau said it is about ensuring the government has the money to correct generational fairness.

“We’re asking them to pay their fair share so that younger generations can have the same opportunities that Gen-Xers, boomers and other generations had when they were starting their lives.”

He said if the Conservatives vote against the budget, as they have indicated they will do, it will be because they want to protect this small group from higher taxes.

“They’re voting against fairness. They will be voting against asking the ultra rich to pay their share

HyperMOA 04-17-2024 10:54 AM

I am not sure how I feel about the definition. If I work and toil and create my wealth from nothing I don’t feel I will ever be a rich-elite if you know what I mean. I might buy a fancy car and do extravagant things, but I am still gonna drink Pilsner, wear a CAT ball cap, and relate to a working man. I may be wealthy, but is rich an attitude more than wealth???

On the other hand, if you have been handed a fortune at birth and never worked a day in your life and can never relate to the real world; and money solves all your problems, you are likely rich.

Just my opinion.

W921 04-17-2024 10:54 AM

I'm loved and cared about.
I love and care about others.
I have happiness in my heart.
Ive done most of what I have dreamed of doing.
I also have a few old trucks and some cows to look after.
I'm still able to ride colts. Not Bronc's but colts are enough to keep me feeling a live.
I dont need or want anymore things.
I have I just enough money that I need God to survive.
I have just enough cows,land, etc that its a blessing and not a curse.
If I had more i would try to give it away or use it to help others but this can create problems so I'm happy the way it is for me.
I am rich

Groundhogger 04-17-2024 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Twisted Canuck (Post 4717245)
Even the language Castro's son uses is pure theater and lies. 'We're asking...' No, you are taxing, which payment of isn't optional. It's taking, with the full power of the state to enforce. Quoted from National Post:

Trudeau said it is about ensuring the government has the money to correct generational fairness.

“We’re asking them to pay their fair share so that younger generations can have the same opportunities that Gen-Xers, boomers and other generations had when they were starting their lives.”

He said if the Conservatives vote against the budget, as they have indicated they will do, it will be because they want to protect this small group from higher taxes.

“They’re voting against fairness. They will be voting against asking the ultra rich to pay their share

^1000%, sock boy talks like he's not a massive reason why the country finds itself in the position it's in. My stomach turns when I hear that blow-hard's voice.

2 Tollers 04-17-2024 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by huntinstuff (Post 4717236)
Every time I hear "tax the rich more" I wonder what people consider "rich"
How much $ or assets do you have to have to be considered rich?
I'd like to hear your numbers.......

In a socialist mind I am confident there is not a firm number --- I have NDP acquaintances that openly say why do you need that you have to much stuff. You do not need that and should not have bought it.

Direct Implication --- that if they could control my life, they would stop me from buying what I worked and saved for.

There is no tie in the socialist mind between work and reward --- hard work means you get to share more of what you have earned with others (unless of course you are Jagmeet and get to bill others on an expense account).

Is $2M or even more in net worth a lot for the average person to have saved over a lifetime of hard work? I would say no. Others, including some on this forum would say the opposite and would want part of this savings.

Freeland sometime back stated that there were too many people with too much money in savings and this money needed to be freed up to stimulate the economy. At that time in her world the government would free this money up (free is the new word for rob) and direct its investment.

Once you start defining rich there is no going back on the slippery slope – investment fleeing, bar being lowered on acceptable annual salaries.

KGB 04-17-2024 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by Twisted Canuck (Post 4717245)
Even the language Castro's son uses is pure theater and lies. 'We're asking...' No, you are taxing, which payment of isn't optional. It's taking, with the full power of the state to enforce. Quoted from National Post:

Trudeau said it is about ensuring the government has the money to correct generational fairness.

“We’re asking them to pay their fair share so that younger generations can have the same opportunities that Gen-Xers, boomers and other generations had when they were starting their lives.”

He said if the Conservatives vote against the budget, as they have indicated they will do, it will be because they want to protect this small group from higher taxes.

“They’re voting against fairness. They will be voting against asking the ultra rich to pay their share

You are rich, you have 4000 rounds of ammo. I am poor, I had to buy some from you. Next time when I need the ammo I will just come and tax yours to my favour, lol! We will then call it You are giving me your fair share! :sHa_sarcasticlol:

trailraat 04-17-2024 11:10 AM

Well according to government its someone who nets more the $250,000 in salary, so basically doctors and other high end professionals.

From my perspective I would consider someone rich as someone who has so much excess wealth that their children turn into playboys who don't work.

I would consider a wealthy person has a net-worth between 5-10 million, but that is reasonably earned by a successful business person who has been wise with their money.

I disagree with the entire principle of trying to "tax the rich", however, I do think that the ratio of executive compensation to employee compensation is really out of whack.

I’d rather be outdoors 04-17-2024 11:10 AM

Slimy as all heck. It’s all smoke & mirrors. Who do you think is going to pay these taxes in the end? It’s the consumers. They know it, and anyone with any form of intelligence knows it. The lieberals just taxed YOU more and don’t have the decency to just say so. Obviously a ploy to save what’s abysmally left of their voter base.

Smoky buck 04-17-2024 11:10 AM

I don’t really think about it but I do know I am not rich

KGB 04-17-2024 11:11 AM

The definition RICH is a very washed out definition. It is all in the eyes of the beholder. To the bum searching thru the garbage can for empties another bum who is eating the KFC out of the dumpster looks rich. To the person on a fixed income due to the physical disability the guy with a $3000 pay check is rich. The same $3000 guy looks at a $10K a month guy and thinking he is rich. And so on and so forth.
Our current government is looking to further their agenda of dividing people. Now we are rich and poor. Before it was vacced and unvaccinated. Black and white. Asian and East Asian. It is way easier to govern when people are decided and at each other’s throats. Old commies tactic.

Twisted Canuck 04-17-2024 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by KGB (Post 4717251)
You are rich, you have 4000 rounds of ammo. I am poor, I had to buy some from you. Next time when I need the ammo I will just come and tax yours to my favour, lol! We will then call it You are giving me your fair share! :sHa_sarcasticlol:

That seems fair. It's all about fairness, isn't it? That's why the word 'fair' is used *FIFTY* times in the budget.



Because if it's about fairness, it's all good.

But nobody should try and get my ammo, fair warning given.

waldedw 04-17-2024 11:26 AM

Rich EH well that depends on what one feels makes them rich, a few million $$ would do it money wise, but there is so much more to being rich than just money.

The same wife for 48 years
2 great kids
6 wonderful grand children
All of the above loved and a huge part of my life
A nice house and good vehicles
Retired and have a good lifestyle ( which the socialists of the world would like to change )
Can shoot any day I feel like it
Hunting camp with my family for 45 years and counting.

I feel like I'm rich :thinking-006:

Grizzly Adams1 04-17-2024 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Smoky buck (Post 4717255)
I don’t really think about it but I do know I am not rich

Compared to someone in the Third world, we're all rich when it comes down to it.

One'n'Done 04-17-2024 11:35 AM

Anyone who has more than a billion dollars in assets and pays less tax than I do.

W921 04-17-2024 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by KGB (Post 4717256)
The definition RICH is a very washed out definition. It is all in the eyes of the beholder. To the bum searching thru the garbage can for empties another bum who is eating the KFC out of the dumpster looks rich. To the person on a fixed income due to the physical disability the guy with a $3000 pay check is rich. The same $3000 guy looks at a $10K a month guy and thinking he is rich. And so on and so forth.
Our current government is looking to further their agenda of dividing people. Now we are rich and poor. Before it was vacced and unvaccinated. Black and white. Asian and East Asian. It is way easier to govern when people are decided and at each other’s throats. Old commies tactic.

I agree to what you said but would like to add
I know people who literally own everything for miles around in every direction and I'm not sure if they are serious but they talk like they are poor. I know they are not happy.
I'm all for freedom and I'm no fan of Trudeau so don't take me wrong but chasing dollars doesn't equal happy. Not in long run. Ive known a lot of miserable people with deep pockets.
No security in it either. All can be taken away.

pikergolf 04-17-2024 11:53 AM

What confounds me is that their are so many people that are very comfortable with the concept of just taking money from others. It's theft.

elkhunter11 04-17-2024 12:01 PM

To me, rich, is spending what you want, when you want, and not having to worry where the money is coming from. To a socialist, it's having more than they do, it doesn't matter if you make the same wage, if they spend theirs on alcohol/drugs, tobacco, and gambling, and have nothing left to show for it, while you invested yours, and have some savings, you are rich.

elkhunter11 04-17-2024 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by pikergolf (Post 4717289)
What confounds me is that their are so many people that are very comfortable with the concept of just taking money from others. It's theft.

That is the basis of socialism, you don't have to work hard to earn a living, if you just take what the person that worked hard earned.

W921 04-17-2024 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by pikergolf (Post 4717289)
What confounds me is that their are so many people that are very comfortable with the concept of just taking money from others. It's theft.

You can see it in families. Children who hate their parents but feel entitled. Relative's that come out of the woodwork when someone dies.
Rich people born on third base and think they hit a triple.
People who own countless sections of land but feel entitled to close public road allowance, public roads and public land.
Big shots in certain industries that feel entitled to public dollars and resources.
List goes on and on

CDN offroader 04-17-2024 12:06 PM

Billionaires for sure, probably anyone with a net worth in excess of 100 million. Anyone who's annual take home exceeds the average workers lifetime earnings.

Ackleyman 04-17-2024 12:15 PM

If you and family have good health your rich.

Smoky buck 04-17-2024 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Grizzly Adams1 (Post 4717270)
Compared to someone in the Third world, we're all rich when it comes down to it.

Oh there are also very well off people thriving in 3rd world countries living a better life than most Canadians

Things are more complicated than location

Bigwoodsman 04-17-2024 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Smoky buck (Post 4717301)
Oh there are also very well off people thriving in 3rd world countries living a better life than most Canadians

Things are more complicated than location

The liberals are trying to make Canada a third world country, so we all can feel rich.


traderal 04-17-2024 12:42 PM

On the other hand, if you have been handed a fortune at birth and never worked a day in your life and can never relate to the real world; and money solves all your problems, you are likely rich.

And this is the background of the guy leading our country.

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