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Pathfinder76 07-22-2014 05:10 PM

Letter to the ministers to reduce draw wait times.
I'm going to send a letter to the Minister of SRD and Finance in regards to wait times for draws. I have the support of several like minded individuals and will be getting their signatures on the letter. If anyone has a suggestion on any additions let me know. Here are the points I will be making or requesting a change to.

1. Increase draw application fees with a suggestion of $10. This will insure those that feel the need to apply for themselves, their dog, their wife, and their aunt Gertrude just because they can to cover all bases and see what they can draw for will at least think about it first. And maybe they will decide what species they really want to hunt. It will also encourage a bit of research into the tag being applied for.

2. Increase tag fees for special licence "trophy" animals with a suggestion to start at $150. This will also ensure a second thought on what they want to hunt as well. It will also have me personally staggering draws to stay married and solvent. This in and of itself will decrease wait times. Despite the opinion of the 999 detractors. Again, this will also encourage a bit of research into the tag being applied for.

3. Either a mandatory purchase of the tag successfully drawn for within a certain time frame or a mandatory requirement to leave a CC # at the time of application and the automatic purchase upon successful application.

4. The mandatory reporting of harvest or non harvest and use of your tag. You will have to report within 30 days of the close of your season or will automatically forfeit your ability to apply for any draw or purchase of any tag the following year. If you forget, to bad, and you likely won't do it twice.

Lefty-Canuck 07-22-2014 05:15 PM

I would add to that the need to purchase a wildlife certificate before being eligible to enter draws.

What draws do you deem "trophy"? I would reduce that one to $50 myself, with the stipulation the money goes directly to enforcement.

Redefine what is required to be a "resident"


Pathfinder76 07-22-2014 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Lefty-Canuck (Post 2498369)
I would add to that the need to purchase a wildlife certificate before being eligible to enter draws.

What draws do you deem "trophy"? I would reduce that one to $50 myself, with the stipulation the money goes directly to enforcement.

Redefine what is required to be a "resident"


Antlered (or horned) special licences. $50 is nowhere near enough. $100 starts to get closer but is still not close IMO. It has to be more than taking the family to McDonalds by a significant margin.

Lefty-Canuck 07-22-2014 05:27 PM

I don't agree with a application fee that high, we shouldn't be pricing folks out of an opportunity.

BUT things should tighten up as far as eligibility is concerned.


Pathfinder76 07-22-2014 05:28 PM

As an aside, this would be completely unnecessary if people had some semblance of self control.

OpenRange 07-22-2014 05:30 PM

I don't mind #3 or #4. If you go ahead with number #2 keep in mind that for a species like elk most people need around a 12 priority to get drawn for antlered, people have something like $50 into draw fees applied to get a 12 priority. That plus a wildlife certificate and then a $150 tag means I'm into that animal for almost $250 and I haven't even cut and wrapped it yet. Lots of people still hunt for the cheap meat because pork, chicken and beef are climbing rapidly, you would alienate the people who can't afford that hefty price tag on getting an elk or whatever. I'm sure lots of people will complain about #1 so I'll leave that for someone else.

Pathfinder76 07-22-2014 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Lefty-Canuck (Post 2498379)
I don't agree with a application fee that high, we shouldn't be pricing folks out of an opportunity.

BUT things should tighten up as far as eligibility is concerned.


How much do people spend on booze, cigarettes, or take out in a year? I would suggest people are pricing themselves out of opportunity.

Pathfinder76 07-22-2014 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by OpenRange (Post 2498383)
I don't mind #3 or #4. If you go ahead with number #2 keep in mind that for a species like elk most people need around a 12 priority to get drawn for antlered, people have something like $50 into draw fees applied to get a 12 priority. That plus a wildlife certificate and then a $150 tag means I'm into that animal for almost $250 and I haven't even cut and wrapped it yet. Lots of people still hunt for the cheap meat because pork, chicken and beef are climbing rapidly, you would alienate the people who can't afford that hefty price tag on getting an elk or whatever. I'm sure lots of people will complain about #1 so I'll leave that for someone else.

Apply for cow elk.

Loper 07-22-2014 05:35 PM

I'm against this government getting any more of my money than they already do. I believe the amount of draw tags available take into account the fact that a percentage of tags are not going to be purchased.

Pathfinder76 07-22-2014 05:37 PM

My odds are already on the rise.

Pathfinder76 07-22-2014 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by Loper (Post 2498394)
I'm against this government getting any more of my money than they already do. I believe the amount of draw tags available take into account the fact that a percentage of tags are not going to be purchased.

Are you going to quit buying fuel, alcohol, and cigarettes?

OpenRange 07-22-2014 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by chuck (Post 2498388)
Apply for cow elk.

I deserve an equal right to shoot a trophy as anyone else, it should never come down to how much you have in your bank account. Look at all the hunting magazines in the states and look at all the articles and editorials about the high cost of draws/tags, they are always complaining that it's cutting out the average citizens from being able to afford to hunt. That is the direction #1 and 2 would take things and it would increase poaching in this province as well.

muleyhunter7 07-22-2014 05:39 PM

Know the difference between you and god chuck? God dont think hes you this is retarded boo whoo gotta wait im a cry till the government pleases my every demand

Lefty-Canuck 07-22-2014 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by chuck (Post 2498386)
How much do people spend on booze, cigarettes, or take out in a year? I would suggest people are pricing themselves out of opportunity.

Some do yes....I don't drink or smoke and I can afford tags, but many who are just as "deserved or entitled" to hunt cannot at that cost.

Your bottom line should not decide your opportunity IMHO, lots of the folks who work in Alberta only 6-8 months a year and live elsewhere can easily afford to put in for everything and put in their dogs and grandmas :)...whereas some folks who were born and raised here could not.

Do you want hunting to become anymore "elitist" than it already has?


flyguyd 07-22-2014 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by chuck (Post 2498388)
Apply for cow elk.

Which in the south is still a 5-6 yr wait:thinking-006:

Number 4 is a great idea tho.. They do it in Idaho like that and im sure many other states as well

Red Bullets 07-22-2014 05:43 PM

Should only be able to 999 a draw for one year. Also, there needs to be a gradient system that keeps first time hunters from even applying for draws. A person should have at least a couple years of hunting experience before being given the opportunity for a draw.

Loper 07-22-2014 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by chuck (Post 2498398)
Are you going to quit buying fuel, alcohol, and cigarettes?

Nope. Doesn't mean I'm going to write letters to the government asking for them to charge me more. When I draw a tag I buy it. I plan ahead and hunt. I have a limited amount of money to spend on hunting and the last thing I want more of that money to go towards is some MLA's expense claim.

Lefty-Canuck 07-22-2014 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Red Bullets (Post 2498412)
Should only be able to 999 a draw for one year. Also, there needs to be a gradient system that keeps first time hunters from even applying for draws. A person should have at least a couple years of hunting experience before being given the opportunity for a draw.



Pathfinder76 07-22-2014 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by OpenRange (Post 2498404)
I deserve an equal right to shoot a trophy as anyone else, it should never come down to how much you have in your bank account. Look at all the hunting magazines in the states and look at all the articles and editorials about the high cost of draws/tags, they are always complaining that it's cutting out the average citizens from being able to afford to hunt. That is the direction #1 and 2 would take things and it would increase poaching in this province as well.

Do you also deserve a membership to the local country club?

If you need help I can suggest ways that you can save $250 in five years. You could start by putting $5 a month in a jar.

Pathfinder76 07-22-2014 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by flyguyd (Post 2498409)
Which in the south is still a 5-6 yr wait:thinking-006:

Number 4 is a great idea tho.. They do it in Idaho like that and im sure many other states as well

Horse manure. Every year their are undersubscribed licences down south.

dmcbride 07-22-2014 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by OpenRange (Post 2498383)
I don't mind #3 or #4. If you go ahead with number #2 keep in mind that for a species like elk most people need around a 12 priority to get drawn for antlered, people have something like $50 into draw fees applied to get a 12 priority. That plus a wildlife certificate and then a $150 tag means I'm into that animal for almost $250 and I haven't even cut and wrapped it yet. Lots of people still hunt for the cheap meat because pork, chicken and beef are climbing rapidly, you would alienate the people who can't afford that hefty price tag on getting an elk or whatever. I'm sure lots of people will complain about #1 so I'll leave that for someone else.

Lots of 3 point or better general zones.

Lefty-Canuck 07-22-2014 05:48 PM

Charging crazy prices to go direct into Goverment only 6 degrees of separation to paid hunting.


Pathfinder76 07-22-2014 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Lefty-Canuck (Post 2498408)
Some do yes....I don't drink or smoke and I can afford tags, but many who are just as "deserved or entitled" to hunt cannot at that cost.

Your bottom line should not decide your opportunity IMHO, lots of the folks who work in Alberta only 6-8 months a year and live elsewhere can easily afford to put in for everything and put in their dogs and grandmas :)...whereas some folks who were born and raised here could not.

Do you want hunting to become anymore "elitist" than it already has?


LC, your and my opinion of "elitist" vary greatly. $250 to go hunting a "sport" animal is hardly "elitist". My truck was built in 1994. Yours?

antlerguy 07-22-2014 05:49 PM

Don't we as sportsmen want our sport to grow. This is what I keep hearing anyways. I for one do. I think by doing your proposed ideas we are limiting growth in our sport. I understand nobody likes long wait times to be drawn for something, Yes a lot of folks in our Provence can afford what you are proposing. There are also a lot that can not. You say go hunt a cow elk, and I say go hunt a general bull. Lets stick together as hunters and try and promote our sport.

OpenRange 07-22-2014 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by Red Bullets (Post 2498412)
Should only be able to 999 a draw for one year. Also, there needs to be a gradient system that keeps first time hunters from even applying for draws. A person should have at least a couple years of hunting experience before being given the opportunity for a draw.

I think only allowing one year of 999 would cause people to get drawn for multiple species and then waste a tag or two, and no one wants that. As for your other thought, it's like companies wanting Class 1 drivers with experience, but how do you get that experience? There are few general licenses these days and it would be difficult for new hunters to get that experience.

Sledhead71 07-22-2014 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by chuck (Post 2498365)
I'm going to send a letter to the Minister of SRD and Finance in regards to wait times for draws. I have the support of several like minded individuals and will be getting their signatures on the letter. If anyone has a suggestion on any additions let me know. Here are the points I will be making or requesting a change to.

1. Increase draw application fees with a suggestion of $10.

Seems fair

2. Increase tag fees for special licence "trophy" animals with a suggestion to start at $150.

Slippery slope to elitism

3. Either a mandatory purchase of the tag successfully drawn for within a certain time frame or a mandatory requirement to leave a CC # at the time of application and the automatic purchase upon successful application.


4. The mandatory reporting of harvest or non harvest and use of your tag. You will have to report within 30 days of the close of your season or will automatically forfeit your ability to apply for any draw or purchase of any tag the following year. If you forget, to bad, and you likely won't do it twice.



Originally Posted by Lefty-Canuck (Post 2498379)
I don't agree with a application fee that high, we shouldn't be pricing folks out of an opportunity.

BUT things should tighten up as far as eligibility is concerned.



muleyhunter7 07-22-2014 05:50 PM

I always wondered how a bunch of guys can cry so much and whine. didnt get drawn im emailing mla right now boo hoo. Why does everyone thing the world will change just cause they want it too just for them.

Pathfinder76 07-22-2014 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by antlerguy (Post 2498427)
Don't we as sportsmen want our sport to grow. This is what I keep hearing anyways. I for one do. I think by doing your proposed ideas we are limiting growth in our sport. I understand nobody likes long wait times to be drawn for something, Yes a lot of folks in our Provence can afford what you are proposing. There are also a lot that can not. You say go hunt a cow elk, and I say go hunt a general bull. Lets stick together as hunters and try and promote our sport.

How is waiting for 15 years to draw a bull Moose tag promoting our sport?

OpenRange 07-22-2014 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by dmcbride (Post 2498424)
Lots of 3 point or better general zones.

Ha, that's a joke! I own quite a bit of land that has bull elk and they won't give me a landowners tag for it and then you guys want to price me out of hunting on my own property, make me drive 4 hours to a general zone when I can shoot one 10 minutes from home. How about you guys quit complaining, pick a number and get in line. OR go and clean out your pockets, hire an outfitter and get your trophy. Simple!

Lefty-Canuck 07-22-2014 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by chuck (Post 2498426)
LC, your and my opinion of "elitist" vary greatly. $250 to go hunting a "sport" animal is hardly "elitist". My truck was built in 1994. Yours?

My truck was built in 2004 :)

....and it has AC :)


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