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dmcbride 10-16-2013 08:10 AM

Status Natives
I have been reading the other native reserve thread and some one stated that status natives can hunt anytime any where. My wife is a full status indian from the Queen Charelette islands and hunts. She has a wildlife certificate and buys tags. Is it true that she doesn't need a wildlife certificate and tags to hunt crown land? I always thought that natives could only hunt reserves anytime and crown land during the hunting season. Maybe I am confused with metis indians.

densa44 10-16-2013 08:29 AM

I think pretty much anywhere any time.
The treaty rights did not envisage a society or country that we have now but the rights to hunt last as long as the rives flow and the grass grows.

Some of the fellows I know don't hunt either because they are not interested or in one case " doesn't think that there are enough animals". Perry Large.

The other fellow who does hunt was taking his young son with him moose hunting, and I asked if he didn't think it was dangerous. He looked up and said, "We don't go when you guys are out there". Jim Cardinal.

Seems fair to me.

Alberta Bigbore 10-16-2013 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by dmcbride (Post 2156170)
I have been reading the other native reserve thread and some one stated that status natives can hunt anytime any where. My wife is a full status indian from the Queen Charelette islands and hunts. She has a wildlife certificate and buys tags. Is it true that she doesn't need a wildlife certificate and tags to hunt crown land? I always thought that natives could only hunt reserves anytime and crown land during the hunting season. Maybe I am confused with metis indians.

Yes you are confused with Metis... i was going to say more... but.. i reallynhave a hard time believing that if she is treaty status...that she is un aware of her hunting options. Im treaty status.. and mny members heee are as well.. just 95% of them dont make it known due to obvious reasons.

Alberta Bigbore 10-16-2013 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by densa44 (Post 2156202)

The other fellow who does hunt was taking his young son with him moose hunting, and I asked if he didn't think it was dangerous. He looked up and said, "We don't go when you guys are out there". Jim Cardinal.

Seems fair to me.

Heh...less chance of getting scoped staying out of the rifle seasons.

brownbomber 10-16-2013 09:09 AM

Hunting crown land and some of the problems you may encounter. some clown demands to see tags, try's to kick you off crown land (lol), tells you to get a job(funny we are both here on a Tuesday), calls you in to report a poacher even though you're hunting with tags and following all rules (but officer they're ..... Indians.... They must be doing something wrong)
And it goes on and on. Obviously not everybody is like that but a few are. So be aware of what you're doing before you take your "wife" hunting.

crownb 10-16-2013 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by Alberta Bigbore (Post 2156216)
Yes you are confused with Metis... i was going to say more... but.. i reallynhave a hard time believing that if she is treaty status...that she is un aware of her hunting options. Im treaty status.. and mny members heee are as well.. just 95% of them dont make it known due to obvious reasons.

Two things here, are you saying that you don't believe the op, that he is making this up. Secondly why do you say these other members are hiding for obvious reasons, you should be proud of who you are. It sure sounds like you are making judgements on other forum members, by saying status Indians and or métis Indians have to hide on this forum for obvious reasons, that is a definate judgement.:snapoutofit:

Alberta Bigbore 10-16-2013 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by crownb (Post 2156258)
Two things here, are you saying that you don't believe the op, that he is making this up. Secondly why do you say these other members are hiding for obvious reasons, you should be proud of who you are. It sure sounds like you are making judgements on other forum members, by saying status Indians and or métis Indians have to hide on this forum for obvious reasons, that is a definate judgement.:snapoutofit:

Is that u in the bottom slapping yourself?

Not making a judgement. I am aware if just over 30 status indians on this forum... how many do you know of? Only a handful post anything. And you know why. Dont tell me you are so blind, as to not see what almost every thread on native subsistence hunting leads to...or native status rights threads. Ya.. you snap out of it. :)

Alberta Bigbore 10-16-2013 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by brownbomber (Post 2156253)
Hunting crown land and some of the problems you may encounter. some clown demands to see tags, try's to kick you off crown land (lol), tells you to get a job(funny we are both here on a Tuesday), calls you in to report a poacher even though you're hunting with tags and following all rules (but officer they're ..... Indians.... They must be doing something wrong)
And it goes on and on. Obviously not everybody is like that but a few are. So be aware of what you're doing before you take your "wife" hunting.

Dont talk like this.. you are apparently making judgements of what other forum members are thinking.

biggameassassin 10-16-2013 09:26 AM

Native hunting rights
I've done much research on the topic and I've found you are allowed within alberta, Manitoba , and Saskatchewan. Other than that every other province has different rules, certain provinces have certain areas you may hunt if your tribe is from that province, like bc. Other than that I do not know the other provinces rules or regulations on aboriginal harvest of wild game.

Alberta Bigbore 10-16-2013 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by dmcbride (Post 2156170)
I have been reading the other native reserve thread and some one stated that status natives can hunt anytime any where. My wife is a full status indian from the Queen Charelette islands and hunts. She has a wildlife certificate and buys tags. Is it true that she doesn't need a wildlife certificate and tags to hunt crown land? I always thought that natives could only hunt reserves anytime and crown land during the hunting season. Maybe I am confused with metis indians.

But in other news yes.. in Alberta... crown land and private lands that you have permission on. You can harvest all species.... but some species you have to register....for example..bighorn sheep for one. And she can use a rifle if she chooses. I believe the same goes for sask and MB

recce43 10-16-2013 09:33 AM

they should make it standard hunting rules across the board for natives .

brownbomber 10-16-2013 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Alberta Bigbore (Post 2156270)
Dont talk like this.. you are apparently making judgements of what other forum members are thinking.

Would it be fair to then tell myself to get a job like the rest of us I mean you

Alberta Bigbore 10-16-2013 09:48 AM


brownbomber 10-16-2013 09:51 AM


crownb 10-16-2013 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by Alberta Bigbore (Post 2156267)
Is that u in the bottom slapping yourself?

Not making a judgement. I am aware if just over 30 status indians on this forum... how many do you know of? Only a handful post anything. And you know why. Dont tell me you are so blind, as to not see what almost every thread on native subsistence hunting leads to...or native status rights threads. Ya.. you snap out of it. :)

Clearly the snapping out of it icon was for you, clearly it didn't work. Does it matter how many status Indians I know, this is not a competition. I am glad there are all sorts on this forum it makes for better discussion. I feel like these discussions are to close to your heart for you to call, let me guess you will make another comment at the end of this thread and then close it, maybe another moderator should watch these threads, sure there are bad apples in every bunch, simply weed them out, this is obviously a discussion that needs to be had by all the comments and threads that are started.:)

Alberta Bigbore 10-16-2013 09:59 AM

Is that all you got?

pseelk 10-16-2013 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by brownbomber (Post 2156287)
Would it be fair to then tell myself to get a job like the rest of us I mean you

You already have a good job,any chance you could hire me?LOL

Alberta Bigbore 10-16-2013 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by crownb (Post 2156313)
Clearly the snapping out of it icon was for you, clearly it didn't work. Does it matter how many status Indians I know, this is not a competition. I am glad there are all sorts on this forum it makes for better discussion. I feel like these discussions are to close to your heart for you to call, let me guess you will make another comment at the end of this thread and then close it, maybe another moderator should watch these threads, sure there are bad apples in every bunch, simply weed them out, this is obviously a discussion that needs to be had by all the comments and threads that are started.:)

This is a classic comment a i get on a regular basis... even if i sneeze at a native thread. I guess you will just have to suck it up and move along. I was wondering when you would find your opening at me. But thats okay. We are going to get through this together. :)

crownb 10-16-2013 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Alberta Bigbore (Post 2156327)
This is a classic comment a i get on a regular basis... even if i sneeze at a native thread. I guess you will just have to suck it up and move along. I was wondering when you would find your opening at me. But thats okay. We are going to get through this together. :)

I wish you could discuss this fairly, if you want to engage in the conversation that's awesome, but it's kinda hard to have a discussion with a mod who could ban you, I am not looking for a fight but it feels like you are trying to provoke me, sorry it will not work, just trying to talk about an important issue that effects almost all of us if not all of us in this forum. Quit looking for a fight, that's how you shut these threads down, but it won't happen from me, you will have to provoke somebody else. See I can be happy too.:sHa_shakeshout:

Draxx11 10-16-2013 10:26 AM

I for one usually stay away from these threads as well. It will always be an issue. Never fails around this time of year the same threads go up about the same bull**** and no, I'm not referring to the OP. As for his question it has been answered in last few posts.

Yes I am treaty and I do exercise my rights. I'm not ashamed of it either. It still shocks me that this day and age this crap still goes on that people need to bash aboriginal people. Yah it does go both ways but more times then not it's going towards my people. Somebody puts up a poaching thread and automatically "must be a native" I do know natives that poach, would I ever do it? Of course not, I enjoy the actual hunt just as much if not more then the animal taken. I also know a lot more non-aborignal people that do in fact poach. It would be funny if you knew how many people wanted me to take an animal the taxidermist for them, or bring me along in case we see a moose..

My father isn't into hunting and I was taken under the wing of my friends family when it came to hunting. They are a Caucasian family and growing up hunting with these fine folks, having great trips hunting and learning the ropes brought me up in a different light of this topic. Joining this site a few years ago really opened up my eyes as to how many people dislike aboriginal hunting. I couldn't believe it.

Funny thing, I was down elk hunting south of suffield base a month ago and I got permission to hunt on a farmers land. He gladly gave me permission even knowing my background, really nice folks down that way may I add. I was successful in harvesting an elk. When he showed up to see what I got he told me I should have taken 2 or 3. I laughed and said "you don't hear that everyday." Then told him 1 is sufficient for me. There isn't really a point to this story, just wanted to share how different some peoples views are on the whole topic.

Anyway that's enough rambling for now.

Flight01 10-16-2013 10:40 AM

To the OP
1 Attachment(s)
My wife is status and so is my sisters fiancée . She is from alberta he is from the east coast. They have the same hunting rights here in Alberta. But, she would not have rights to hunt in Newfoundland as the same subsistence/treaty Rights don't exist there.... Or that's how I've read it so far. I've attached an excerpt from a government document I've recently read. I will try to find te actual link.

Alberta Bigbore 10-16-2013 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by crownb (Post 2156345)
I wish you could discuss this fairly, if you want to engage in the conversation that's awesome, but it's kinda hard to have a discussion with a mod who could ban you, I am not looking for a fight but it feels like you are trying to provoke me, sorry it will not work, just trying to talk about an important issue that effects almost all of us if not all of us in this forum. Quit looking for a fight, that's how you shut these threads down, but it won't happen from me, you will have to provoke somebody else. See I can be happy too.:sHa_shakeshout:

Lol.... you already did by saying i am making judgements on other members. Its a fact. Not my problem if you cant see it. Look at the dudes thread where he posted his uncles trophy class subsistence moose. That thread has been cleaned up of comments and then some even before the majority of members got a chance to see. Almost embarassing. Threads get locked down because they need to be or get reported posted so bad its not worth saving. You just feel that since im a status indian.. that if i lock down a native thread that i am playing favorites. Thats cool.. your not the only one who thinks that. I sense someone is a tad bitter in regarding something else

recce43 10-16-2013 11:22 AM

techincally the true natives came across from euroasia

Neolithic" is not generally used to describe indigenous cultures in the Americas, see Archaeology of the Americas.

The usual theory of the settlement of the Americas is that earliest ancestors of the peoples of the Americas came from Eurasia over a land bridge which connected the two continents across what is now the Bering Strait during a period of glaciation, when the sea water level was lower. The number and nature of these migrations is uncertain but the land bridge is believed to have existed only until about 12,000 years ago, when the land bridge was flooded.[13][14][15]

Three major migrations occurred, as traced by linguistic and genetic data; the early Paleoamericans soon spread throughout the Americas, diversifying into many hundreds of culturally distinct nations and tribes.[16][17] By 8000 BCE the North American climate was very similar to today's.[18]

The Clovis culture, a megafauna hunting culture of about 11,000 B.P., ranged over much of North America and also appeared in South America has been identified by the distinctive Clovis point. Dating of Clovis materials has been by association with animal bones and by the use of carbon dating methods.

Numerous Paleoindian cultures occupied North America. According to their oral histories they have been living on this continent since their genesis, described by a wide range of traditional creation stories. However, genetic and linguistic data connect the indigenous people of this continent with ancient northeast Asians.

A Folsom point for a spear.The Folsom Tradition was characterized by use of Folsom points as projectile tips, and data from kill sites, where slaughter and butchering of bison took place. Folsom tools were left behind between 9000 BCE and 8000 BCE.[19]

Na-Dené-speaking people's entered North America starting around 8000 BCE, reaching the Pacific Northwest by 5000 BCE,[20] and from there migrating along the Pacific Coast and into the interior. It is believed that their ancestors comprised a separate migration into North America, later than the first Paleo-Indians. They migrated into Alaska and northern Canada, south along the Pacific Coast, into the interior of Canada, and south to the Great Plains and the American Southwest. They were the earliest ancestors of the Athabascan- speaking peoples, including the present-day and historical Navajo and Apache.

dmcbride 10-16-2013 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Alberta Bigbore (Post 2156216)
Yes you are confused with Metis... i was going to say more... but.. i reallynhave a hard time believing that if she is treaty status...that she is un aware of her hunting options. Im treaty status.. and mny members heee are as well.. just 95% of them dont make it known due to obvious reasons.

She is definitley Treaty status. We also just got our son his status card. (He is only 50% native.) None of her family hunts. (more fisherman) I took her out 5 years ago and shot a doe with her in the ground blind and she has been hooked ever since. Thanks for the information everybody, just saved me about a 100 bucks in tags that weren't needed.

She is very proud of her heritage and doesn't mind letting everybody know. And yes, she works a full time job, except right now as she is on maternity leave for our second child. (A beautiful little girl)

Lefty-Canuck 10-16-2013 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Alberta Bigbore (Post 2156432)
Lol.... you already did by saying i am making judgements on other members. Its a fact. Not my problem if you cant see it. Look at the dudes thread where he posted his uncles trophy class subsistence moose. That thread has been cleaned up of comments and then some even before the majority of members got a chance to see. Almost embarassing. Threads get locked down because they need to be or get reported posted so bad its not worth saving. You just feel that since im a status indian.. that if i lock down a native thread that i am playing favorites. Thats cool.. your not the only one who thinks that. I sense someone is a tad bitter in regarding something else

To be fair...some people go looking for a fight...on either side of the arguement.

I made a comment on that thread that someone took as a "flaming" comment....when thats not what it was at all.

It is a touchy emotional topic....some people look to pick fights about it from each side...


just_dave 10-16-2013 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Alberta Bigbore (Post 2156327)
This is a classic comment a i get on a regular basis... even if i sneeze at a native thread. I guess you will just have to suck it up and move along. I was wondering when you would find your opening at me. But thats okay. We are going to get through this together. :)

Straight Tiger Blood.

recce43 10-16-2013 11:29 AM

the natives get more oil companies tear it up . forestry cuts it down the only common denomentor is the goverment they are the real issue

Alberta Bigbore 10-16-2013 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by dmcbride (Post 2156467)
She is definitley Treaty status. We also just got our son his status card. (He is only 50% native.) None of her family hunts. (more fisherman) I took her out 5 years ago and shot a doe with her in the ground blind and she has been hooked ever since. Thanks for the information everybody, just saved me about a 100 bucks in tags that weren't needed.

She is very proud of her heritage and doesn't mind letting everybody know. And yes, she works a full time job, except right now as she is on maternity leave for our second child. (A beautiful little girl)

Thats awesome....congrats on the little one. My daughter is is 2.5 years old have her card since she was half a year old... youngest person with government ID i have ever seen.

Alberta Bigbore 10-16-2013 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by Lefty-Canuck (Post 2156468)
To be fair...some people go looking for a fight...on either side of the arguement.

I made a comment on that thread that someone took as a "flaming" comment....when thats not what it was at all.

It is a touchy emotional topic....some people look to pick fights about it from each side...


I remember that comment.. it wasnt from me. I could clearly see what you were trying to say. Congrats again on that awesome elk you just arrowed.

Hilgy 10-16-2013 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by dmcbride (Post 2156467)
She is definitley Treaty status. We also just got our son his status card. (He is only 50% native.) None of her family hunts. (more fisherman) I took her out 5 years ago and shot a doe with her in the ground blind and she has been hooked ever since. Thanks for the information everybody, just saved me about a 100 bucks in tags that weren't needed. She is very proud of her heritage and doesn't mind letting everybody know. And yes, she works a full time job, except right now as she is on maternity leave for our second child. (A beautiful little girl)

Thats too bad thats $100 bucks that could be in the pot to support the sport that she has recently fell in love with.

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