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FishingMOM 01-17-2012 06:54 PM

Stinky has a question....
So he asked me the other day if there is hunting in heaven?
Will there be all kinds of deer in heaven?
Do hunting dogs go to heaven?

Can I use a gun to hunt in heaven? Do hunters guns all go to heaven when they die?

WayneChristie 01-17-2012 07:01 PM

watch Sons Of Guns and you will see what heaven is like when it comes to guns!

gilbertslake 01-17-2012 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by FishingMOM (Post 1261732)
So he asked me the other day if there is hunting in heaven?
Will there be all kinds of deer in heaven?
Do hunting dogs go to heaven?

Can I use a gun to hunt in heaven? Do hunters guns all go to heaven when they die?

Tell him, yes to all of the above and tell him not to worry, he won't need a license or tags :sHa_shakeshout:

Grizzly Adams 01-17-2012 07:08 PM

That poor kid really needs some Male influence in his life. :D


Ryry4 01-17-2012 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by gilbertslake (Post 1261757)
tell him, yes to all of the above and tell him not to worry, he won't need a license or tags :sha_shakeshout:

x 2.

jungleboy 01-17-2012 07:33 PM

Yes but you can't lie about how far you shot or how far you walked .:)and if you poach you go straight to ... well you know ...

huntinstuff 01-17-2012 07:35 PM

Hunting IS Heaven

Tell him hunters go to heaven and anti hunters go to heaven too...... but they are the "game"

vcmm 01-17-2012 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by huntinstuff (Post 1261808)
Hunting IS Heaven

Tell him hunters go to heaven and anti hunters go to heaven too...... but they are the "game"

Best one today, Randy:sHa_shakeshout:

omega50 01-17-2012 07:39 PM

All of the above, but NO Savage Rifles in heaven

vcmm 01-17-2012 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by omega50 (Post 1261812)
All of the above, but NO Savage Rifles in heaven

Wait for it:argue2::party0052:

FishingMOM 01-17-2012 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by huntinstuff (Post 1261808)
Hunting IS Heaven

Tell him hunters go to heaven and anti hunters go to heaven too...... but they are the "game"

He doesnt know what anti-hunters are yet.

I always answer his questions but he wanted confirmation from "real hunters" cause they know for sure mom is what he said.

Grizz, I do try to give him male role models. Your implying that I don't is rather insulting. He is exposed to many different things and experiences.

NoKlu 01-17-2012 08:17 PM

They only have Stevens with a solid stock and a great trigger. :sHa_shakeshout:

vcmm 01-17-2012 08:21 PM

Like Santa, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny etc. Keep the dreams alive. His only a kid once!

bb356 01-17-2012 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by FishingMOM (Post 1261732)
So he asked me the other day if there is hunting in heaven?
Will there be all kinds of deer in heaven?
Do hunting dogs go to heaven?

Can I use a gun to hunt in heaven? Do hunters guns all go to heaven when they die?

If there ain't HUNTING in heaven ............. I'll give HELL a try !!!!!! :character0110:

SonnyJ 01-17-2012 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by bb356 (Post 1261871)
If there ain't HUNTING in heaven ............. I'll give HELL a try !!!!!! :character0110:

Don't forget your zombie loads...:scared0018:

jungleboy 01-17-2012 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by bb356 (Post 1261871)
If there ain't HUNTING in heaven ............. I'll give HELL a try !!!!!! :character0110:

hunting in hell i would imagine too but i think you have to wear a fur coat and an antler hat ....oh and Rosie and Oprah are there too:sHa_shakeshout:

Alberta Bigbore 01-17-2012 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by huntinstuff (Post 1261808)
Hunting IS Heaven

Tell him hunters go to heaven and anti hunters go to heaven too...... but they are the "game"

thats comedy

bb356 01-17-2012 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by SonnyJ (Post 1261884)
Don't forget your zombie loads...:scared0018:

Do zombie's go to hell ? Kin you whip up a recipe for a 30-30 ? :)

Sneeze 01-17-2012 08:41 PM

All bird dogs go to heaven. I may not be welcome there, but he better let my dogs in or else.

duffy4 01-17-2012 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by FishingMOM (Post 1261732)
So he asked me the other day if there is hunting in heaven?
Will there be all kinds of deer in heaven?
Do hunting dogs go to heaven?

Can I use a gun to hunt in heaven? Do hunters guns all go to heaven when they die?

You better tell him there are very few theologians and philosophers that frequent the board. The rest of us have our theories and ideas but no one really knows the TRUTH on this question. There are however a lot of comedians who will have a stab at answering.

dewalt18 01-17-2012 10:20 PM

The answer is yes
The best answer was hunting is heaven
Tell him life is to be lived and experienced for all it has to offer, and in that are all the returns heaven could ever offer

Mistagin 01-17-2012 11:43 PM

Well, being one of the 'resident theologians' on the site, I can say I honestly don't know if there is hunting in 'heaven'. It's entirely possible, in the Biblical book of Ezekiel, in chapter 47 there is a description of what is considered to be a vision of the "new heavens and earth" and it says there will be fishing (verse 10) :fishing:, and there will be lots of fish to be caught :sHa_shakeshout:, so why not hunting?

Of course, only Excalibur crossbows will be allowed - ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha :scared0018:

Albertadiver 01-17-2012 11:44 PM

I thought this thread was created by my wife. I call her stinky all the time.

Well... guess I was wrong!

KegRiver 01-18-2012 01:04 AM

What we tell our children about such things is really an individual thing.
So much depends on what you have told him about heaven in the past.
Consistency is very important in a child's early life.

I told my grand-kids that I believe, ( I made a point of the fact that I don't know ) but I believe that there will be animals in heaven but we won't hunt in heaven, because there will be no need to kill in order to feed ourselves.
Then I told them that I believe we will have so many other interesting and fun things to do we won't want to hunt anyway.

nemo 01-18-2012 01:43 AM

Sounds like a great kid! Why would you call him "Stinky"? Hope he grows out of that soon, especially if it's because of his pants! LOL!

Dacotensis 01-18-2012 11:25 AM

I went to a funeral for my cousin last week.
I never pegged him for the "god" type.
It was a religious based funeral.
I told my family and Gf after that I plan to live to 100, but if this fails and I pass earlier than planned, I don't want any mention of "Him". I was raised Rc, but that belief system has passed.
I told them I don't want a flower display and all that stuff. I told them to design a bird blind made of willows, maybe even a bale blind. Drape camo netting over the stage. Post up a bunch of pictures with me hunting with family and friends.
What we tell our children is part of "our" belief system.
I don't belive, so I don't spread the word.

Now there can be a differnce between being religious and being spiritual.
I belive in being a good person-or trying to be anyway. Am I always successfull? I'm getting a lot better at it than I was in my youth.This is all I can tell my younguns, and demonstrate it to them.

catnthehat 01-18-2012 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by Dacotensis (Post 1262720)
I went to a funeral for my cousin last week.
I never pegged him for the "god" type.
It was a religious based funeral.
I told my family and Gf after that I plan to live to 100, but if this fails and I pass earlier than planned, I don't want any mention of "Him". I was raised Rc, but that belief system has passed.
I told them I don't want a flower display and all that stuff. I told them to design a bird blind made of willows, maybe even a bale blind. Drape camo netting over the stage. Post up a bunch of pictures with me hunting with family and friends.
What we tell our children is part of "our" belief system.
I don't belive, so I don't spread the word.

Now there can be a differnce between being religious and being spiritual.
I belive in being a good person-or trying to be anyway. Am I always successfull? I'm getting a lot better at it than I was in my youth.This is all I can tell my younguns, and demonstrate it to them.

Now THAT would be sumthin'!!:sHa_shakeshout:
Layout blind and my favourite SXS hammer double in there with me, dress in my best carhartts and campaign hat!!:sHa_shakeshout:
S0mehow I think the war department wold derrail that one.....:confused:


nekred 01-18-2012 11:44 AM

Hey Fishing Mom...

All I say is that heaven is what people percieve it to be... So what he thinks heaven will will be like that is his own personal idea and opinion and no one should ever take that away from him.

for some it is being able to hunt and fish, for some horseback riding through the mountain meadows, for others sitting on clouds playing a harp...

Whatever floats your own boat!....

What is most important is the path between here and there. Often we may find pieces of our own heaven between here and there!.

As I lean back and picture seeing a fly line drifting downstream towards a lunker trout rising for my fly with a good cigar in my mouth and a glass of wonderful Scotch in hand with rest of the bottle chilling in the stream edge....with snow capped paeks in background and my trusty dog who passed many years ago laying peacefully on bank with one eyebrow raised as he often did...

Or it may just be as simple as a group hug from my four boys when I com home from a busy day at work...

heaven is what and where one finds it!....

FishingMOM 01-18-2012 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by nemo (Post 1262298)
Sounds like a great kid! Why would you call him "Stinky"? Hope he grows out of that soon, especially if it's because of his pants! LOL!

Ever since he was a baby he farted when hugged.

He had a care giver at one time who complained his diapers stunk so bad she had to wear a gas mask. ***NO KIDDING YOU FEED HIM CURRY***

nekred 01-18-2012 11:48 AM

The North American aboriginal version of heaven is where the spirits of men hunt the spirits of animals.... (AKA Happy Hunting Ground)

Many aboriginal cultures have very similar beliefs... funny how the primitive view is all so common..

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