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bdub 12-13-2018 04:41 PM

Whistler trying get oil companies to pay for climate change costs
Whistler wants Alberta Oil Companies to pay for their costs of climate change. Wow.

pikergolf 12-13-2018 05:05 PM

There is stupid, special stupid, BC stupid.

drhu22 12-13-2018 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by pikergolf (Post 3892426)
There is stupid, special stupid, BC stupid.

BC has no monopoly on stupid... you've been on this forum long enough to know that.

fishtank 12-13-2018 05:26 PM

whistler is full of snowflakes.... actually canada is full of snowflakes now, hopefully the next winds of change will blows them all away.

curtz 12-13-2018 05:31 PM

You have to wonder if people have nothing better to do than think this s!!t up. Scary thing is that our courts are dumb enough to agree with Wistler.

HoytCRX32 12-13-2018 06:07 PM

Just when you thought they couldn’t get dumber.....enter....Whistler mayor:snapoutofit:

2 Tollers 12-13-2018 06:26 PM

I wonder why they do not target that big pile of US thermal coal that is staged for shipping to China, on the island in Vancouver harbour? Once burned that coal is much more harmful to the environment. A little to close to home perhaps and they do not want to draw attention to their own backyard?

CaberTosser 12-13-2018 06:56 PM

The irony is pretty thick there, this almost sounds like an article from The Onion! I'm basing this on the fact that Whistler only exists at all because of abundant affordable energy, were it not for Canadians having built themselves into a first world 'have' nation we would never have been able to build Whistler; everything from the road to get there to the buildings to the food and waste being trucked in and out of the place. The entire facility relies on everything being shipped to it, they are self-sufficient for pretty much nothing save for the scenery. The reason that Whistler was built at all was strictly for leisure activities, being that the leisure activities they provide are very carbon intensive I propose that Whistler be closed, the buildings razed, the land restored, the road to it torn up & covered with boulders dynamited from the mountainsides and the place unincorporated as a political entity. Whistler is an entirely unnecessary blight on the environment. That plus it has a murderous luge track, that thing is as dangerous as an unregistered handgun!

elk396 12-13-2018 07:01 PM

As all the snowflakes fly into Vancouver and either rent a car or jump on a bus to get up to Whistler. Talk about stunned people or what. We need Kenney to close the pipe to those guys for a month or two. That might wake them up.

dgrimard 12-13-2018 08:25 PM

this is nuts
I can"t believe the cahonos on some people. This has become and absolute witch hunt and money grabbing skeem... I am very disappointed as a proud Canadian that this is what people think of other provinces and company's with in this country.

To me there has to be real consequences. This will only get worst before it gets better and it is time to say "Enough" and protect Alberta interests even more. Be that shutting down the flow or stopping equalization payments. I am sure we can find a judge in Alberta to support these measures.

elkhunter11 12-13-2018 08:36 PM

The businesses in Whistler gladly accepted a great deal of cash from people in the oil industry over the years. This stupidity is likely going to result in a lot of people in the oil industry spending their money elsewhere. So in the end, this will likely cost them money.

Twisted Canuck 12-13-2018 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by 2 Tollers (Post 3892480)
I wonder why they do not target that big pile of US thermal coal that is staged for shipping to China, on the island in Vancouver harbour? Once burned that coal is much more harmful to the environment. A little to close to home perhaps and they do not want to draw attention to their own backyard?

This! Exactly. The CO2 that is emitted from BC coal in China is orders of magnitude worse than any oil from Alberta. Hypocrisy at it's BC finest.

calgarychef 12-13-2018 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by CaberTosser (Post 3892511)
The irony is pretty thick there, this almost sounds like an article from The Onion! I'm basing this on the fact that Whistler only exists at all because of abundant affordable energy, were it not for Canadians having built themselves into a first world 'have' nation we would never have been able to build Whistler; everything from the road to get there to the buildings to the food and waste being trucked in and out of the place. The entire facility relies on everything being shipped to it, they are self-sufficient for pretty much nothing save for the scenery. The reason that Whistler was built at all was strictly for leisure activities, being that the leisure activities they provide are very carbon intensive I propose that Whistler be closed, the buildings razed, the land restored, the road to it torn up & covered with boulders dynamited from the mountainsides and the place unincorporated as a political entity. Whistler is an entirely unnecessary blight on the environment. That plus it has a murderous luge track, that thing is as dangerous as an unregistered handgun!


CaberTosser 12-13-2018 09:03 PM

I think its a much shorter list of what Whistler is self-sufficient for compared to what it has to truck in. Its visitors drive automobiles, take buses and occasionally helicopter their way there. Every last morsel of food is trucked there, waste is trucked away, they need building materials and tradespeople, cooks, hotel staff, lift mechanics, structural steel for lift towers, wire rope to hang the chair lifts from, refrigeration for the bobsled and luge facilities, energy to all the buildings as well as those outdoor pools and hot tubs, fuel for maintenance vehicles and plows for the roads.... I also don't think there are solar-recharged electric SnowCats for grooming the runs quite yet :thinking-006:

Hmm. Curious if the Whistler mayor has ever uttered the phrase "Let them eat cake!" ?

Oblivious buffoon. Must have shared more than a few bongs with Trudeau.

Au revoir, Gopher 12-13-2018 09:38 PM

Once again proving that BC stands for British California


CaberTosser 12-13-2018 10:25 PM

I bet when Ezekiel, Samuel and the lads are standing the new barn, they have Mayor Jack prep up a nice tray of sandwiches and squeeze a few pitchers of lemonade to keep the men fed:

tri777 12-13-2018 10:29 PM

One of the very first things i would do if
I were appointed King of Alberta,
Those in favor of this Global cooling/warming clique-agenda, must be the one's to fund it. It is nothing more than a belief system i want no part of. ('Gavel slams')

does it ALL outdoors 12-13-2018 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by CaberTosser (Post 3892511)
The irony is pretty thick there, this almost sounds like an article from The Onion!

No kidding.

Absolutely ABSURD! :angry3:

I'd like to see what kind of subsidies they have received over the last 20-30 years, what did THEY do about it?

A whole new low, even for the looney left coast.

In a perfect world CNRL would sue them for libel & slander and win.

nelsonob1 12-13-2018 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by does it ALL outdoors (Post 3892764)

In a perfect world CNRL would sue them for libel & slander and win.

Apparently it has to be B.S. for slander. Myopic self interest does not count.

does it ALL outdoors 12-13-2018 11:38 PM

I'm betting he will not receive a response.

West Van not to be out done.

CanadianEh 12-14-2018 12:12 AM

Likely an attempt at payback for Calgary voting no to the Olympics.

Don't forget the "Calgary Olympics" ski and snowboard events wree to be held at the conniving BC resort of Whistler. Without all those free tourism dollars from "Calgary's Olympics" they need a new handout.

As a proud Canadian, it is very hard for me to admit that; I lean just a little closer every day to separation from a country that uses us, hates us and takes Alberta for granted.

TreeGuy 12-14-2018 12:24 AM

Caber gets it. :)

JB_AOL 12-14-2018 07:24 AM

OMFG.. I can not handle the amount of idiots in this world..

I don't get their "end game".. Honestly.. What would they gain by posting something like this? ****ing off more tourists? do they really think that CNRL would pay them?

Whistler used to be on my bucket list.. Guess I'll never see it.

bobtodrick 12-14-2018 08:27 AM

Well, being that Jasper was just voted the #1 ski town in North America by USA'd think the mayor of Whistler would be little more inviting.

Big Grey Wolf 12-14-2018 08:59 AM

Then we wonder why Alberta cannot get a pipeline to tide water to export our natural resources and do heavy lifting to build Whistler??

bdub 12-14-2018 08:59 AM

Energy firms pull out of Whistler Investment Conference
Energy firms are now voting with their feet by backing out of a large investment conference to be held in Whistler. One head honcho at Prairie Sky saying "we won't spend our time or shareholders money" at Whistler. Hopefully the conference goes down the crapper.

Anvil1010 12-14-2018 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by bdub (Post 3892929)
Energy firms are now voting with their feet by backing out of a large investment conference to be held in Whistler. One head honcho at Prairie Sky saying "we won't spend our time or shareholders money" at Whistler. Hopefully the conference goes down the crapper.

That is great to hear. :sHa_shakeshout::sHa_shakeshout::sHa_shakeshout:

Scott N 12-14-2018 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by bdub (Post 3892929)
Energy firms are now voting with their feet by backing out of a large investment conference to be held in Whistler. One head honcho at Prairie Sky saying "we won't spend our time or shareholders money" at Whistler. Hopefully the conference goes down the crapper.

I hope more of this stuff starts happening.

Husty 12-14-2018 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by 2 Tollers (Post 3892480)
I wonder why they do not target that big pile of US thermal coal that is staged for shipping to China, on the island in Vancouver harbour? Once burned that coal is much more harmful to the environment. A little to close to home perhaps and they do not want to draw attention to their own backyard?

Only a small portion of coal going out of that port is thermal coal, the rest is metallurgical coal which comes from BC, which actually burns fairly clean.. Not saying its much better after all the emissions from extraction and shipping by rail then across the ocean. But its definitely not US made thermal coal, China mines their own thermal coal. People living close to the port do complain about coal dust though.

wildbill 12-14-2018 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by bdub (Post 3892422)
Whistler wants Alberta Oil Companies to pay for their costs of climate change. Wow.

What a joke, Vancouver is the biggest exporter of coal in the world, time to look in the mirror maybe?
That's what happens when you quit eatin meat and crank 20 marleys a day!!
And the rich yuppies at whistler, get them to pay for this crock o'bs! It seems no one wants to work anymore and everyone just wants a free handout for doin absolutely jack squat!!!
One thing that really chaps my ass is all these useless crybabies who think they have all the answers, but don't work, and have zero life skills (aside from doin dabs) , u wanna make difference? Put the bong down and get a job, earn yer dang keep!!!!!!!!

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