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touchwood 10-31-2011 04:42 PM

Travers Closure
I have been reading alot about the closure, does anybody know where they are planning on closing it to?
I have heard that they are wanting it to be closed from the river past the campground...this would mean that there would be no fishing from the docks.
I sure hope this is not true, what about all of us that can't afford a boat and want to take our kids fishing..

sheephunter 10-31-2011 04:45 PM


Travers Reservoir and Little Bow River Open – May 8 – Mar 15 Open June 1 – Mar 15 Walleye spawn at the mouth and lower reaches of the Little Bow River upstream of Travers Reservoir, and stage at the west end of Travers. In cooler springs, walleye spawning doesn’t start until early May. The conservation closure is to protect fish spawning in the spring.


touchwood 10-31-2011 05:15 PM

Thanks Sheep but it does not answer my question as to at what point the river end and the lake start.

fishpro 10-31-2011 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by touchwood (Post 1140367)
Thanks Sheep but it does not answer my question as to at what point the river end and the lake start.

From what I'm reading it sounds like they will close the entire lake from March 16th to May 31st. So there will simply be an extended closed time but then lots of time when the entire lake is open.

touchwood 10-31-2011 05:40 PM

Thanks Fishpro
The west arm is going to be closed till June 1 but the rest of the lake will open in May, I just want to know at what point the closure is going to start and can my kids fish on the provincial docks?

fishpro 10-31-2011 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by touchwood (Post 1140394)
Thanks Fishpro
The west arm is going to be closed till June 1 but the rest of the lake will open in May, I just want to know at what point the closure is going to start and can my kids fish on the provincial docks?

I'm not actually positive about it, that's just what I got from the short bit I read. This is just what's proposed, I'm sure it will be explained better in the regs next year.

Hooker 10-31-2011 07:45 PM

Your best bet is to phone the Fish & Wildlife office in Lethbridge.

npauls 10-31-2011 10:31 PM

I can't see them making fishing off of the docks off limits. There is just way to many people that use the docks to fish from. I think if they do close the west arm completely they will have to make the boundary a bit more west.

I am thinking that the pump house at the corner would be a good place to make the border.

Horseshoe 10-31-2011 10:33 PM

I went to the meeting about this closure of the west arm at Travers Reservoir. I can confirm that the west arm will be closed until June 1st, 100 hundred yards west of the dock. As discussed in the meeting, the dock and main lake will be open May 8th (Keeping this open for families & kids to fish off the dock.) Thanks to Walleye Unlimited for support on this closure on the west arm (to help with the spawning).

horsetrader 11-01-2011 09:28 PM

Is not the dock area a pre spawn staging and post spawn resting area why would they not close it for that extra 3 weeks to to save the walleye from being harassed pryer to spawning or while recovering from it.I don't think that 3 weeks would be to much to ask if there is a chance that it improves the fishing the rest of the season and seasons to come.

chubbdarter 11-01-2011 09:48 PM

I'm not sure who all the member of WU backed this reg change but I find it rather unsettling.
I support fishing for everyone,especially kids but we also must teach young fisherman to be good gaurdians of the resource. Teach them young to become good educators for their children. I always thought that was one of the major goals of WU.
Gawd forbid.
TU opens up Smith Dorrien to kids and families , so they can catch spawning Bulltrout
DU opens up duck hunting so kids and families can blow up ducks on their nests.
I won't get into the NON transperancy of the whole system again as it appears something that we must live with without choice.

chubbdarter 11-01-2011 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by horsetrader (Post 1142032)
Is not the dock area a pre spawn staging and post spawn resting area why would they not close it for that extra 3 weeks to to save the walleye from being harassed pryer to spawning or while recovering from it.I don't think that 3 weeks would be to much to ask if there is a chance that it improves the fishing the rest of the season and seasons to come.

It amazes me how something so basic is understood by a fisherman who has fished Travers ONCE, understands the simple equation of leaving pre and post spawn fish alone.Yet a club with members that fish Travers all year back the idea of fishing for fish in spawn. If anything you regulate fish populations by harvest regulations not by causing choas in their spawn

HOGSLAYER 11-01-2011 10:18 PM

I would have to agree that the well being of Spawning and post spawn fish
warrant the closure over some kids missing out on a weekend or two of dock
fishing. Our being selfish today will ruin it for those very kids and there kids if
we do not look after these Child bearing mothers.:) SRD bio for the area is
Terry Clayton Email is he would like to hear from all
fisherman pro or against maybe let the other members know how you made out. Peace to all

New Hunter Okotoks 11-01-2011 11:24 PM

Why WOULDN'T anybody support this closure??? It obviously allows for Walleye to do their thing in privacy without pressures from us and then to re-group,heal and rest before heading back out into the big water. Not closing allows for a potential slaughter. It would be essentially shooting fish in a barrell.

An ideal conservation moment presents itself when a young kid asks why they can't go fishing off the dock. "Well son,we could catch fish pretty easily right now but then we would not have any to catch next year."

Anybody who feels that they absolutely need to catch fish that easily (for their sake or for their kids' enjoyment) should go to the local stocked trout pond where more stock can be added annually.

The Fisherman Guy 11-01-2011 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by chubbdarter (Post 1142095)
we also must teach young fisherman to be good gaurdians of the resource. Teach them young to become good educators for their children.

I agree with the closure, for many reasons. The above being at the top of the list along with protection during the spawn.

Ultimately, it means a better fishery. What's not to like about that?

gl2 11-02-2011 01:25 AM

my full support.
traverse is a special place and means many different things to all of us, but in the end as fisherman we all should be conservationists and looking after the best interest of the resource long term. pre, post and spawning fish need to be taking care of. taking extra precaution now means solidifying a solid fishery for us later and for future generations of anglers. i believe its the right thing to do and i am happy to support it.

gramps73 11-02-2011 09:02 AM

I support the closure but not the dock closing...
I read these posts and must say that it makes me sick, I have pictures of more then enough of you fishing the river opening day and hammering fish...
so much for protecting our spawning fish.
So to come on here and say that it is wrong, it starts with you. Wether the river is closed or not if you are such a supported of saving our fish then i ask, why are you fishing in the river?

In Feb & March when these said fish are heading up the river to spawn, the same guys are sitting in there ice shacks and hammering these fish once again...

Sorry guys I have to say that I dissagree on this one....

The river is closing and the dissagreement has to do with 100 yards of river.

horsetrader 11-02-2011 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by gramps73 (Post 1142463)
I read these posts and must say that it makes me sick, I have pictures of more then enough of you fishing the river opening day and hammering fish...
so much for protecting our spawning fish.
So to come on here and say that it is wrong, it starts with you. Wether the river is closed or not if you are such a supported of saving our fish then i ask, why are you fishing in the river?

In Feb & March when these said fish are heading up the river to spawn, the same guys are sitting in there ice shacks and hammering these fish once again...

Sorry guys I have to say that I dissagree on this one....

The river is closing and the dissagreement has to do with 100 yards of river.

Well I would say if you have pictures of me fishing there opening day then produce them if not you are just another troller trying to cause trouble.

gramps73 11-02-2011 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by horsetrader (Post 1142474)
Well I would say if you have pictures of me fishing there opening day then produce them if not you are just another troller trying to cause trouble.

I dont think that I said anybodys name but if you would like i could, I see that you are from up north so I wounder how mush time you spend the said body of water....
So get your boat a troll in your own back yard.

horsetrader 11-02-2011 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by gramps73 (Post 1142484)
I dont think that I said anybodys name but if you would like i could, I see that you are from up north so I wounder how mush time you spend the said body of water....
So get your boat a troll in your own back yard.

It is not a matter of where your from it is a matter of regs being changed to improve the fishery in Alberta. Maybe it will take people from the north to help if there is to many people like you and your thinking in the south. So I think I will TROLL your back yard for a while and see what else I can find out.

iliketrout 11-02-2011 11:10 AM

I support the full closure, including the dock. I can wait another couple weeks to help protect one of the better walleye fisheries in southern AB.

Wouldn't mind seeing a slot size either :scared0018:

chubbdarter 11-02-2011 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by gramps73 (Post 1142463)
I read these posts and must say that it makes me sick, I have pictures of more then enough of you fishing the river opening day and hammering fish...
so much for protecting our spawning fish.
So to come on here and say that it is wrong, it starts with you. Wether the river is closed or not if you are such a supported of saving our fish then i ask, why are you fishing in the river?

In Feb & March when these said fish are heading up the river to spawn, the same guys are sitting in there ice shacks and hammering these fish once again...

Sorry guys I have to say that I dissagree on this one....

The river is closing and the dissagreement has to do with 100 yards of river.

Its been a long time since ive been up the Arm to fish , im guessing 9 years. I can actually confirm the date if i go thru my yearly diaries of Travers. Its possibly longer for the last time I set up icefishing in the Arm. Im not doubting you have pics of many people fishing inside the area west of the boat launch. But if there is guys posting in this thread that are willing to change their tactics....even for the reason that SRD has said the last test net was NOT good, isnt that a educated conservation change in ethics for the better? This is a movement that should be applauded. Im worried more about the fisherman that have fished the Arm and even though SRD has said a problem exists continue to insist they should be allowed to still fish for spawning fish.
I understand your passion for leaving the dock area open for the kids and I respect that. The real fear when i attended the meeting is that this reg change discussion would actually increase the walleyes problem. It was kinda a no win situation. It was and is a discussion that needs to be publically debated but with public debate comes more pressure for the ARM. Many people just know its a good place to catch early season walleye now many more know because of the debate that must happen for all to be heard.
You heard my views at the meeting and i still stand by what i know from my years on Travers. Where i want the boundary markers will never happen thats plain and simple.
What im asking is that we make a true conservation effort to protect spawning fish, not just a half hearted effort that will be reviewed again in 7 7 years if its all over but the crying..should we have done more? Isnt it easier in 7 years to say the closure has been a total sucess and we need to review new boundaries to allow a greater harvest?
Ive said this before what surprizes me greatly is what SRD is seems to not know, and if they are now in a position to want reg bad is it really?
Just so you and everyone can flame me.....i want the boundary to cross from Pelican point to the deep coulee in Ling bay. This area is where the water temps stabilize and fish find comfort there to pre and post spawn. This area also contains water deeper than 30 feet and during bad weather the eyes seek its comfort and im especially against the fishing of eyes in this situation.

Most importantly i applaud anyone who is willing to change their tactics for the betterment of any fish regardless of what, where or how they fished before. The reason isnt even may be what SRD has said or other fisherman have said.
If i could suggest a way to accomodate shore fisherman and families i would be standing on a soap box screaming it at the top of my lungs. Sadly i cant. It will break my heart to hear from one sad kid who is bummed he cant fish during the closure. It will break my heart twice over to explain to the same kid why Travers is a long lost memory like other lakes we have lost.

fish farmer 11-02-2011 12:10 PM

I've been a long time lurker and signed up not to long ago so I could view pictures. I have never really felt the urge to post until now. I fully 100% supposrt this closure, in fact I would love it to be until June 30. I really do appreciate the concern for kids, I don't have any myself but I have nieces who love to fish, in fact I just finished loading up and wrapping a pink tacklebox for one of their bdays. I would like to see it closed from the boat launch west including the dock. What's the point of closing anything if we aren't going to protect them for post spawn when they are tired and susceptible to dieing easy? I've fished in the river, it was open so I took advantage of it. I admit to fishing there but I'm totally fine with closing it so we have a better fishery for years to come. Gramps you say that people are being hypocritical because they say close the arm and are worried about keeping the fish safe during pre, spawn, and post. Some of the most damage is being done by the SAWT tourny at travers, when you get 50 or more boats in the river of supposed walleye "pros" catching these vulnerable fish it takes a major toll. If we don't protect the fish here there won't be a tourny in the future. So why doesn't SAWT put up their own boundaries as I'm sure they are concerned about conservation and protecting the fish, or are they more concerned about their tournament anglers catching fish and filling up the tourny? So I say close it from the launch up stream. There's plenty of oither places on Travers and surrounding waters with easy shore access. I hate seeing kids upset that they couldn't fish or catch fish but is it not better to have it closed till mid-june every year while the fishing on the reservoir still is good or do we want it so no one can catch fish off the dock or in the lake in the future because its a collapsed fishery?

New Hunter Okotoks 11-02-2011 12:35 PM

[QUOTE=gramps73;1142463]I read these posts and must say that it makes me sick, I have pictures of more then enough of you fishing the river opening day and hammering fish...
so much for protecting our spawning fish.
So to come on here and say that it is wrong, it starts with you. QUOTE]

It starts with all of us. I think that is why anglers want the closure.

BTW,you don't have any pictures of me. I have never hammered fish in my life and am no threat to Walleye stocks on Travers or any other body of water. If I could learn how to catch them that might be a different story.

Daceminnow 11-02-2011 06:28 PM

lots of confusion surrounding this change and even more so after reading some of the posts on this thread. i've recently visited both the walleye unlimited and s.a.w.t. web pages as well as any info on the srd bio and his works on the waters he attends to. i've found the same fella that is the president wu, a walleye conservation organization and the president of the s.a.w.t organization is the same guy. busy man. is this wrong? not for me to say. i will say however though a walleye conservation organization should be very, very concerned about this issue. i will also say the s.a.w.t. organization should respect a known pre-spawn, post-spawn, and spawning area. fishing elsewhere when the walleye need to breed and rest. no different then any other sport fisherman and the young up and coming fisher people we are raising, our children. i'm sure all of the above mentioned parties, both organizations and us the fisherpeople would like to enjoy the fishery of today at Travers for years to come. therefore all parties should be on the same page concerning the walleye conservation for the future on all waters. are we? who answers to who? again, i don't know. i also don't know who these new OA members are, that are popping up on these threads concerning this closure. they do have a lot of information to share. thank-you for that. for myself, my family is on the water most weeks of the year more than once a week. we don't need to fish of the dock at travers, in fact we never have. my kids have a pretty good grasp on why 90 percent of the fish we land swim home. if i ever needed to explain why fishing from a certain dock was not allowed, well it's really a no-brainer. "this area is were the majority of the fish in this system make their babies, junior. they need to be left alone, so we can enjoy the fishing here again." nuff said.

Hogslayer - thanks for posting Terry's email addy, i will send him a note.
Gramps - there is a common bond here among posters, i'm not sure why you're missing it.
N.O.H - make the time to come out, and you'll get into fish. i'll make sure of that and you know that.


Horseshoe 11-02-2011 10:18 PM

Walleye Unlimited has been working for 2-3 years on getting this closure on the west arm. We have successfully met our goal. Everyone who does fish Travers should be pleased with this closure, AS WE DIDN'T HAVE IT BEFORE. As to where the boundaries should be, not everyone is going to agree.

As far as myself being the President of Walleye Unlimited and SAWT, please be advised that I have resigned from the Walleye Unlimited in September but the website has not been updated (as these are all volunteer positions).


I see alot of people who like to voice their opinion and complain but when it comes to volunteering for any events or stepping up for positions, I don't see anybody.

horsetrader 11-02-2011 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Horseshoe (Post 1143598)
Walleye Unlimited has been working for 2-3 years on getting this closure on the west arm. We have successfully met our goal. Everyone who does fish Travers should be pleased with this closure, AS WE DIDN'T HAVE IT BEFORE. As to where the boundaries should be, not everyone is going to agree.

As far as myself being the President of Walleye Unlimited and SAWT, please be advised that I have resigned from the Walleye Unlimited in September but the website has not been updated (as these are all volunteer positions).


I see alot of people who like to voice their opinion and complain but when it comes to volunteering for any events or stepping up for positions, I don't see anybody.

And where do you advertise these events or advertise for volunteers. I have been in alberta for 4 years and frequent most tackle and sporting goods stores and have been on here for a fair time. How do you expect people to contribute if they hear nothing about the events.

RUG RAT 11-03-2011 02:01 PM

I'm with Brian on this one. I have fished the river now for many years as well as the rest of the Res. I would have to say that the large majority of legal sized Walleye that I have seen caught were west of the docks. Mostly around the corner and towards the pink house. Geez at least Brian has managed to get this much of the west arm closed. The guys got a big heart and he knows theres alot of kids that enjoy fishing off the docks. I think any of us that have observed the fishing at the docks can agree that there are very few legals caught off the docks. As for where to find out about Walleye Unlimited we have been around for years. Monthly meetings, sportsman shows, web site etc. Come out to the next meeting in Nov. and check us out. Thanks.

HOGSLAYER 11-03-2011 02:23 PM

Well said Rugrat. I think Brian has done a terrific job as the past president of Walleye Unlimited and through his relentless pursuit of the SRD, has definitely helped push through the closure of the LBR. As to the differences and opinions to the relation of where the borders should be this is a matter that has been set in stone by the Bio and the round table and can't be changed this year. So no matter what side of this fence you sit on we are all entitled to our opinions and any of these opinions should be directed to SRD Bio Terry Clayton as we should let the science dictate the decision as to where this boundry should be.
Peace to All

horsetrader 11-03-2011 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by Horseshoe (Post 1143598)
Walleye Unlimited has been working for 2-3 years on getting this closure on the west arm. We have successfully met our goal. Everyone who does fish Travers should be pleased with this closure, AS WE DIDN'T HAVE IT BEFORE. As to where the boundaries should be, not everyone is going to agree.

As far as myself being the President of Walleye Unlimited and SAWT, please be advised that I have resigned from the Walleye Unlimited in September but the website has not been updated (as these are all volunteer positions).


I see alot of people who like to voice their opinion and complain but when it comes to volunteering for any events or stepping up for positions, I don't see anybody.

If you worked as president of walleye unlimited to have the west arm closed for so long. Then why as president of SAWT did you encourage people to fish that same area to the extent of even allowing the SAWT tournament to be held in that area. I believe that is a conflict of interest. And shows you did not deal in good faith or full hearted with respect to Walleye Unlimited.

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